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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. My jailbird suick certainly sees a lot of the water
  2. Yes my point exactly. Maybe I'll win the lotto
  3. And this is why the court case was thrown out in Cobourg it would set precedent so towns could not discriminate against anglers. Don't see canoeist or other water users paying these fees someone with deep pockets really needs to stand up and fight this crap because we are losing our federally protected rights. Not just fighting the by-law but suing to have these laws removed.
  4. No musky but let me know what you want to target and I'll PM you.
  5. This. Its just a blue slime yellow walleye. The blue is extinct.
  6. Most Japanese bamboo fly rods from the past are essentially worthless. English or American rods are what your looking for
  7. Im one of those that consider anything south of 17 Southern Ontario. If its northern Ontario it has to be north of 17
  8. Dana nice report and good job getting another hooked on the sport Your learning pretty fast.
  9. May karma reward you. Also the reflection pic is now my desktop
  10. Looks like Riley doesn't need a part time job she just needs to keep fishing with you. LOL Thanks again for the report
  11. That's funny Rich because its true were you live. The Haldimand Norfolk sandplain is probably the best brook trout soil in Ontario and even scuzzy little ditches have em. If we could only get rid of the rainbows that seem to be getting further and further up the tribs and out competing them I could go back to catching lots of bigguns down there.
  12. First Aba then this ,your kids don't know how fortunate they are. Who won the 20 bucks for biggest fish this time?
  13. A tip driving around this time of year means a lot of stopping. Do some scouting in February. Speck streams have a consistent temp so when its freezing out they'll be wide open instead of frozen and sometimes even have steam rising from them. Mark said streams on your map and come back and visit them when the season opens.
  14. Look at the post count. The guy is obviously an idiot and a troll
  15. Yes because that is the law. And if you don't and get caught then you deserve whatever fine you get.
  16. Just so you know... FISH PORN or it didn't happen
  17. Dang I can't stand hockey but the guy was always hilarious when he would come on the Dean Blundel show.
  18. I'm pretty sure I have some pictures of the ex kissing me I've been called a sucker.
  19. My cousin just sent me a pic of his house. My aunt's and uncles place was missed and same with another cousin although he's part of Mine Rescue so he had to deal with some of the real bad crap. He lives pretty close to the square so he counts himself lucky
  20. Disappointed still haven't introduced Tub'O'Coffee
  21. Yup dogs are pretty loyal check this story out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hachik%C5%8D
  22. Rod holder set horizontal to the boat and a livewell sized net in the holder allows you to net the fish leave it in the net while you get your tools annd camera ready
  23. All excited for the fish porn and then nothing Time for a cold shower
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