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Everything posted by Meely

  1. TANKS !!!! Meely
  2. Anyone know of a Lowe dealership in and around toronto.....plus or minus 45 min drive time?? Thanks, Meely
  3. Nice fish..... Would it be considered a "legally caught" fish if it in fact was not hooked in the mouth and just "swooped" up into a landing net?? Curious...... Meely
  4. I have changed the line on my Musky rods to Power Pro. Trolled the Kawarthas last weekend and had something slam my bait....and..... snap my line. I am running 40 lb PP. Question: Is there any particular knot that works better for this line? I'm using a "palomer" (SP) knot right now.....wondering if this is the cause of my problem. Thanks for any help...... Meely
  5. Hiya Gang, I was hoping for some help/advice. I have a collection of all the classic movies on VHS which I really dont want to have to re-buy on DVD. How can I go about getting these movies onto DVD? Is there such a product like a VHS/DVD burner on the market or do I have to go to one of these "professional" guys to have them transposed ? If so....where ??? Thanks for any help. Meely
  6. BUMP !! Ouch !
  7. Hello Gang, I wasn't sure where to post this...so..." Im'a gonna do'it here........" I have a colleague who has inherited 9 puppies...... Here's the details: The papa dog is a pure bread Beagle The mama dog is a pure bread Walker Hound Both trained hunting dogs. As mentioned, there are 9 puppies ( 8 weeks old ) available. He is asking $150 per pup. If your interested, send Mike an e-mail at : [email protected] Thanks, Meely
  8. I would recommend launching from the free public launch in Bobcaygeon. That will put you right in Pigeon at the northern end. Loonie, I'll keep an eye out for ya. Im in a Black Lund...... Meely
  9. Well...... I'll be trolling Pigeon all this weekend and next....... Maybe a mini G2G may be worthy ?? Meely
  10. Well, I have finally decided on a destination for next week's holidays. I decided on Lac Seul.......a wayyyyyyyy up north. I'm going to spend a week fishing this lake. Apparantly it is s'posed to be very good for pics, pike and ski's. I'm going up towards the Ear's Fall section of the lake. Has anyone ever fished these waters before??? Any info would be great. Hopefully, I'll have lots to report when I get back. Thanks, Meely
  11. Heading to the Kawarthas for the weekend. Has anyone ever fished this lake ( near Minden-ish ). Have heard the locals state its a decent lake but have never ventured out. Species? Marinas?....yes??...no?? Any help would be appreciated Meely
  12. Thanks gang. I'll post any results. Meely
  13. As crazy as this may sound..... I'm thinking of hitting Simcoe this Saturday and try my luck for Whiteys..... Have never really targeted them before on the soft water..... Anyone have any suggestions on where to park/launch/fish?? Any lure suggestions?? Thanks for any help, Meely
  14. Thanks TJ. I'm totally lost as which one to choose. Can anyone make a recommendation?? I might as well throw darts ! Thanks for any help Meely
  15. Looking to target pics mostly. What are the chances on pics and pike??? THanks Meely
  16. Prolly cottage........
  17. Got some vacation time booked for the 3rd week in August. Planning on getting away for the week up north somewheres. I have no idea where to go. As I only have a week, I'm ideally looking to drive 10 - 15 hours . Hoping to see if these 100 fish a day I see on some of these shows holds true. Looking to target pics and hopefully Musky. Do you guys have any suggestions ?? Thanks in advance, Meely
  18. Opens this Saturday.....or next??? TNX Meely
  19. Awww SHUCKS...... Now whize did ya'z go an sperl my big bad putation wid all dems good tings ta sey??? The pleasure was all mine. Im glad we spent a nice day chattin and shootin the breeze. As Lew said....it aint always about catchin.... Hope we can do it again sometime soon..... Meely
  20. Lew, Will there be enuff room at that breakfast table for one or two more?? Meely
  21. Thanks Lew.... I'm on the board every day.....just dont post as often. We gotta set a date(s) for a trip or two this summer !! Meely
  22. I know this is probably posted somewheres on here but..... Can someone please post the venue information for the odessey...... Please..... Attended the show 2 years ago, found it to tbe very informative. Prolly see you'z all there.... Meely
  23. Hiya Cliff, Sorry to hear of your plight. If it were me.....I would have opened up the exact same business for myself the very next day. Funny how fate knocks on our door at times....... Sometimes....ya gotta answer... Best of luck... Meely
  24. That was a great time fellas. Always enjoy "hookin' " up with the good people from this board. I'm really hoping to get together a lot more in the future. Its not about the catching but the time spent while trying to catch. Wait til ya'z try Meely's Mouthwatering Ribz !!! Knock your socks off !!! Meely
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