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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. watching the the brewers give away a game against the cardinals. May be the worst managing I have ever seen!!!!!!!!
  2. hmmmm you learn something new everyday, never knew that! Good info, thanks d
  3. Man I know this was a longshot but you can ask anything on this board and someone knows the answer or where to get it!!!! its as crzy as the topic darren
  4. This may sound like I am insane ( well bit ) but is there's product out there for my puppy bulldog Loki's zits. he gets worse zits and then he rubs them on my and I get covered in bulldod zit sauce, let alone all the blood. Any ideas out there. I was going to include a pic but its breakfast time. Darren
  5. wow!!!! just braving those elements is impressive let alone catching those fish! As someone commented already.........super clean fish Congrats
  6. Man everyone just be carefull this weekend if you fish, its not worth it
  7. Im going to post some trophy emerald shiners next week!! Maybe in a violin hold!!
  8. Hey Skipper......... its one ugly day in Burlington, which sucks since I am dieing to do anyhing but sit in the house! The waves are only 3.5 meters on Erie, think Ill wait for another day!! darren
  9. One word...................................NO
  10. I have to agree with Craig on this one. I really dont like that picture setup. If its a huge fish would dont have to make it look bigger. Some of the people on this board do some awesome creative pictures. First one that comes to mind is Dan and his brookies. I think the older you are and the more fish you catch the less interested you are to do this. Lew is perfect example he has caught so many nice fish he doesnt even take many pictures now unless its an extraordinary one. Darren
  11. You have my sympathy, its hard real hard.
  12. sorry to hear this ....I lost mine last monh....i really hurts
  13. Tried to send you a pm but it says you cannot recive any more, Pm me if you can. Darren
  14. Looks like a perfect weekend. i am jealous!!!
  15. I was rooting thru the texas bass anglers websites and there forums "which are great btw" when I came apon a scream capture forum on the new HDS from Lowrance. In one of the pics you could tell that the fish in the school were crappies, it was amazing, you could see there shape and everything. If I find the pic Ill post it. here is a big catfish here is a paddlefish My question is for anyone out there is, can you tell the species apart on your screens at times. I am especially thinking of sheephead as opposed to eyes, if you can, I will buy one right now cuz I m sick of getting grunts on Erie and Quinte. Thanks Darren
  16. Oh no youve gone to the dark side " the pinners" Please rememeber your sense of humour so that they dont capture your soul entirely!
  17. Awesome fish guys!!! Ever thought of getting a Go Pro head hd cam, would be pretty cool videos with the fish you guys catch!
  18. Waiting for the report! I am fish vicariously thru you this weekend, dont let me down! LOL
  19. Man those are some beautiful fish !! Thanks for sharing!!!!! Keep it up
  20. Never bought into the apple product cycle but wow that man had a vision, world will be less without him. D
  21. Awesome.....thankyou. I didnt know anymore coho's were planned. I think that I am the only on who enjoys coho's better then kings!
  22. OH NO that means the "the band wagon" is about to start!
  23. Wondering if anyone out there has used any of the scrape drip products out there to bring any bucks in. Im trying to keep a good buck in the area but there is so many food sources around its impossible , so I thought this might be an idea. Any experience out there? Darren
  24. Fish farmer ... does the Grand get a substantial run from Erie? Or is it the droppiing of temps that gets the local fish active? My buddy does well on upper river eyes around tis time but these are smaller resident fish.
  25. Pure drool man! never stop cuz your reports are AWESOME!!! darren
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