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Everything posted by xrap

  1. Too bad about not having your sign but atleast you got a new PB, Congrats and great report.
  2. Can anyone share a simple recipe for carp bolies. I heard you can make some out of dough and kool aid but not sure of the steps. Don't have to post your secret recipes up just for some something simple and something I can make from ingredients laying around the house, thanks
  3. Hmm, I was thier Sunday evening as well till around 8:30, Where were you fishing?
  4. Wow awsome solo report. Great looking pics as well. GO TEAM 3!!!!!
  5. We went out for some perch on the weekend. Saturday it was a ncie sunny day and lots of people out on the pier enjoying the weather. We tied on a pikeral rig casted it out and from thier on it was non stop perch action. Most of the ones we caught were on the 10-12 inch range. Perching slowed down as soon as the crowds gathered and started casting over our lines. My sister caught the biggest one at 13 inches, we also got a silver and a white perch. Next day we went again, it was a pretty slow day to say the least. We got a alot of small ones but I managed to get a 9 incher and a 13 incher, eneded up giving it to the people beside us. I didn't bring the camera with me the second time, sorry Team 3. Some pics.. First perch of the day for me Our catch
  6. I got a 15 incher last year
  7. Maybe thier turning into salmon!!
  8. Nice Nook!
  9. Thanks alot Dan
  10. Is the race being televised on cable, if so which chanel, thanks
  11. Looked like a fun night, Thanks for the report bly and congrats on your new PB!!!
  12. We got a pretty bad storm in Hamilton yesterday as well. WE had tornado warnings and funel clouds reported. Pretty scary stuff. Thanks for sharing nautifish.
  13. Not a bad idea, but with only 1 week of school left it doesn't even really matter anymore.
  14. It was a supply teacher. And the thing is it's a catholic school!! Sorry guys didn't mean to start anything just wnated to see what others think
  15. I know this sounds really stupid but today our supply teacher was telling all of us that we were gonna die December 21st 2012. He told us to google " December 21st 2012" and I googled it and thier seems to be alot of links and looks like people are acutally beileving this crap. This teacher is kinda stupid and freaky and I have know idea why he would mentioned it to the class. I think it's fake but alot of people in my class got scared because there seems to be alot of info on it. Just wondering what everyone else thinks about it. Just google, December 21st 2012 and read some of the articles.
  16. Hey Vic that line is horrible. I used Berkley Vanish before and the stuff just kept poping of my spool and It was really easy to tangle. If you like to fish with thin fluro line you should try seaguar fluro fishing line, the stuff is awsome.
  17. Not sure but your mainline is supose to be more then your lead/hair rig w.e. I use to have the same problem for steelhead. Or just try losening your drag a bit, and adjust it while playing with the carp.
  18. It's funny when Ottawa sucks and the sens fans have to bring up the leafs evreytime they lose. And when ever leafs do make the playoffs when we play the sens we always sweep you. So why don't you quit chirping because your team sucks. GO DUCKS GO!!!!!!
  19. Can anyone give me a good site that shows you how to make a hair rig?
  20. Great report and congrats on your new pb. Wish I can get one over 30"
  21. Hair rig? I just put it on the hook.
  22. I use corn alot when I go carping and am pretty success with it but most of the time I have to rebait the hook quite a bit. I was just wondering if making little spawning bags full of corn would work. Anyone ever try this?
  23. Fished near the skyway 3 times last week and not a bump from the carp, you can see them swimming on the shorelines jumping and splashing but not intrested in feeding. If your heading out thier good luck!! I used canned corn and this special corn I bought at Bills that stays on your hook longer and it's harder for the carp to suck off. But most of the people that fish down thier use thier own mix of ingredients. Might wana chat with Photoz or uncle buck
  24. I got some pretty nice smallies as well and same with my sister. Snapped a few pics and back in the water. Too bad bass season isn't open yet, could of had our first big bass for team 3
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