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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. I have seen what you and the family have overcome and you are one of my inspirations when the world kicks me down. Wayne and Leah. Art
  2. I went from a gas pump jockey at the age of 14 to owning a plumbing company with lots of assets to draw on as I age. My first investment was stocks from my job pumping gas it was not wasted on pleasures. I have not sent a dime offshore which is legal but my retirement is secure. Sorry but with sacrifice comes reward with hard work comes reward. Ask the people who have made a million and lost a million and still managed to do it again. Not everyone will become rich but trying and sacrifices will always improve your quality of living. People who are check to check did not start out that way they had to spend more than they make. For some this was not their choice due to medical or other unplanned issue. Some abuse credit and remember the difference between being in debt and not is timing. If you do not have it do not spend it. If you spend it when you have it then you have no debt. I will be the first to lend a hand to the unfortunate however if you are not trying to better yourself then you will not get my help. Art
  3. Things to do today: Take money out of politics capture unicorn Have lunch with Santa Art
  4. Dutch No a level playing field is not guaranteed anywhere. If I give 100 people 100 dollars and put them in a closed economy after 48 hours you will have some with nothing and a few with lots of money there is no crime to that. Some people have the ability to make advantages and then work them into profit . It is a mind frame not everyone can be rich or become rich if it was so easy it would not have any value. The good news is not everyone wants to be rich they are perfectly happy with what they have. Hiding money legally is not a crime using offshore accounts , investments and write offs are available to everyone. Knowledge is power in the right hands to others it is something to rant about. Art
  5. I am getting automated calls on my do not call blocked cell phone. They trace back to burner phones. what a pain. Art
  6. Thank you Dave and Mike for stepping up with this great info. Art
  7. The 1 % are the people to aspire to not the people to hate on. Along my path I had the choices to spend my money or save and make it work for me. I chose not to spend and to not have new cars when I was young. I chose to buy houses and invest in my future. I chose not to spend money on alcohol and pot or exotic vacations so when I reached 50 I am financially secure and I now have the cars and the trips and any thing else I want. I may not be a 1% but I am always talking to them for advise on how I can get there. I did not have old money to help me it is all about how bad do you want it. What will you give up to make it. I tell everyone you can be as great as you want to work to be. A few members here have overcome major(unplanned medical expenses for one) financial burdens and every time they get low on money they busted their butts to get back on the plus side of money and they did it with a smile. To those people hats off you are a shining example of the meaning of "pick yourself up by your boot straps". Art
  8. I Think we both want the same thing for the most part just my travel is along a different path. I grew up on a different line of thinking down here in the USA and it just won't let me grasp the way you think on some matters. I am good with that though your path just might work. I am sure with a few beers or joints for you and an afternoon of fishing we both could walk away happy. Art
  9. Cliff used to go to the pet store and get food for pet pterodactyl. Art
  10. Dutch the only way your way of life will be possible is the collapse of society. Then you will have the right to do anything you want. The down side is so does everyone else. You smoke your weed and I get to shoot you because I want to exercise my right of not having weed smoked around me. The argument you propose is just not possible so to argue it is to go to hypothetical situations that have no relevants in living here and now. I have had lots of people as you call losers who are just people who are down on there luck and with a helping hand they climb back up into society. The ones that turn to drugs, alcohol, or other life numbing items will stay down in the hole. Making a drug easier and glorifying it just as we did to alcohol and tobacco will damage society. Make it a pharmaceutical regulate it, tax it and limit its availability to those that need it is fine. Your quest to educate and change attitudes is refreshing but the place you wish to lead them does not exist at this time. PS you can fish with me too.lol Best to you Art
  11. Aww John come on how do I respond to name them? Look around you do you think the petty thefts are being done for food? Are pawn shops prospering from people who have extra money? You are right about my views they are old....Logic has been taught since the time of the Greece empire 350 B.C. and before. Tunnel vision will not get pot legalized it will just make those who want it to be legal happy and those who don't grumpy. The fall out from it will not be seen by either but will be blamed on something else. Talk to a police officer ask him what he sees day after day and see if he says "yes recreational pot is a benefit to society" I am betting you will not hear that no matter how many you talk to. Blaming it on them being part of the government or the man is not a sound reply. Art
  12. Quite a few families are ruined by spending food money on drugs. Children neglected because mom and dad are wasted. The elevation from pot to other drugs on some people wanting to forget their wasted life. Deaths from smoking pot impaired people have accidents just because it does not say due to pot does not mean it didn't contribute to life costing mistakes. Thinking that nothing bad happens to pot smokers is to hide from the negative side of something you want approved. Look at the issue with your eyes open weigh the bad with the good then make the decision to make pot a recreational drug. I personally do not have a dog in this hunt pot smoking nor alcohol have any room in my life both make me uncontrollable with any volume and I accept that . Art
  13. The comparison to pot and alcohol I am making is it cost the health care system and the legal liability is not defined. The drunk driver or a stoned driver are both impaired. The diminished capacity of the brain on drugs no matter what form either alcohol or pot has repercussions both to ones self and other innocent people around you. I have been around both people who are stoned and people who are drunk and there is no way you can say they are at 100% of there game while enjoying either one. I think pot as a medication is viable thing but to add another way to incapacitate ones self is socially self destructive. Now on a scale of 1-10 this is a 3 in things that are bad for society texting and driving is a 6. Art
  14. I have no issues making it a drug and making it available to those prescribed it. I do have an issue making it a recreational drug. Why go down the path that alcohol has become ?Alcohol is a burden on the health care system and it can affect other people who do not drink think drunk driving alcohol fueled rage and other socially unacceptable actions. I do have concerns that in court it is hard to prove impaired and levels of impaired for people who have used cannabis. I also think that it should be processed into a pill and get rid of all of the gourmet type of atmosphere that it has become. It is now just as much fun as choosing cigars or a fine wine which is not a pharmaceutical atmosphere. Yes I also feel alcohol is a mistake and should be taxed 500% to make it less attractive since it will never be outlawed. Art
  15. I have a question is there a test that can measure the amount of THC in someones body roadside to measure how/if they are impaired? That is a big question that we need to answer before it is allowed to be deregulated to recreational use in my opinion. Art
  16. About time you two um three got a little rest. Art
  17. Sorry guys I had to poke Bill M over this one it is not meant to sidetrack this thread. Art
  18. Bill read your comment three times and look into a mirror.lol Your condemnation of a group of people label you as a racist. We have racist that do not follow labels, race, creed or culture just as the Islams are openly slammed by some Canadians it is not just one group doing it. Signed not a racist Redneck.(but I dislike Obama's decisions on my country's behalf). Art
  19. You don't really think I could let a picture of Mr. Johnson up for some of our younger members to see. Art
  20. sorry bud but that is not a picture we can leave up. Art
  21. Just tell him to cover it in hockey tape and it will protect it. Art
  22. Can you make me one for the 9mm round please. Very well done as all the rods I am lucky enough to own and the ones I get to see. The tips you have graciously give me over the years on wood finishing has turned my knife handles into works of art. . Art
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