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Everything posted by medmart

  1. It's a fishing store got some good deals www.hirks.ca
  2. Nice eyes enjoy your hard water season Rob
  3. Great report Jaques good to see the hard water reports maybe you can make it up to the BOQ this year for some eyes Rob
  4. Nice looking musky congrats good way to finish the season Rob
  5. i'm in who is going to set the date?
  6. My goal was to get on the water as much as possible and that i did and along the way i met a lot of great people from the OFC family which made lots of great memories Rob
  7. Hey Cliff why not just 6 OFC members together and rent the hut if you did something like that i would be interested in going Rob
  8. Congrats on your PB nice looking deer and congrats to your dad on his as well Rob
  9. Thanks guys so far the day has been good i will be going out tomorrow and picking something up for myself Rob
  10. this is the one i am thinking about https://www.thefishinhole.com/index.cfm?ima...;C=103&D=10
  11. I am looking for a new fish finder for you so i can put it on my boat there prices seem good so far better then i found around here
  12. Just wondering if anyone here has bought from these guys and if so how was your experience http://www.thefishinhole.com Thanks Rob
  13. Hey you i can't go fishing because my wife made plans for me LOL where is this store Rob
  14. Now you got it good job Rob
  15. Good job on the pictures Joe so what you are saying is this is your wifes boat not yours LOL Rob
  16. Good job Brian don't let it go to your head LOL
  17. Happy_Hooker just had that same post look it up good info on it Rob
  18. great looking boat i am with fishindevil put some riggers on that baby joefish try putting your pictures under each other rather then side by side and try to down size them Rob
  19. PM sent T.J
  20. Great report Mike your year was pretty good you mitt not have got a lot of fish but you had great times with your dad and Ryan and your friends which is what its all about Rob
  21. Great pictures Leechman you had some great success this year hope you get the big one this afternoon Rob
  22. I never even seen that post Dave i hope it all goes good for you You have a lot of work ahead i will be looking for your updates Rob
  23. What charity are you helping out? Rob
  24. You send Jigger a PM he is a plumber and has done work for me at a good rate Rob
  25. Welcome to the OFC Rob
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