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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Well after an agonizing 11 month wait my PB best pike (see avatar) is done. Swung over to advanced to pick my baby up and drop a deposit on my PB Largemouth caught many moons ago. Shawn and James did the World Class job again! I have some shots from there showroom Ill post later. On the wall Close up!!! D
  2. Unfortunatly its true..... I love the flames but go Ottawa go!!!
  3. That really shows how late this spring is. Water temps in Ontario near Niagara are 8 degrees colder then last year at thhis time. The Niagara isnt a source of warm water yet. Wow!
  4. Pete!!! Thats too funny@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. There wont be as many in the narrows then. Try heading down the eastern shoreline and fishing some of the back bays and long sandy rock points. Set up in 8-18 feet of water with some small jigs and floats. These points seem to attract alot of spawners as well as fish moving back into the lake from Couch.
  6. Thanks!!! I think Ill go down and check out the frigate...or is it a destroyer?
  7. Try the river mouth and Meyers Peir after dark, casting crankbaits in Belleville during openor.
  8. Nice collection! Remember me when your finished ;-)
  9. I think that crawfish trailer will be really good as well, bulks up a jig nicely. Get some browns , blacks and oranges on it!
  10. Launched out of Port Dalhousie and fished form the shipping canal down to the river mouth and back. Fishing was VERY slow. Water was its warmest at the shipping canal, a balmy 43 degrees and coolest near the river a chilly 38. I noticed at the leaderboard at the ramp that there have been no salmon weighed in, too early still with this late spring. Should be hopping in another 2 weeks. Managed to go 2/3 with two lakers in the 13lb mark. We also lost a 4-5 brown near the shipping canal. All fish came on purple tail dancers and reef runners behind the boards. A couple grey ghosts. Johnny first laker ever! Bretts fish Saturday morning out of Bronte was a bust. VERY clear and cold water leads to no fish in the spring. Here is a picture i took in 20 feet of 38 degree water. Until we get an onshore wind and some temperature and water colour I recommend avoiding Bronte for a few days Clear Water
  11. Very fixable....have seen much worse!
  12. Dipseys have there days when fish are temtative on your riggers. run them off the sides for bonus fish. If the fish are cracking don't bother and stick with the riggers. With riggers you have absolute depth control, dipseys are a 5 = or - feet in depth. Best to run both and let the fish tell you what they want!
  13. It's tough out there, just got back in and went 2-3 with 2, 13pound lakers and lost a brown. The Salmon are definatly NOT in yet. The weigh scale at Dalhousie doesnt have a salmon weighed in yet. Water ranged from 38-43 degrees. Will post some pictures later.
  14. I am picking every underdog, since all of the underdogs have been winning in the UFC for the last few months!
  15. Since the new regs are delayed until next year, I am hoping to start changing peoples minds about keeping fish. Walleye numbers and angling success continue to fall in Ontario, while climate change has contributed to 2 to 6x increase in smallmouth bass numbers. Anglers need to start switching there catch and keep attitudes from walleyes to bass. Smallmouths now need to be treated as walleyes in the past and treated as renewable resources. Without this change in attitude I fear the walleye population will continue to fall and a great tradition will pass away because of angler attitude. Darren
  16. Absolutely great pictures....thank you!
  17. Emery has been fantastic. Great overall team effort. Go Sens...Canada's best chance I think.
  18. Good if your a diver I bet!
  19. Since I can't seem to find my pair of H2O Optix I was shopping for a new pair of glasses. Must be high quality since I already have burned corneas from years on the water. Any suggestions. Looking for a grey lense in case my amber ones show back up!
  20. Is that this weekend or next?
  21. Welcome aboard. My season starts this weekend ............ go team 7! I hope I am on team 7????????
  22. Maybe an alternative would be having some people milking the fish after they are caught and releaseing the mixed spawn into the river? At least ypu would get one extra spwan out of it. If the natives did that I would have no problem with the whole thing.
  23. Happy B-Day big guy 2-1 Ottawa wasnt exactly the gift you were waiting for!
  24. Watched one on the portage from Head to the the Hog. There closer then you think.
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