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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Google places ads on sites like ours depending on the content and which keywords the advertiser pays for. Since the knobs at P3TA decided to pay for 'fishing' their ad appears on fishing sites or sites that mention fishing. As a term of service, admins are not allowed to say you should click on a Google ad link. But if I wasn't an admin........
  2. Kazaa, Limewire and others are peer to peer (P2P) networks meaning they are simply interfaces for people to go into other peoples computer files. Since there is no administration of this anything at all can be put onto the net. Those without a decent level of experience could be at risk for infection via these services. Since it is P2P it is all free. Napster used to be P2P , but is no longer. Napster, iTunes and others are commercial song resellers. They should be air tight as far as any viruses. If using iTunes, you may find it easier if you first install the iTunes and QuickTime programs from Apple.
  3. Don't know what I admire more..your fishing skillz or your photoshop skillz! Nice job on both!
  4. My wife got me a GPS for Christmas. She wanted one I could use both in the car and in the boat. The sales weasel at The Source sold her on the Garmin Street Pilot c530...he told her I could simply download some software and use it in the boat. It is a very nice unit for a car, but is in no way shape or form a unit suitable for a boat. It says right in the manual 'Do not expose to moisture' and doesn't support any of the functions you would need in a boat. So , unfortunately, I have to return this one and get another. My question to y'all is what GPS offers both excellent marine and auto applications in a colour read-out?
  5. I survived testicular cancer in 1998. Things were scary, for sure. But, like Photoz, I had good care and went through the treatment. The cure rate for testicular cancer is very high, as it is for prostate cancer. I think the PSA test is only about $40. That shouldn't stop anyone from getting it done. The 'manual' test for prostate issues is free. No excuse for not getting it done. Anyone over 40 should be getting regular testing for colon and prostate cancer. Any men under 35 should be getting checked for testicular cancer (it is the number one cancer for men 16 to 35). There's no words I can give you to describe the day your doctor tells you you have cancer. There's also no words to describe the day your oncologist says he doesn't need you to come back for check-ups anymore either. This Christmas give your family the gift of knowing you'll be around for a long time and make your appointments! I'm sorry for your loss, Chris. We've all been touched by this disease and while many great strides have been made, we've a long way to go.
  6. I'm working Xmas but not New Years day. Believe it or not XMas is one of our busiest days of the year. By 4 in the afternoon, you can't usually move in there. Only place that's open.
  7. I think the most fun I had in a long time was one evening at Lakair. We had a small floatilla in Pike Bay and we were fishing for walleye. We all had a few fish and across the bay we ere taunting and cheering each other. I think it was Whopper...can't remember...but one of the guys was slaying the rock bass. GCD couldn't land a walleye to save his life..we were all killing ourselves laughing and having a total blast. The night prior to that we were fishing further up the lake and somehow a boat-to-boat food fight ensued. Can't recall exactly but either Spiel or TJ started that one...again we were all busting a gut laughing. You just can't explain the complete comraderie and the universal acceptance you experience with all the great guys and gals from OFC Funny how we can tear each other a new one on the board, but we all come together when it matters most.
  8. Edit the URL and it will create the proper scene for you. Right now, it is http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/snow978/penguin_tebe.swf?msg=Merry%20Christmas%20OFNC%21 The 'Merry%20Christmas%20OFNC%21' is the important part. '%20' represents a space and '%21' represents an exclamation mark. So just change what is in the rest of that part of the URL to match what you want it to say. Congrats..you now know how to hack a dynamic flash URL. When it works right, copy and paste the URL into an email and send it out. I would guess their email server gets slammed or was getting treated as a spam sender somewhere if you didn't get the email from their site.
  9. The last one is not from Rainy Lake but from Europe.... Edit: Thom beat me to it!
  10. We're taking that site down in a week or two anyway cause the 2007 tourney will all be done here.
  11. I got a few of those with my old Oldsmobile Royale. In the center arm rest, there's a little lever to open it. A little 2 inch plastic thing. Mine broke off.I went into the dealership. They don't sell the little plastic thing...only the whole armrest. Price... $1,250..I said..I don't want the whole seat, just the armrest. I said had I known that 15% of the value of the car was tied up in the arm rest, I would have taken better care of it. I little crazy glue and some McGyvering and it was good as new. So then I can hear the wheel bearing in the front right starting to growl. I take it in. They call me back.. When they removed the hub, thebearing was actually shattered and fell onto the ground...nedds to be replaced. The left side is likely about the same and should be done. Okay..go ahead, I say. No one says anything about price, so I don't think much about it. A few hours later, theycall...car is done..bill is $1300. What?? Does everything cose 1200-1300 on a GM? The service rep couldn't believe that was the cost so he rechecked everything. They felt so bad they knocked $100 bucks off the price, but that was the day I traded in the car. Now I drive Chrysler and use aftermarket parts...or just trade it in when something really bad happens.
  12. Okay..so I bought a snow blower last winter and now Misty bought a sled...guaranteed no snow for at least two more years. Nice looking ride, buddy. Hope you get to use it!
  13. Just a guess Roger, but if the worms are passed from fish to fish, it may be that the smallies are more social. Largies tend to be more solitary.
  14. I'm the same as Terry. Only feel bad if the fish harvested is one I did not wish to harvest. Generally that would be any walleye over 3 pounds.
  15. Just take some chubby friends and have them go first... Oh..and bring some rope.
  16. Uhh..I never thought of that. Hmmm... I think it is old Java on his part cause if it locks down after the header, the next to load is the Google and t is pretty much all Java scripting.
  17. You gotta fuzz around and find links before one works. Not all the links come back to an archive,,,
  18. Transcript----- Dave: So Ozzy, how was your day on the water? Ozzy: Well sul brgah <beep> and then cuzzlemuf da <beep> and <beep>...ha ha ha. Dave: There ya go..right from the horses mouth...he had a great time...I think ?!?
  19. Maybe I made that happen on purpose.. Actually I don't have anything in my posts that everyone else doesn't have. I'll try something that is a long shot..the apostrophe in my name may cause issues cause the system has to parse it into html otherwise it looks like it is part of a command line. Anyone with an apostrophe in their names knows of what I speak. If that isn't the case then I would think the only other issues would be Java. Pretty much everyone re-wrote their Java scripts for the newest version of Java (including the Google ads) as well as whatever scripts we use for the site. Try doing an upgrade to the newest version. http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp
  20. I just saw the forecast for my area and will be in the teens again around New YEars...outdoor parties will be big
  21. 14 day outlook for North Bay doesn't give much hope for ice making on the lake. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/1...84.htm?CAON0484
  22. The Giesler boats are legendary...last forever! Glad to have such a rich part of Nippissing history on the site!
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