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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Usually it is because someone has not paid attention to the rules. If a post starts to go in a combative direction it also will be removed.If we get valid complaints we will also remove it. Things are decided on a case by case as they apply to the rules. Anyone who participates here on the forum has read and agreed to what our rules are if after you have decided that this is a great place but you don't like or don't want to abide by the rules it is usually a fast road to trouble. The moderators/owners have though long and worked hard on the formula that makes this board operate smoothly. After 10 plus years running the members have voted and we have one the best board on the internet IMHO. My mistake thanks for the correction folks Art
  2. As a great man once said to me " If you're a tailor and your name is Hitler..there's a good chance you'll never find a job in the schmata industry. Art
  3. A name can make you or break you in life. Nice post and a much better choice on a name. I imagine you are a gamer as well as a good fisherman. Thanks Art
  4. Well done to all for their help achieving this staggering number. I am happy to be around to help us continue our growth and am happy to meet all of my new friends. Art
  5. No I agree Brian we have DNR and they are stretched thin however if they get a few calls from one area they will change up their routine and send a boat out to check the area. I even had DNR on my boat last year where they were posing as fisherman and then radioing a boat hidden in a cove near by. We caught more fisherman than fish that day. Art
  6. This is when the fisherman can help and call the MNR hotline and invite them out for a day of fundraising. Art
  7. Happy Birthday Lew and many more to you buddy. Art
  8. Since it is out there already get a toilet tank "Tank to bowl bolt set" it comes with the flat washers, rubber washers, bolts and nuts ready to go. Just cut the bolts off at the length you want. You can find this at Home Depot or any local plumbing section. Art
  9. I think a great name I have heard is Dee O Gee. Have a good life with the new puppy. Art
  10. If the fish are not biting I have found a strange coincidence between being distracted by a rats nest in the reel to hooking up on a fish. Art
  11. How much spam are you going to put out for LLoyd Terry I'm sure he wants a day off sometime... LOL
  12. Here is a link to the Colortune system. Make sure you get the correct thread size for the application or you will be buying an adapter. This unit is very simple and takes all of the guess work out of tuning your air flow mixture. color tune link Art
  13. Now just get a color Tune Plug and you can adjust jets and tune the air fuel mixture to a bright blue flame front inside the cylinder. Then it is off to the race track... Glad it worked for you. Art
  14. Happy birthday Betty now tell Brian to get in the kitchen and bake you a cake. Art
  15. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2nwP6R1P58A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Watch this it explains alot of what you are up against. Art
  16. Here is a link to what I am refering to. You can find a better price I am sure but this is the unit I use. manometer ocean pro Art
  17. Don't forget the inline restricter between the carburetors pulse hose and the liquid. If you have to much suction then they will draw the fluid into the carb and will pulse as the valves open and close. Art
  18. Don't get me wrong GPS has lots of uses... It has the ability to get you back to an area that you visited last season and forgot that you caught fish their. It will allow you to troll the same line that you did repeating each pass thru the point you found. It allows you to plot a circuit to fish thru the day. What it can't do is get you to the pinpoint area due to physics. You are located by the triangulation of your position from space from up to 9 points. The closer or less amount of points the less accurate it is. The bright side is they can get you within 10ft most of the time all for around $500.00 with no monthly fee. What unit is best is up to what unit you read comfortable. I personalty after reading what does what and spending long hours on the water found that Lowrance reads the way that I understand the information and the controls it has to offer. It will take long hours of reading the information on the screen on the water and looking at the manual before you will even start to comprehend all of the features the little black box offers. To call the information that it does give you valueless is incorrect it is actually invaluable to making a flat sheet of water rich with navigation aids, past memories, and the ability to mark it anytime you want. Art
  19. Most of the GPS in a car have a program edit that will not let it read anything but 0 below 2 MPH or Metric Equal. GPS is a wonderful thing but to get the accuracy that people want would mean a really expensive receiver unit. To keep the costs down they sacrifice certain reality information with software parameters. Your Auto GPS does not really track your car on a map so accurate that it doesn't leave the road. They have a parameter that says chose the closest road and keep the car on their even if the GPS is off by X feet. The depth finder you use does not really read 10 ft 3 inches it reads 10ft going to 11ft but they have decided to relay that information to you as 10ft plus inches till it is 11ft etc. The best way to find your trolling speed is mechanical not electronic's your accuracy fluctuates with how many satellites are up their and what the angle of them are in relation to each other. You can make a mechanical trolling meter very easily using a string with a cylinder weight. hang it on a stick in the water and troll at the speed you want and check the angle of deflection from 6 o clock. Get a bite then mark it as the deflection and you can reset the boat at the same speed. Art
  20. The external antenna being the answer indicates the one on the unit is not powerful enough to be accurate. I have 2 units one is internal and the other an external and the external does mark a little more accurately. The degree of accuracy on all of the units are within 20 ft usually. The dirty little secret between all of the units is the program of the units are told to read the nearest water. The GPS units for the car are also told to hold in the lines of the roads or nearest one possible. So basically if their units can't do what you ask no amount of complaining will make it exceed it's design capacity. The antenna while extra in cost is separate from the unit and increases it's designed capacity to what you want. Personally you will at best get to within 10ft of the actual mark. I have seen people who have a false belief that they can track back a route and miss the shoals up North after dark. It is just a game of Russian Roulette for sure. Art
  21. I would think that your local aquarium shop had a hitchhiker on the plant as well. Art
  22. Check with the local motorcycle shops they are the ones that use the sync tool most often. Art
  23. The mighty Blue Catfish is a resident of our waters here The local record is 71 lbs while the boat record is still at 64 Lb's. Art
  24. Insulation with wood flakeboard wall will add to the expense but it is the best money you can spend.I like that I can put a nail in anywhere I want and hang stuff and if you bump into it no drywall damage. Paint it white and put twice as much lighting in as you think you need. We also pulled a separate feed and a 200 amp circuit panel box so if you trip a breaker you don't have to go to the house to reset it. Build the front to back an extra 4ft for a work bench and the ability to walk around the car as you work or play in their. Art
  25. Actually as a vet thank you is enough in my eyes. I signed up to protect the rights of everyone and even offered to lose my life to fight for freedom of all nations that my Commander and Chief deemed in need of our help. I did not do it for glory nor for people to stop me on the street and thank me I did it because it was what I believed in. I am lucky and while I was trained to fight I was not called into battle but it was something that could have occurred. If you see a Vet thank him for his fight to give you the freedoms you have and for the ability to sleep well in a free country. Take the time to listen to his stories if you are lucky enough to be blessed with them for we are doomed to repeat the past if the future does not heed the voices that endured the past. Art
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