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Status Updates posted by aplumma

  1. I pinned the posts for flies to keep it on top. IF you want it released again let me know. 

    Good luck with the sales


  2. Thank you for the heads up Terry he has been banned.




  3. BOARD UPDATE COMING see pinned thread in discussions for updates

    1. GBW


      thanks for the heads up!

  4. Sorry Invisions issues being fixed some people are not able to log in.

    1. GBW


      tks for the update

    2. John


      Thought you were tryin' to tell me something

  5. Perchin fr MS has been cancelled go to the website for prize drawing http://www.perchinforms.com/ Sorry to see this one cancelled as well

  6. With sadness Fishing for Tyler is Canceled

    1. Fisherman


      Sad, but that's mother nature. 14C/about 58F here this morning already.


    2. Acountdeleted


      :( someone needs to tell mother nature to stop ruining ice fishing season. 2 years in a row now its been tough to get out.
  7. there is about 4 or 5 inches of ice in my drink tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Needs more drink, less ice.

    3. irishfield


      I always thought you drank your pepsi from the can...did you leave it on the porch and it froze?

    4. aplumma


      it is the only ice report we got down here. lol


  8. pond X was very good to me today lots of 2-4 lb bass and a 8 on topwater

    1. buick14


      Jeez is pond X in Mexico or Florida? Dang

  9. I want to give a big thank you to Mike R for the extra effort and quality lures he sold me. Thanks Mike

  10. O.K. you all win now stop with the cold weather attack. 13 F this morning brrrr

    1. misfish


      Someone call the whaaaabulance. LMAO

      Put a sweater on Alice,and have a snickers. LOL

  11. check pinned section for mobile/skins update

  12. We're getting stuff done by professionals, I would do the skin install, but I'd rather have someone do it that does this type of thing every day rather than me or Roy would could easily make a mistake. So everyone is just gonna have to be patient. a note from T.J.

  13. Thanks guys... were working on new skins and perhaps were gonna add another mobile version as well, so lots to choose from EVENTUALLY. The person we have hired to do the skins for us .. has just come off a bout with the flu, a bad one I may ad, and they are behind in work, so things will get done, just not as fast as I would like them to. but rest assured we are doing everything we can to get things back to whatever we consider "normal" around here. We're getting stuff done...

  14. Take your pointer and hold it on a place for 2 seconds and it will tell you it's function

  15. For some using a tablet/phone scroll to the bottom and change the setting to mobile user and it will give you a version that is OFC lite. This might help with the small print.

  16. ATTENTION do not attempt to skin you will lock yourself out. The old skin is outdated and not repeat not compatable. we will get skin as soon as we get people back on line .thanks art

  17. Just a reminder it is very important you do not try to change the skins you will lock yourself out they are not compatible

  18. For now please do not change the skins you will have an issue we are working on it now

  19. We are upgrading see the thread pinned in General Discussion

  20. you are missed by all whos life you have touched

  21. While not often given by us as a whole we really do appreciate all of the work you do here and to all of the mods. a hearty thank you as well.

  22. time to look for my next victim.

  23. this is not to annoying is it?

  24. dang I could do this all day.

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