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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. We've skinned the chat room! You will have your choice between several colour schemes. Heres what the Xmas Chat Room looks like!
  2. Download the most recent version of Java. Yours may be outdated.
  3. Shall we pontificate? 20:30 hrs or so..
  4. A few things I would like to see... GPS split screen option select Better option navigation (two stage..show title then select to show options) Auto-depth select over-ride (someone else metioned this) Manual selection of max depth. maybe 5 ft increments 'Favourite settings' preselect. This way an angler could have a few presets ready...one for trolling , one for jigging, etc. Give up Fish ID processing power for more processing to raw sonar "Quick Mark" for the GPS...see a school and hit a single button that adds a quick mark on the GPS and assists in returning to that spot. Most GPS require a few steps to accomplish this Actual depth vs Map Info depth editing Dual transducer 3-D mapping
  5. At six a.m. I hear an absolute shriek from my wife and screams of "OH MY GOD...NO!!!" I go charging down the stairs cause I knew the dogs would be out for their morning pee and was terrified something had happened to one of them. I get to the living room and my wife is hysterical. She points at the dogs on the deck...I see nothing wrong. Then she screams.."He has a dead animal in his mouth!" I look at my shepherd who is the real hunter and see nothing. Then my rather pudgy Golden Retriever saunters up to the door proud as punch with a cottontail rabbit in his mouth. I return to find my wife and advise her that from now on that level of shrieking (especially at six a.m.) is to reserved for only one purpose...when her or one of our dogs has been mortally wounded or perhaps when the house is on fire. Why our neighbourhood rabbit decided to saunter into the fenced area of our yard when the dogs were out...I don't know. Perhaps cause the last time him and the golden went at it he kicked my dogs butt. About a year ago I was outside when my golden spotted the bunny. Normally the rabbit would take to one of four escape routes under the fence. This one time my dog had managed to cut the angles so he couldn't get away. So Kelev has the rabbit at his mercy. I'm trying to distract the dog cause if your dog eats a rabbit, he will be rather ill for days (there is a natural parasite in rabbit intestines that wreaks havoc on a dogs digestive tract). However, Kelev cornered the rabbit and the rabbit was forced to fight. The rabbit turned a kicked the crap out of my dogs face. Kelev made a hasty retreat behind me and barked at the rabbit who was now rather proud of himself. I swear the rabbit called him nasty names.Since then the rabbit was king of the yard, but still respected the shepherd (Jack) enough that he would stay on the other side of the fence...taunting and mocking. This time was somehow different. Kelev gave me the rabbit right away..it was still warm, but without any obvious injuries. I put him on the lawn outside of the dogs area to see if he was merely knocked out. It appears not. All I can figure is the rabbit mis-timed his escape and knocked himself on the head somehow trying to get out. My fat golden is not a hunter...he's a couch potato. My wife is convinced our dogs are murderers and thinks they need counselling. I agree...someone needs counselling. I have promised my wife to get rid of the evidence before she gets home or before the rabbit police come looking.
  6. That is good to know and certainly different than the news story I saw portrayed it...but that shouldn't surprise me. I always have my inflator in the car and 100ft of rope with it.
  7. Coulda been a server issue or could have been a latency somewhere on the internet. Was a titch slow last night but running fast here for me now. If you ever want to find out where a slowdown is, run a traceroute on www.dnsstuff.com This will tell you if it is the site that is slow or somewhere along the pipe.
  8. I'd like to see inflatable lifejackets in police cruisers. Had one of the officers had one, he could have been tethered and taken the plunge. Cold, yes...but when a life is in obvious peril, it isn't a difficult decision.
  9. Send me the original pic, Brian. I'll put a hat on it and give you a play by play on how I did it.
  10. Use the skin switcher to switch back to the Driftwood skin if this one loads too slow for you. How did opera screw up your wife?
  11. Here's my 2 cents.. It is his report and his pictures. If he wants to change them, that is up to him. It may be far easier to edit the image afterwards then to try and find the right angle/background/light and still have the fish swim away. Take your pics and do with them as you wish. Me...I would just go nuts with the blur tool on the background. But you'll notice I fish pretty mucht he same way and time as CCMTCanada so there never is any background to give away. If you don't like someones pics...don't look. Why take the time to post that you don't like the way someone handled their pics...I don't get it.
  12. Horrible tragedy. This link should be mandatory viewing for Canadians.. Survive a fall through the ice..
  13. On a hiway somewhere in Ontario...
  14. This maight be the coolest dining room table I've ever seen. http://www.gizmodo.com/gadgets/home-entert...rmer-220695.php
  15. Kim designs these skins through Photoshop. By keeping faithful to the original Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) design set out by James Matthias, she ensures that the skin will run perfectly on all Invision Power Boards (IPB). Occasionally she will need to rewrite some of the original CSS coding to make the layouts work with more visually appealing graphics. I've done alot of graphics work and I can never come close to Kim's mastery of gradients. I've bought alot of skins from her and have yet to encounter an issue that we could not figure out. THere are dozens (if not hundreds) of tiles, buttons, gradient backgrounds and such built by Kim. They all correspond to a specific CSS command that places the images into specific areas. The actual board coding runs independant of the skin and works through PHP files which build the page into the graphics skin. All the posts etc., are stored in a MySQL database. The board files call the information as it is needed and the skin wraps around the information. The forum has a built-in skin installer. Kim ships to me specially prepared skin files and image files which are uploaded through the IPB admin area. These files then build the necessary directories within the sites style_images directory. It all happens in less than 20 seconds. Then I download the new style images folders onto my computerand make the edits I need to the header. Kim supplies the PSD files for Photoshop for the header. This particular header was editted by Kim for us in order to allow the banners to be kept in the header row. Then, in the admin area, I edit the navigation system, add in the java for the spell check and make file edits for the spell check display. Finally I obtain Google adsense coding to match the skin colours, add in the stats coding, banner coding (whcih I get from TJ) and we're done. 99% of what I do is all cut and paste. The navigation coding is exactly the same on all skins and I can get away with this because of Kim's compliance with the original coding. I used to work for Kim as a moderator on her old design site and it was there that I learned pretty much everything I know about graphics and how they work. I learned a valuable lesson there.....find someone who does fantastic work...work for them for free and you will be repaid a million times over in knowledge and experience. I chat with Kim and her hubby quite often through MSN and though we've never met, I consider them good friends. But that doesn't mean I would have brought their work here if I didn't think it was the best. She knows I can be nitpicky about stuff, but I won't come to her with a problem unless I am willing to help brainstorm a solution. Sometimes I'm even right! Okay...once actually....damned iframes! So there is all my web secrets...I don't really know what I am doing, but I surround myself with people who do.
  16. 16 degrees! Nice..sorry ice fishing guys. But I hate shovelling snow. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/1...30.htm?CAON0530
  17. I'm there, Deg...or anyone else!
  18. I think we can keep it here till Orthodox Christmas is over, for sure. For those liking the colour, I am working on another skin that is a remake of this one using the same colours and 90% of the graphics, but suitable for year round viewing. That one will be available right after December 25th.
  19. It is a great piece of work by our designer, Kim (dragonfly). Honestly, we'd pay double what she charges...don't tell her though!
  20. I got her done a bit early. Spell check was giving me fits, but should be okay now!
  21. On Monday the Christmas Skin will be in place and be the default skin for all visitors. Don't worry...if it is too festive or if you are named Ebenezer, you can switch back to the primary skin. Right after Christmas we will be displaying our newest skin.. The "OFC Club' skin is a nice redesign of the Christmas skin. We will then release a skin every few months just to keep things interesting. Some of the skins we have purchased and/or will purchase include... A nice water themed skin, a very 'Lady Like' floral skin and a skin designed for fast load and minimal schmaltz. This week brings the release of the newest version of the Invision Power Board of which this site is designed with. Our pre-opening Beta-testors got to try it out already and everyone had a blast with it. It has several huge changes which make the whole site run faster and far easier for the users. I would think we will target the second week of January for the upgrade....depends on when the skins will be upgraded. We'll then likely have some more toys and stuff for everyone to play with as well as new components.
  22. Because of the age and draftiness of my house, a mid was all i wanted when I got my new one. Seemed silly to put a high effieceincy unit in a low efficiency house.
  23. We will be having an assortment of skins. Some designed for looks, some for speed. The thing is I have to do manual edits to each for the links, ad codes and the spell check.
  24. You can edit your topic title too by using the "Full edit' feature rather than Quick Edit. Deleting of posts was removed after some where taking advantage by stirring up crap then deleting the evidence.
  25. Does the humidistat read the water content in the furnace room or in the air shaft? If it is reading in the room, this would explain why some are hooked into the cold air shaft since warm air has greater space between air molecules and can hold more water vapour. So 40% humidity at 50 Degrees F and 40 % at 70 degrees F are totally different in terms of water volume. Also, cold air over warm water is very efficient at creating evaporation...just ask Buffalo NY.
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