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Everything posted by medmart

  1. Welcome to the board i look forward to reading your reports both fishing and hunting Rob
  2. Great report Dan those are nice looking eyes you and Brian got it was a great weekend and you do a mean BBQ Rob
  3. Welcome to the OFC look forward to reading your reports Rob
  4. I got one of those when there is no snow on the ice it blows away now i use it to collect dust Rob
  5. Welcome to the board don't forget we like pictures Rob
  6. Great report Wayne those where some nice eyes you guys got there sure where a lot of boats out there Saturday i knew every time i heard Lloyd's air horn someone was getting to close Rob
  7. That first one is a beauty Saturday sure was your day i for one know you put the time in it was nice fishing with you on Friday and thanks for setting up my fish finder now it works great Rob
  8. Great report Mike it was nice to see you again it was a great weekend meeting fellow OFC members you will have to hook up those riggers and come down for some Salmon fishing Rob
  9. Congrats on your PB she sure is a fat one i take it they still have lock jaw hopefully they will loosen up for this weekend Rob
  10. Hey Lloyd i guess that means i can't tie up to your boat and have you pull me around lol
  11. Terry if you bring bananas next week don't forget your farmer boots lol
  12. Nice fish guys good to see Lloyd put you on the fish Rob
  13. Congrats on your PB Leechman sounds like you guys had a great hunt now only if i could see your PB that would be good Rob
  14. Hey bro it's always a good time watching those videos is like watching an old movie the lips move then 5 minutes later you here the sound LOL i think you need terry's help
  15. Great report there is nothing better then spending time with good friends and to get a deer and moose makes it that much better Rob
  16. Welcome Pepe enjoy your stay nice photos Rob
  17. Nice eye seems like every one is having the same problem put out every thing you have and nothing hopefully they will start to turn on soon Rob
  18. Sounds like you had a great time must have been a great experience one day i would like to try one of those tournaments Rob
  19. Congrats to your brother inlaw thats a nice buck Rob
  20. Thats a nice catch of perch and your dinner looks very appetizing Rob
  21. Thats one beautiful musky Rob
  22. Nice eye Mike i didn't get a picture of mine Terry was to busy driven the boat to take a picture it sure was wet out there and the wind came up a few times it was a pleasure to meet you and Dan that is a nice ride he has see you guys in a few weeks Rob
  23. Ya we do Dan. Lloyd just leaves it on scan lets hope the weath man is wrong Rob
  24. Will be down there Saturday with Terry and fishhunter if i see you guys i will come over and say hi Rob
  25. Sounds like every one had a great day those are some nice chrome Rob
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