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Everything posted by medmart

  1. Hey Shawn good to hear from you it's been a long time hope every thing is going good for you
  2. Peter i have a tip for you leave Jose at home if you want to catch fish LOL
  3. Nice Laker Terry WTG
  4. My condolences to you and your family Rob
  5. Mike my thoughts are with you and your family Rob
  6. Have you looked at Tightline or Gagnon yet i know they both have them why drive to Basspro when you have to good stores in your own area Rob
  7. Very nice Leechman you do some nice work Rob
  8. Yep that be it
  9. He's not there anymore he moved
  10. Doug it was great haveing you out there we sure covered a lot of water with nothing to show for it but it's not always about what you catch Rob
  11. Nice deer i also hunt in 47 and the deer have been slow but see a lot of moose which i believe is from the dogs pushing them out of swamps Rob
  12. Great report Mike even though the eyes had lock jaw it was a great time with great friends look forward to fishing with you guys again Rob
  13. Happy Birthday Rick hope you have a good one
  14. Great report Curt good to see you guys get fish do you remember what the water temp was? How is your son doing? Rob
  15. Here is one i am on http://rangemaster.proboards.com/index.cgi
  16. Glad you and the wife had a great summer welcome back
  17. Took Lloyd up on his offer to go out today and took my two son's with me it was a great day out there marking lots of hooks every where the first fish came early so my youngest son took the rod and got him self a nice eye then it was my son Mikes turn and he got him self a sheep head he did get a nice eye as well then we got this guy at the end of the day we did get him free with out any harm and he took off like nothing happened thanks to Lloyd for a great day Rob
  18. Hey Pete you are you coming down with
  19. You don't need to bring a rod i have all we need
  20. Great report Mike good to see the boys catching fish you getting skunked thats nothing new LOL see you in November Rob
  21. Great report Joey sounds like your dad had a great time with you Rob
  22. You don't need a invite just say your coming lot's of room
  23. Hey Mike great report looks like every one had a great time the weather could be better but we have to take what we get when does Ryan's cast come off? your wife does some great work Rob
  24. Hey Pam the top is only $600 that is with the poles
  25. I will send you a email
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