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Everything posted by Meely

  1. Thanks for the info and help Gang!! Meely
  2. Hiya Gang, I was wunderin' if anyone out there in OFC land can help me out. I got 5 kids who just recently got the "fishing bug" since bein up at the cottage and are always asking to go fishing now!! (Sure beats bein glued to the TV all summer!!) They live in Milton and I would love to be able to take them somewhere close to do some fishing. Of course they have no problems catching pan fish all day so anywhere nearby would be great. Can anyone suggest where to go? Thanks, Meely
  3. 'Atta Boy Beano!!! Nice haul!! Z and I are on holidays for two weeks commencing the week of August 15. Maybe we can set up a day to carp-it together......would love to hook Z up with one of those hogs. Meely
  4. Lew, The CPAP machine is worth each and every penny!! The machine provides constant air pressure into the throat so that the soft palet does not collapse thus blocking your airway. WHAT A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE!!! No more head-splitting migraines.....no more high blood pressure. Tell your daughter not to hesitate!! Meely <-------- That's a joke....
  5. Sorry I couldn't make it up Beano. I was helping you out tho..... Contributing to your old age pension fund!! Meely
  6. Hmmmmmm................ Sent Beans an email last night asking if all was well. It explains why I havent heard back from him yet..... I cant make it up to the Manor until Saturday....... Now I'm nervous after reading all the news reports..... Meely
  7. Thanks kids, I was hoping to find someone local who would spare me some.....I dont mind payin a few bucks!! Bean-o .....I'll gladly take that wood from ya. I'll pop over one day and have a look at that tree that needs to be cut down as well. May have to use your truck if you dont mind (will pay for gas) as long as the "Country Strings" aren't on the road with it! Twocoda......is that an offer?? Where are you located? Shoot me a pm if you like. Meely
  8. Hello Kids, Does anyone have any leads or contacts in regards to cheap Bon Fire wood in the Peterborough area. I really dont wanna buy a bush chord of fireplace wood only to burn it in the fire pit. If I was burning it for heat, I wouldnt mind but I dont feel right literally burning money in a fire pit. Any info is appreciated, Meely
  9. Here's what I grew up on....... Ahhhh......the good ole days !!! In some cases......a quarter got you two plays!!
  10. He has no limitations, would like to keep busy during the evenings more than anything but wouldnt mind the extra little income. He does have phone and internet available. thanks
  11. Hello Kids, I got a close friend who is looking for something to keep him busy in the evenings, part time, a few hours a week..............(keep it clean....lol) Can any of youz suggest or have any experience with a working from home P/T business? Any ideas, leads, thoughts would be appreciated? Thanx, Meely
  12. Well...... Me and 2 fishing buddies decided to brave the ccccccccold and venture out for some white-fish hunting. We made our way to Simcoe and ran the sleds out of IBP. Arrived at one of our honey-holes at 9 am , 85 FOW, and commenced fishing. Jigged......Jigged ......and Jigged for 3 hours......... ZIP!! Lots of fish being marked on the Vexi's but no takers! Then at noon it was as if someone began to ring the "WHITEY CHOW BELL" ......and we began to hook fish STEADY!!! The action continued for approximately an hour and then went dead again! Within that time we iced 6 Whiteys and one VERY nice laker. I guess perseverence does pay off. Here are the results of our efforts: Meely
  13. For the looooongest time, I would suffer from wicked migraines.I mean to the point where it felt like I was going to toss my cookies. At first, I thought they were caused by tension in my shoulders from slugging around this big melon-head of mine. On a long shot, I convinced my doctor to allow me to do a sleep study for sleep apnea. Well guess what? It turns out I had/have a severe case of sleep apnea and was not sleeping properly for the longest time. Since then, I have been sleeping using a CPAP machine and it has literally given me my life back! Tons of energy and guess what?? The migraines have disappeared. Havent had one in two years !! Never take a good night's rest for granted. You may want to have a sleep study conducted. Again, I can not begin to tell you what a change it has made in my life. http://www.relieve-migraine-headache.com/HeadWay-migraine-sleep-apnea.html Meely
  14. Give him a shout..... http://www.grahamguiding.com/pictures.html Let me know how it goes!! Meely
  15. An undying sense of humour right to the end!! Had the pleasure of knowing Jack and fishing with him for a number of years! He will be missed...... There will always be a place for him on the dock !! Meely
  16. Thanks for all the tips gang. As it turns out, it was an easy and quick fix. The drain pipe leading from the outside of the house was frozen solid. I hacked the frozen pipe off close to the house and dry fitted a length of pipe for now. Ran back down stairs and clicked on the pump and away the water went. I'll glue everything solid in the spring. Thanks again!! Meely
  17. Left the house yesterday and heard that the sump pump in the basement was running. Didnt think anything of it. I returned home last night and found the pump still running. Thankfully, it wasn't damaged from running so long (at least, I dont think it was/is) I dont know much about these pumps, nor am I mechanically inclined but did what little investigative work I could. I noticed there was water in the basin under the pump and that the float rod was up thus triggering the pump to come on.I figured since the pump was running, it must be sucking water outside and went to check the drain pipe outside. Went outside and I noticed nothing coming out of the drain pipe.......not even a drop! Again, I dont know much about these things but figured its a problem with the pump not sucking or maybe the drain pipe outside is frozen and plugged? Any thoughts/suggestions? Thanks for any help, Meely
  18. I have been fishing the Kawarthas for a few years now and have always said that a Ski over 30 pounds was gonna be a record for me! Anything over 30 pounds and a replica is going up on the wall! Well here I am 15 years later and am still hunting!! We have boated "a few" fish over the years, with multiple over the 50 inch range. The biggest to date is a 52 inch beauty and calculated at 28 pounds!!! So close......yet so far!! So......I Fish on !!! The biggest I have heard of being boated was 34 pounds at 54 inches Meely
  19. Thanks Dave!! Much Appreciated..... Meely
  20. Hiya Kids..... Been invited to friend's cottage in October. Figured I might as well load up the boat and try my luck at some Stoco Lake Lunges. Can anyone offer any info on this lake and where my best chance at some Muskies might be?? Trolling? Casting? Lure choice? Not looking for any honey holes or golden spots.....general info would do. Thanks for any info.... Meely
  21. I had strolled in there on my way to buy a rod and reel when I saw the line. I asked what the line up was for. When I heard about the deal/sale......I got in line. Figured for that price....cant go wrong. Meely
  22. One sweet deal! Meely
  23. Gimme a flippin' break....... What are we 6 years old and need constant attention? Life is too short for DRAMA ! Get over it ! Meely
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