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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. I have a golden retriever that can swim...he just chooses not to. I also have a shepherd that doesn't go anywhere near the water. The golden did jump out once on Lake Erie. Since that time he always wears a leash in the boat.
  2. Stay off the internet if it is too scary for you. Your posting priviledges are now set to moderation queue. This means before you whine, we will review all your postings. CC is rather careful not to post a location, so try and be a grown up and keep your negative comments to yourself.
  3. 3,000 posts!! GCD wore out the spellcheck when this board was in the 2.1.7 version. Forced us to upgrade to 2.2.2 for a stronger system.
  4. http://mirror5.cgdc2.fizzlebot.com/?puzzleID=8
  5. I've played games like this a few times and it is fun. Theres another good one and I'll see if I can find it. This one took me probably 3 hours altogether.
  6. There are very few good PDF makers that are free. The best solution I found was to make oneon the Adobe site. http://createpdf.adobe.com/ They have a free service there. For a PDF reader, the best system going is Foxit PDF reader. I absolutely hated Adobe Reader because of its massive resource use and tendency to snarl up any browser made. Download Foxit here. http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/rd_intro.php There is also a nice extension for Firefox users call PDF Download which allows you to save or view PDF files in either PDF or HTML. Super easy to use and install. http://www.pdfdownload.org/
  7. http://www.ibmwr.org/otech/deerw.html
  8. These were tested and found to have no effect on deer whatsoever. I read the report (forget who did it) and they actually were found to antagonize Elk and not detract them.
  9. A good Shimano (Castaic 201SF is my favourite) comes with mag brakes to help you get better by allwoing you to set and change the anti-backlash system. As you get better you will turn off more and more of the brakes. Use mono till you get the hang of it. A PowerPro birds nest is a thing of art (and a horrible PITA). I got a backlash pick that has saved me a few times. Came with an otherwise useless clipper tool from CTC.
  10. Let me see if I can say this more clearly...IT IS NOT THE MNR THAT IS HOLDING THIS UP! Many parts of the new regs require FEDERAL approval and the Feds haven't done it yet. Now you know why some fish have a one day closed season...so the MNR doesn't have to jump through hoops like this too often.
  11. HEre's a fun game. Its all point and click. Look for things...find your way out! http://www.jigsaw.x0.com/sphere_e/index.html
  12. Which ever one hides the pizza and beer stains the best, really...
  13. Since there was changes that required Federal Approval, it could take awhile.
  14. First..Mars' mean surface temperature is -63° C. The polar ice caps are primarily made of frozen carbon dioxide which makes up 95% of its atmosphere. The seasonal changes to Mars temperatures allow some freezing and thawing to occur. It is never warm enough to melt water ice. The average temperature of the earth has risen 1.44°F over the last 100 years and 1.08° over the last 30 years. (Source:NASA) Sure, one and a half degrees sounds like nothing until you try and figure out the amounto of energy that would take. The top five warmest years in the last 125 years have all been in the last decade. Global warming is predicted to cause more EVENTS...not just of the warm variety. It provides the energy for bigger and badder storms. The top years for hurricanes and tornadoes have all been in the last decade. The US saw more tornadoes last year than any time in its recorded history. tornadoes need storms with energy...energy equals heat. Last years hurricanes fizzled because of El Nino countering the trade winds and driving the storms out to sea. To dismiss Global Warming is foolhardy at best. To believe itis the end of mankind is also foolish. But, there can be no dispute we are warmer than ever before.
  15. There are still undisputable facts.. The polar ice caps are melting...deserts are shifting, rain forests are disappearing, the average temperature of the earth has changed more rapidly now then at any other time in history... Closer to home...Lake Superior is at an all time low, winters are much milder than any other times in history, the last ten years have been the warmest ever. Now, take all of those facts and tell me how it isn't something to be worried about? And if we use money as an excuse to not do anything, we truly need to all be sterilized so we don't leave the next generation a polluted and dying planet. I remember people scoffing at the idea that we were poisoning Lake Erie. Soon after it was a giant cesspool. You couldn't swim in it, or eat what little fish were left. Suddenly people kinda woke up and started to treat the lake with more respect. Within a decade the lake turned around and (thanks in part to the zebra mussels) is a great display of how making minor changes can have a huge impact. The shoreline town cried that they couldn't afford to treat their sewage and had to dump it right into the lake. We all shudder at that idea now. I'm surprised that anglers who constantly complain about seeing coffee cups on the shorelines think theres nothing wrong with continuing to pollute the air and waters at a much larger and global scale. Look at all the lakes we lost to Acid Rain...remember the naysayers who were using the exact same verbiage of the deniers of today. Funny how when we stopped pumping all the sulphur into the air the lakes got better. The UN has the best scientists in the world. Even the US government has acknowledged Global Warming as a serious concern. I can find you a scientist who will deny the existance of light...it doesn't mean everyone else is imagining it. There will be even more giant hurricanes and tornadoes this year. Where do they get their energy from? Heat. Heat in the water and heat in the air. Are these clues starting to make the dots connect?
  16. Doesn't methane only exist on earth from decay of living matter?
  17. We indeed are not forced. We have options. Public transportation, fuel efficient hybrid vehicle, natural gas or propane vehicles...lots of options. But we collectively drive more trucks and SUV's than ever before. I drive a mini-van. I could drive a Honda Civic (very nice car)...but I choose not to. So when the price goes up, the decisions I made like having a large vehicle, living very far from my workplace, having a boat etc., all come back to bite me at once. But I made those choices. The government has no business interfering. It is a commodity and as such is prone to fluctuations. A month or so ago when it was 63¢ no one was screaming ...Holy Crap are we ever screwing the oil companies! Someone should do something! A year ot two ago a major frost wiped out the lettuce in California. Lettuce immediately went up to some silly price like $4 a head. Salad bars then either raised prices or they adjusted the offering somehow. Then when the spring came the prices went back to normal. The only people I feel for are those with oil heating for their homes. The rest of us can park our cars.
  18. Perhaps you may be better off marketing to people living in the big city near you (whatever that may be). It is quite common around here for people to have weekend get-away trailers/RV spots that are not too far away from home. Sherkston Shores is a great example of that. Just a huge park with very nicely made trailers and all kinds of people who spend summers/weekends there.
  19. It's a nice idea but it won't work. It will actually have the opposite affect and drive prices up. THe demand on the non-boycotted stations will force them to drive up prices. Then, everyone goes running back to the boycotted station who hasn't changed his price at all. Most gas retailers buy their gas from only a few wholesalers. The only way to reduce the price is to reduce the overall demand. People can decide to use gas or not. No one is forced to buy it.
  20. Heads up for flooding and weak ice conditions. Shore ice will deteriorate very quickly. You can expect heavy creek flows and unstable banks as the banks thaw. Be careful!
  21. Just a reminder..March 15th is the huts off day for many lakes. Supposed to rain in most places tomorrow over the next few days.
  22. Nice fish..they're so cute when they are that small. Like a puppy, almost. Team 9 rules.
  23. Using X2 for area is only one way of using exponents. Acceleration, reproduction, evaporation and other rates are often exponential. Using 2 is not exclusive to area. Afterall 100 is just 102
  24. It is sad that even if I dropped my mini-van out of a jet, it would still only reach the terminal velocity of 126 MPH
  25. Nelly...Pics are a must, but you can use a film camera then scan the images or negatives and upload the resultant picture. If the captains want a great lakes/non great lakes separation of walleye, it is something they can vote on. But I think you will find the difference in walleye from the Great Lakes to be primarily in girth, not so much in length due to the food available.
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