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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Both are excellent choices. Art
  2. You can check in our sister site https://getnorth.com/ they have many listings for you to look at. Art
  3. Welcome glad you are here. We have a variety of folks here and I am sure you will find some local folks to fish with. Art
  4. Norm was a great man and he will be missed. I only fished with him once and it was a good time with laughter and fish. Prayers to guide you home my friend Art
  5. well done Spiel I am sure there is a happy lady out there. Art
  6. I think I am part fish cause I would eat a whole bowl full of those things. Nice work as usual. Art
  7. Alright let's let this go I am disappointed that I had to read this crap. A start like this is not a good way to make friends and learn from each other. I hope to not read another thread that is in this tone or we will apply mod Q or post approval of all posts that take up my valuable time. Art
  8. The short answer is yes they are worth it. They become even more valuable if you moor the boat in the water for an extended time. The fuel as it heats up and cools causes moisture to condense inside of the fuel cell. I have a 70-gallon aluminum fuel cell on a boat that is moored in the water and the water separator gets emptied every 2 months regardless of run time. The bassboat at the house gets emptied once a season not moored both had some water. I also use sta bil 360 in all of my gas. So far I have not had any fuel issues on the boats. Art
  9. Actually, you were restricted for a lot more than the JT post you were restricted for stirring the pot on political posts and excessive amounts of insulting others. This is not to start a debate but to let you know that since you have changed your ways you have been allowed to post again. Please do not get back to your old habits. Thank you Art
  10. Looks great as usual Chris. figure out what dimensions you need and I will look through the box of antlers I have hanging around the house. Cheers Art
  11. Nope Brian made them..... Very nicely Done Brian. cheers Art
  12. Thanks for the report Dave, it looks like you are off to another great year. Cheers Art
  13. Here is an oldie but goodie story about bears. The National Park Rangers are advising hikers in Glacier National Park and other Rocky Mountain parks to be alert for bears and take extra precautions to avoid an encounter. They advise park visitors to wear little bells on their clothes so they make noise when hiking. The bell noise allows bears to hear them coming from a distance and not be startled by a hiker accidentally sneaking up on them. This might cause a bear to charge. Visitors should also carry a pepper spray can just in case a bear is encountered. Spraying the pepper into the air will irritate the bear's sensitive nose and it will run away. It is also a good idea to keep an eye out for fresh bear scat so you have an idea if bears are in the area. People should be able to recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly bear scat. Black bear droppings are smaller and often contain berries, leaves, and possibly bits of fur. Grizzly bear droppings tend to contain small bells and smell of pepper. Cheers Art
  14. Spiel if you want I can get this and send it up to you if you want. https://www.ebay.com/itm/335357217468?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=335357217468&targetid=2299003535955&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=1027028&poi=&campaignid=21214315381&mkgroupid=161363866036&rlsatarget=pla-2299003535955&abcId=9407526&merchantid=6296724&gad_source=5&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsbCQpvuDhgMVEGZHAR1U9QQyEAQYByABEgKko_D_BwE Art
  15. The blue stabil is for marine use. The big difference is the blue creates a fog in the tank and keeps it from rusting. I have used it for years from a 28ft boat that lives in the water to all of my small engines. Anything that does not get fresh gas within a month gets treated. I like sea foam as well but use it as a fuel improver rather than a stabilizer. Art
  16. Any form of heat welding (arc) or gas can not be used with the backing foam in place. The heat will flash the foam and contaminate the weld and or catch fire. I own and use both TiG and MIG equipment and the above reasoning from your welder is correct. There are cold welding products (epoxy) that could be used like marine tex which will be acceptable as a repair.
  17. A 30 lb difference between cylinders is a sign the motor is starting to self-destruct. The compression will continue to lose as more metal and the numbers become more unbalanced. This is equal to walking with one leg stronger than the other. For now, it might be less expensive to fix it before it damages the crankshaft, crank bearings, and piston walls. After reading your responses, I do not feel that you can do the machine work and ensure the correct tolerances and torque specs are accurate. Anyone can assemble a motor but without experience, the mistakes become apparent when you are not at the dock or home. Just some insight from a person who has been building high-performance jet skis and motorcycles 2 strokes since the late 80s. Congratulations and enjoy your new boat. Art
  18. Very nice shots and som great outdoor photos. Thanks for posting Art
  19. I have owned a 1989 Rangerboat with the original Johnson 150 motor since 1999. The boat was purchased from a friend who took excellent care keeping it waxed and serviced like a pro. Even so, it has had, the motor rebuilt, the flooring and carpet replaced, misc. electrical upgrades and basic maintenance. With that said spring is not the correct time to buy a boat. I would spend the money to have the boat checked over professionally there is nothing worse than finding out the motor is at the end of it's life on an old boat and needs a $12,000.00 motor. Same with any of the other major areas for rot and electrical issues. While you may have to survey 2 or 3 boats it will be the best money you can spend. Go slow and remember the fall is the best time to buy a boat it will be cheaper and you will have all winter to putter and fix it just the way you want. Happy hunting Art
  20. Welcome back manitoubass2 is still an active account from 2011. Send me a message if you want a new password to access the older account. Art
  21. The first unit I ever used was a flasher unit in a green box. It was just black and white showed the depth and would briefly flash if you had a fish or weeds above the bottom. I was lucky enough to have a friend who taught me how to read it and opened a whole world of what is down below me. I have now over the years graduated to down scan and side scan technology but in my dash, I still have my flasher (color now) to show me what is going on when I am rolling down the lake or fishing in deeper waters. When I am fishing for structure or fishy spots I am on the trolling motor and pressing waypoints to come back and fish over on the scan modes. I still carry my little fishing buoys and drop them in places to get my bearings on a pod of fish or an interesting structure. I guess if I was fishing for paychecks I would invest in the bigger baddest electronic items but for now, I will stick to my more basic fishing rig. It is funny but I don't even take pictures anymore unless it is a personal record the fun of simply sitting in the boat and conversing with my fishing buddies seems to be fulfilling enough for me nowadays.
  22. I use the saltwater series in my rebuilds because I fsh salt and brackish water and they are excellent. I dunk em after each trip in fresh water take them apart and clean them after my vacation. It might be overkill but the few people who get to use my equipment have enjoyed how smooth and far it casts. Art
  23. Nice finish to a bad occurrence. Art
  24. Sorry for your loss of the camera. I have a few cameras on the property and they upload to my phone over my internet. So far none of them have disappeared on me. cheers Art
  25. Where's Waldo? Art
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