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Everything posted by Meely

  1. Bucktser and I were out on Pigeon Lake all 3 days of the Labour Day weekend and did VERY well ....... (well....Buckster caught most of them). I cant remember the last time we caught that many. They were all sizes and caught numerous in the legal size range. Each and every one went back! Looks like the lower limit of 4 may be working! Meely
  2. We used to encounter numerous city cougars when the Mermaid lounge was around in the old Valhalla Inn off of 427.... Meely
  3. I came across these two reels and was wondering if anyone out in OFC-land can offer any info on them. I haven't had time to research them on the net yet as I just got them and wont have access and time until tomorrow night. Is anyone experienced in these reels? Year? Worth? I see what looks like dates on them but am not sure. The clickers , drag system etc all still work great. I'm not planning on selling them but would be interested to know if they are worth anything. Shakespeare on left (also second picture): Markings: 1922 Wondereel Delux, Inglis Canada, Model GF Pflueger on right (also 3rd picture): Markings: Nobby Mark, No. 1963 , Made in USA Thanks for any info.
  4. Does CAA cover boosts? I'm sure the property manager wouldn't mind if you were to plug her into the Manor to recharge while you fished Beano. Meely
  5. Hey Beano....... You driving a "Mercedes-Beans" now? What an upgrade from the "Country Strings Wagon"!! Z and I wouldn't mind another day of carp fishing this summer. August maybe? Meely
  6. Coulda bean..... a "has-beans"....
  7. Hello gang, I got a bit of an odd issue (no...no embarrassing rashes or funny welts....lol).... Once the power returns after an outage in my neighbourhood.....my flippin' garage door opens!! Can anyone "esplain" why? Do I need a new motor and use the old one as an anchor? Thanks, Meely
  8. Speedo? ......more like a crawler!! jk my friend.....enjoy your time!
  9. There is an old acronym I learned a while back when I worked in crisis management/preparedness...... It was called "YOYO 72" Yer on yer own for 72 hours....... be prepared....have enuff stuff on hand for at least 72 hours. Meely
  10. Well its been 50 years since the assassination of JFK. Some moments in time one never forgets where they were or what they were doing. So, for those who were around.....where were you and what were you doing when you heard the news? Meely
  11. Maybe he was just trying to get his "bearings"....
  12. Hello Gang, Can anyone recommend a duct cleaning company in the Bolton area? I have a feeling my house ducts have never been cleaned and would like to have them done before the winter sets in. Anyone have any good reviews/recommendations? Thanks, Meely
  13. Well Kids, I ventured up to the cottage on Saturday morning and managed to carefully yank out the old switch. Headed over to the local hardware store and bought an identical replacement switch and a new piece of plastic tubing. Managed to replace the switch with no problems at all. Flicked the breaker back on and then the light switch and away she went. Worked like a charm. She ran perfectly all day then at approx 10 pm.....I got the "Hollar" from someone who was in mid-lather in the shower. So, I sauntered back down to the pump-house, flicked the light switch off and then on again and away she went........ It appears the tank/lines is/are losing pressure somehow (gauge reads zero psi). I would think that once the pressure hits 30 psi, the pump should click back on. If I had a leak in the lines somewhere, I would think the pump would keep cycling on and off but it does not do that. To compound the problem, it only happens sporadically....... So now what?? Do I take her out back into the bush and shoot her? lol...... Could it be a problem with pressure in the tank? Thanks again for any help, Meely
  14. No saga.....at all....... I appreciate all the info. I had a quick look at the pump and it is in fact a "Square D 30/50". I had a quick gander at the Home Hardware and they are only 30 bucks or so.......I will get one as a back up but for now would like to know ....what can I use to clean the contacts? A file of some sort?? Thanks again!! Meely
  15. Sorry....... I didn't mean for this to turn into a "Saga"...... Sinker, havent changed it in 15 years that I have had the place and who knows how long the old owners had it goin....... I may as well just go and get a whole new switch and give her a try.....if it works .....Great! If not..... I have a feeling sooner or later I will need it anyways.....lol Thanks to all...... Meely
  16. Thanks Sinker. You are correct in that the pump does draw from the lake. I also do remove it in the fall and store it at home in my basement all winter, then set it all up again in the spring. I will have a look at the switch (and take some pics) this weekend if I head up there. Meely
  17. Sorry, perhaps I could have been a bit more precise ...... When I say switch, I have power running from a mini panel in my shed to a switch (like a light switch) that then runs to the pump. I use this light switch to turn the power off to the pump when I leave and on again when I go back up. I dont actually hit any switch on the pump (it is a jet pump) itself........ So, when the pump acts up or does not start, I turn the power off (from the light switch) then immediately flick it back on......at this point the pump fires up again and things are back to normal. Thanks for all your responses..... Meely
  18. No reset that I know of....... Once I flick the power back on....she fires right back up to the set pressure point, turns off and holds pressure like normal. Meely
  19. Hello Gang, As of late I have been having an issue with the water pump at the cottage. Most of the times it works normally and then there are times when we turn on a tap and get no water at all. I then walk over to the pump-house, flick the switch which kills the power to the pump then flick the switch back on again. After this.......away she goes. It is odd in that it does not do this all the time and it is very unpredictable. Does anyone have any ideas as to what it may be? Switch? Also, does anyone know of anyone who may do house calls in the Bobcaygeon area? (It is hardwired in for now and it would be a bugger to have to yank it all out.....) Thanks for any help. Meely
  20. Hello Gang, I have an HP Pavillion dv6000 laptop which I use for work and as of late the fan has been running a lot. The fan will run either at slow speeds then speed up or go quiet for a few seconds then fire up again. Can anyone explain what is causing this? It becomes very irritating having to listen to this all the time! (Prior to this, the fan would come on occasionally) I have noticed that when I switch the "Power Plan" over to "Power Saver Mode" it seems to stop the fan from running. Is this a proper fix? Will/can it harm my computer? Thanks in advance, Meely
  21. I go once step further........ After I have turned off the pump, I take all the pressure out of the lines by flushing the toilet and running the taps until the water stops. I figure it's worth peace of mind knowing that all lines are empty and not under any pressure when Im not around. Meely
  22. Hello Gang, Can anyone recommend a company they use to warranty/service their home furnaces? I am referring to the ones where you pay a fee each month and they will warranty your furnace should it break down and will even provide yearly cleanings etc. I have contacted Enbridge but they do not offer the service nor are they allowed to recommend anyone. Secondly, can anyone recommend an licensed electrician in the Tottenham area? I have a simple job of replacing 3 or 4 "fancy-dancey" light switches with more simpler on/off ones. Should be a real quick easy job....... I dont "fuddle" with electrical. Shoot me a PM if ya like! Thanks for any help, Meely
  23. What a load of Crappie!!! It goes without saying then, that if I were to hit a rock (just like hitting a pot-hole) and damage my bottom end,I could send the bill to the TSW and have them pay for the repair as they are in charge of maintenance??? Meely
  24. Thanks Roy...... Exactly what I was lookin' fer!! Meely
  25. Thanks but all the ones I am seeing are some sort of subscription.\ Can anyone recommend any link/site they use?
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