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Everything posted by moemoe

  1. Looks like a tasty bluegill to me.....
  2. I go by moemoe, but you can call me moe...
  3. If your just running dipseys, try getting a wire set up, I was hitting bottom in 90 fow the other day with a wire out 160, so 220 on wire would go 110 ish? Before I had downriggers, I only used dipseys and you can always run a dipsey straight back on a 0 setting for extra depth.
  4. Tried to get pete to come yesterday but he didn't return my call, and yeah it definetly needed some support to help with the bouncing
  5. Go deep young man....I went out this evening, Tuesday and never had the rigger less than 105
  6. figured it was to nice out to sit at home, so I went for an evening troll at bronte form 4 till 8, with me wife and my cuz, ended 8/10, with the biggest at 27 lbs, biggest June fish ever for me......Fished from 120 to 170, close to the bottom, with flashers/meat and spinnies doing the damage, not a sniff for the spoons. The big girl was caught on wire out 220 with a gator spinnie, First couple came on SWR rig with a dewbie combo I couldn't believe the scale Me and the wife
  7. My gps unit wasn't responding this spring, I have a lcx 15 cl, and I called Lowrance and they said drop it buy and they could let me know if it was the unit or the GPS puck, after a 5 minute diagnostic test in the back they told me it was definetly the unit and offered to sell my one of the new hd units, The gent I bought the boat from works right around the corner from lowrance, and had another puck from the same unit that he still had and offered to give that to me, after driving home pondering the prospect of dropping another grand, I figures what the hay, I might as well try the new puck, which fired up no problem. Makes me wonder what diagnosing was done.........That being said for your problem, I am sure you looked at the obvious like transducer location and angle, otherwise try a new transducer?
  8. Gotta love top water action...I have never caught an eye by topwater though....nice fish!
  9. Wow, thats impressive detailed bottom info
  10. Awesome, simply awesome, I was excited when I saw you posted a report and after reading , I must say you set the bar quite high
  11. It's all good right now, last night I couldn't even bring up the site
  12. Honestly that was one mistake was not putting in a hatch to the ceiling in that room. I can access it, but it is a pain in the ass....
  13. Thanks for the help, the 18 g 1 and 1/4 brads worked great, I'll see how it looks in jUly with a little more humidity.
  14. Thanks for all the help! Marrying into a cottage and being a shift worker was definitley a score that being said I have put in a lot of time putting up panelling, wiring, maintenice, but it is definetly well worth it....The plan is to get there saturday, and then let the wood perculate till monday and start at it, with a little fishing in between......Hopefully the gap is not a problem as it is going over top of vapour barrier.....
  15. Thanks, never thought about gluing them, the ceilings never being covered yet, so I am starting fresh
  16. I am going up to my wifes family cottage this weekend with the plan to put up some tongue and grove pine ceiling, The product is 5/16 tongue and grove from lowes, which they have a "cottage grade" which seems pretty decent, a little rough but not nearly as ugly looking as rona's "b" grade. If anyone is in the market, the price is under 9 bucks for 14 sq ft, which from what I have researched seems pretty reasonable. I consider myself reasonably skilled when it comes to carpentry but i was wondering with an air nailer, what size/type of nails should I use? and do I need to put up strapping or should the regular 2 ft truss span be adequate? Also anyone have any pointers or tips? Thanks Moe
  17. From what I understand is that the red hill is less than ideal because it gathers to much storm sewer drainoff, making it inhopstitible to reproduction
  18. Thanks for posting that info!... I was looking for a little grey touch up
  19. I left a mesage today and their website isn't much help, looks like I'll have to give them a ring again tomorrow
  20. A question for the more mechanically incline then me, what size bearings would I need for my ezloader trailer? It's a 3500lb bunk trailer, with 14 inch tires, and the trailer is a year 2000. I am assuming it would be just a regular 1 1/8, but how could I find out before I took the wheel apart?
  21. Personally I like a longer rod that gets the lures away from the boat. Especially if your using 4 rods. I double my 10 foot Talora rod for dipseys and musky. Great rod with a lifetime warranty for under a 100
  22. I do have a puck, I trolled fromm 4:30 till 6:30 so the gps should have had time to pick up. usually it's within the first ten seconds. Maybe I'll give lowrance a shoot and have alook under the consol for mice at work.......
  23. I went out this afteroon out of Jordan for the first troll of the year, (no report as it was a lure wash only, tried 18-35 fow) but I have a Lowrance 15 cl, that is not picking up the GPS signal, the screen states the GPS module is not responding. Pins are clean and clear on the back of fishfinder and haven't changed any electrical, any ideas?
  24. Nice Fish Bob....Who makes Bio bait?
  25. I have been out with chartertalk as well, for spring walleye in the DR and musky and the fall and he knows his stuff and nothing but class act, I would highly recommend him and nothing wrong with a little extra promo....
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