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Everything posted by xrap

  1. Thanks for the report, looks liek this is your biggest one yet!!
  2. I could, and it lasted about for 1 second lol!
  3. I'm never using fluro as main line again!!
  4. If your going to fish the creek make sure you read teh regs, and know where the sanctuaries are and whent he season closes. It is alot diffrent then other tribs. Indeed a nice creek to fish but with not having alot of rain this year. The creek is not very wide but their are some okay holes. I would defitnatley not recomend eating any fish from that creek as their was a chemical spill from a fire in the summer and it killed all the fish i their. I don'tm know weather it's going to affect the run, but my guess would be yes it will.
  5. Freaking awsome, can't wait till I go steelheading now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. This is were it begins
  7. LOL, good luck out their!!
  8. Awsome, good too see the carp bite is still on. For you atleast
  9. Burtess there acutally is a hole where the 5 fisherman are standing. But I very much doubt he caught it their , why would the author name the video snagerfest and show a guy catching a salmon legally?
  10. When your fishign in 5 inches of water I think your snagging.....
  11. Ok, I search Bronte creek on youtube and found this video of the snagfest. This is acutally nothing, jsut being their and seeing all those dead fish and the smell is discusting. I don't think it's the right place to take your kids. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaM9Eqwb9Uk
  12. That's if you already wana see them dead and rotting on the ground.
  13. xrap

    Hey Guys

    Their is alot of people on the weekends and the weekdays are packed with snaggers as well but not as bad as weekends. I went for a walk with my grandfather in law down to Bronte last week because he had never seen salmon so he was intrested in seeing them spawn. As we were walking we seen more dead fish then alive. The smell down their is discusting and theirs rotting salmon and maggots everywhere, and hardly any water. The creek is not even moving. I would suggest going to the credit for salmon if thats what your after. Not too sure on Erindale park but someone here will probally help you out. But if your intrested in going to Petro the Entrance is sneaky. Just drive down Bronte road and on the right side before the church and were the houses end is a green sign it says Petro Park. Drive down their.
  14. Congrats dude!!!!
  15. Probally a pike just caught somewhere near Dafasco
  16. People say salmon don't eat when they enter the river sytem. When they swim with their mouths open they swim into your hook I think it's called "flossing" not sure. So you can pretty much be fishing with 100lb test and a cherry at the end of your hook and most likely you will get a salmon. Some people think that salmon do eat while their in the river and hit spoons out of aggression, and I totally agree with that too, but Most of them don't. When I first started salmon fishing I only had 1 rod so I used it for everything and I had Power pro on it. I caught salmon but then when I got addicted to steelhead fishing I never got a bump. You could have some success fishing with power pro for steelies probally when the water coulor is more dirty but you will get alot more hits using lighter line, and not braided.
  17. If somebody knows the spot because of the backroudn then wouldn't they already know the spot? Anyways nice fish
  18. Should of tried Port Maitland Pier for shore fishing. Very deep their and not many snags so you would be able to try all your lures. And the ebst thing of all you can catch any fish at all. I've caught cats, perch, small mouth, pike, sheephead, carp, silver bass, wlleye, and of course gobies.
  19. pm sent
  20. What are you after?
  21. Hmm you kinda look like that famous poker star Mike Matusow, lol. NICE FISH AND REPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Well guys, I jsut got some rainwater from outside and added salt. If they don't come out then oh well i will be buying them for 4 bucks a dozen. THANKS FOR THE TIPS GUYS
  23. I don't got any creek water, do you think I can use the water from my fish aquarium. And I'm not the one who caught the fish and I had no idea that your supose to keep it. I thgohut the man did a good thing by realeasing it. Giving it a chance to lay the rest of the eggs. I don't know why somebody would want to take a black 20lb rotting chinny.
  24. I was down at the river today fishing, although I did not get any fish a guy close by got a female and he asked if I wanted some eggs. So he gave me some maybe like half a pop can's worth and now I have no idea how to cure them, their sitting in my fridge in a mini jar covered with plastic wrap. Any quick ideas how to cure em? And by the way the fish was relased and swam off strong. Also I saw a bunch of steelhead and tones of Big big browns some maybe in the 15lb range. Gonna go try and target them maybe tommrow.
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