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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Fished my Curado 300 yesterday for a few hours and could use the smaller profile. Hand was sore by the end of the day. Might give one a try next spring.
  2. Braid on your dipsey rods will increase your success alot!!! It allows the dipsey to trip and signals bites well. I usually use a 15 lb floro leader with them for the clear water as well. A 3 rod setup with a dipsey out each side and a leadcore is a nice easy to manage setup. I run a leadcore setup back down the middle which seems to work really well when the water is rough, think the leadcore evens the lurching out.
  3. Even a loon in the background!
  4. That looked like a great trip. Great post, felt like I was there!
  5. 5 muskies in the boat from Gbay is one awesome day of fishing! Congrats, it can be a tough fish for them out there! Only going to ask one question, northern or southern GBay?
  6. Will you be fishing from shore or a boat. Southern geo bay by Honey and the Severn Sound are gerally better with a smaller boat as you can always tuck in behind an Island. Pointe Au Baril is a tough fish, not as much action but very big fish. 1 day oout of 7 they might be on. Takes a long time to learn. D
  7. Nice fish. It's amazing how ugly that lake can get so fast. The most dangerous lake in the world! How deep were you fishing. I was going to go to Maitland but didnt like the way the wind was setting up. Congrats on the PB!
  8. My old haunts! Weslemkoon is kinda busy now, still holds monster bass tho! Deerock... tougher fishing some very large fish.Havent been there in ages tho. Skoot....... good multi species lake....might be your best bet if one species is off. Can I come!! post a good report when you get back.
  9. Awesome fish man!!! What type of topwater did you get her on?
  10. Now I am even more excited! Cant wait. Ill pm you Thanks
  11. With all this rain this year hopefully the aquifers are getting filled up and the fall flows will be better!
  12. Just booked a fly in with luenenburgers to Whittle lake. Wondering if anyone on the board knows anything about this place. Friend wants a day or 2 of brookies, I just want to be rewarded with 100's of stupid eyes and pike! Any help would be appreciated. D
  13. That plant was a environmental hotspot when I grew up there 25 years ago. I am pretty sure it was one of the hotspots named in the first Great Lakes Remedial action plans. god whats it take to get things done!!
  14. 6.8 pounds??
  15. Gagnons is having a weekend no tax sale this weekend. Going to pick up my Hoyt Trykon on Saturday. Cheers D
  16. Good project.....In ten years you will be looking back on her amazed at how many fish came over the side!
  17. Had a couple trying to form on Lake O the other day....creepy to watch!
  18. Thermocline off of Bronte has shifted down past the 40 foot mark over night. Start that far down.
  19. Was that pike in Jacks???? Not good news if it was. Been a long time since I was at Jacks but pike in there is bad news for the Muskie population. Congrats on the good time tho!
  20. Yep. Sometimes you can get fish as Early as August if you get a really hard westerly or North westerly blow.This pushes the warm water offshore and allows the colder deep water to upwell next to shore. Kings and Browns will sometimes slide into the only available "warmer" water which will be the river mouth. They will be very light sensitize and move offshore as the sun rises. Once lost 4 20 lb Kings on crankbaits in easly August off the Bronte pier many years ago. You really dont stand much of a chance when theyu are chrome silver!!!!! But sooooooo much fun!
  21. Nice lookin lakers there!
  22. Got a 42 incher but nothing big ;-) Fished really hard the last 2 weeks and had ok success but something seems to be off this year. Alot of smaller fish but nothin big. Oh well Ill keep tryin. Bad fishing is like pizza and sex.....even when its bad its still good!!
  23. Only the morons at CBC could screw up there only money making program. For years I have been wanting the govt to eleminate this program, this just proves my point. Get ready for the 49762 version of Ann of Green Gables!
  24. Is it just me or has this year not produced any real nice fish yet for most people. I know my hours are down due to family stuff, but it seems there isnt as many `` nice fish`` being caught this year as usual. just a question. Darren
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