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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Home Depot has a free unit that looks like a small vending machine here in the states. They were getting dusty and were on sale last time I walked by them. We had a Beer machine when I was in the Navy at the barricks but you had to be 18 to join the Navy and drinking age was also 18 so they got away with it because of no minors in the area. Art
  2. Well thats not a very fun couple of weeks Maureen. firstly I hope your tests are coming back negative or positive as the (good) case may be. Sorry to hear the cat was put down but I am sure you know in your heart it was the right thing to do. The car being broke is no fun and I am glad that your mechanic could help you out the first time and hopefully the second time also. Before you go the taxi route maybe someone lives close enough to give you a ride to save you atleast that amount. As Joey said this is the 3rd thing so it must get better from here. Keep your chin up and remember that the holiday season is here to celebrate all of the good things that have happened this year. Art
  3. you forgot one Alabanana's hotair blower. Art
  4. please dont send it down here to Glen, because it will leave a trail and I am in between you all and him. Thanks Art
  5. Actually Glen it happens on boats that have alot of weight in the ass end of the boat. Alot of your go fast jet boats with 454 motors and berkley pumps on them will wash over if you come off of plane fast and dont blip the throttle to get ahead of the wave. A few bass boats also with the big 225 outboards can do it also. I washed the deck on Chris's boat the first time I came off of plane to fast good thing I was fishin in the back or it would have been his stuff that got all wet. Art
  6. Pete. You are starting to sound like a Cajun or an Alaabama redneck with that list of things you have eaten. Add a few Nutria, Crawfish, turtle and alligator and we could have dinner together. As for the Rabbit I am glad I woke up before I had to skin him It seems the zipper was stuck and....... I wont bore you with the rest of the story. Art
  7. I think that a company needs to earn my business thru its practices and products for me to buy it. I do not shop price until I have a tie between 2 products that are equal or close to equal in the quality and service they provide. People use me as their Plumber because I provide a better service, warrantee,product line and a better price than my competitors. It would be wrong for me to expect them to call me because I am local or go to the same church that they do. If I thought that I had a guaranteed customer base what is the incentive besides self pride to go the extra distance to provide a service or product that is exceptional? Outside competition is not an evil it is what keeps the local economy on its toes and not get greedy or lazy. You also have not added in the fact that alot of the raw materials they use are imported from the USA and Canada. We get money that way and we also tax the heck out of the products that come in to the countries. Ford and other big businesses are having problems meeting the expectations of the consumers because they have not adapted their companies to the changing markets. If you are over spending on the pensions that are paid to the retired workers and the CEO rewards and bonuses and will not take a stand to cut those costs. Their is only two things you can do mark up the product to generate more more profit or cut the quality of the labor force or product to maximize profit. Both are not acceptable to the average consumer so we have an impasse that we need to solve. Since I only offer my views and not the answers I am also looking for the solution to the Million dollar question posed here. Art
  8. sounds like a good trip and yes I also met that Rabbit once but he was wearing a groundhog suit. I was in my treestand tied to the tree and he came out of his hole and asked me if I had any zircon incrusted tweezers.....and I says no so he shook his chubby little paw at me and started back to his hole mad........ so I shot him. I mean no stupid little rabbit dressed like a groundhog is going to give me attitude when i am sleeping......... Art
  9. Unhook the motor from the linkage and move the linkage by hand. If their is no binding then replace the motor. The motor might be bound up and going out on thermal overload. No matter if it is the gears or the motor it is a sealed unit so replacement is needed. If new is to pricey then contact a junkyard just remember though you will be getting an old unit that was just as abused as the one you have. Art
  10. If the linkage is connected and the motor is making noise then I would look at a dead spot on the gears inside of the motor. The next time it is making a noise but not wiping then lift gently on the arm to move the linkage to a new place if it starts to wipe on its own then replace the motor. The key here is the linkage is solidly connected and motor noise is heard. Art
  11. If you want to quit the habit of drinking the caffeine products then cold turkey works . If you would like to taper off of the caffeine part and not associate it with the habit then Jolt Gum(caffeine laced gum) could help with the headaches. Caffeine dilates the blood vessels and a fast withdrawl is why you are getting the headaches. Cold turkey on a chemical addiction is not always the best way. Art
  12. I am getting tired of talkin to myself in here. Art
  13. I would give you mine but it has not arrived yet here in Virginia USA. Art
  14. Thats a good lookin shirt Joey I hope it is full of luck when you go fishin. Art
  15. For those who would like to know how the new boards gismos and gadgets work their is a help section at the top of the page. I spend a few minutes reading thru it and it made the new board less scary. Rick is in the process of getting some new skins on line to replace the "stock" unit we are using right now. The new ones promise to have more color and graphic designs befitting a fishing board. The redesigning of the board was needed because as the board got bigger we became unstable in the small enviroment that we occupied .The admin and Rick were having to constantly babysit the site to keep us on line and talkin. You might think of this as a present from TJ to all of the people who moderate and keep the board running and also to us so we have a stable platform to just say HI on. Art
  16. Yes the pain is normal it comes from the blockage of the ureter and you are actually inflating your kidneys and causing it to tear. Once the stone is deemed passable by the doctor he advised me to stay as active as I could and drink plenty of fluids to help expel the stone. You should get an MRI to see were the stone is it is only in the top 2 inches and the bottom 2 inches that ultrasound can be effective. The other 6 inches are no mans land and they have to...... never mind PM me for that part of the story. Talking to a urologist is the first step to getting this taken care of it is not something I would ignore due to the damage you can do to your kidney. Art
  17. No one has mentioned Hand muffs that you strap on your waist and they have openings for you to stuff your hands in. I use it when I go hunting with a handwarmer packet in it and thin shooting gloves. Art
  18. If their IS a 2nd shooter he fired down and to the right from the grassy knoll. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theory 101 Art
  19. The aeration is needed full time. It not only adds O2 but it helps break down the ammonia that the fish waste and food decaying makes. At best the battery will need to be a car battery and charged frequently. If you let it run low on the pump it will sulfur the battery plates and then you get to replace it. I vote for an extention cord if possible and a small aquarium heater to keep it from icing over. Art
  20. Just go to the local 7-11 and get you a big old RC cola and a moon pie. That should hold you over till Thanksgivin day and then you will get some pies. Art
  21. Thanks.... its off to joes next door to feast and then crawl back home and sleep it off. Art
  22. You were right Jen I dont want to open that can of worms. Dig deep everyone and BUY a shirt or other merchandise the link is in the signature of Jens post. I will go their to get a few gifts for the holidays myself. Art
  23. Great now that you spent the $$$ on the down riggers it will be even longer before you can afford to adopt me. I am starting to get the crazy idea that you might be trying to delay that fateful day. 1/2RF
  24. O.K. so were is Joey's shirt? She was the first Member to speak up. It also made me visit the great Website for future christmas presents. Art P.S. I think Joey is a small but I am bad at the size wimmin thinggy
  25. Nice cats bud. On the second picture I havent seen a face like that since I was Noodling and the fish had a good bite on the hand going. Art
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