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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. It was not a format change, just a reorganization to keep the front page smaller. It was not seperated into fishing/non-fishing and it was felt having two subforums in here was enough considering the traffic this page already gets. More of it had to do with balancing the queries to the server then anything else. Stuff like this keeps the site loading faster..
  2. Page 8 in section b of the regs found here http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/pubs/fishing/...ap_B_fr2005.pdf states..
  3. Under the general exceptions it says you can fish with two rods from a boat.
  4. The answer then is no. From a boat you can but not from shore. I know, it makes no sense.
  5. The blood from the umbilical cord contains stem cells. These cells can be used to treat many potentially lethal illnesses and can be used in place of a bone marrow transplant. Parents sometimes save these just in case something befalls their child and they need this type of remedy.
  6. We've condensed and cleaned up the look of the front page. We're making more use of subforums in order to reduce main page clutter. Feel free to praise or beeyatch and moan about it.
  7. Bitsmith got mine..hope like heck you don't need it.
  8. I just saw a sneak preview video..hope it doesn't leak out onto the internet
  9. I have an XL that someone can use. Still has no slime on it. In Fonthill..Gimme a shout.
  10. I have Adobe Premier now...I thought I gave you Sony Vegas..it doesn't like it? Send me the link Tref.
  11. Unless the government is willing to up the amount of money going into the MNR, the Minister in charge is irrelevant. Very.
  12. Yeah..we'll send him a cheque for 20,000 over the list price and he send us back a check for 15,000 and keeps another 5,000 for his trouble.
  13. Yes..don't set the burning program so that it locks (finishes) the disc. You can go back and add stuff later.
  14. There are times hwne borrowing over paying cash makes sense. Not often but it happens. If you can get a better rate of return on your cash by investing than over your depreciating asset purchase, take the ten thousand or so dollars and invest it and also get more pushy with your bank. I combined my two car loans into one and got such a rate reduction that the boat ended up being free. Work the banks and they will eventually come around.
  15. There's a few good ways to switch to black and white with better results than just desaturating the image. I'll post a few tutorials when I get the chance.
  16. We've doubled the size of everyone's PM boxes. Please delete the ones you no longer need. Our disk space is approaching half our allotment. We may try and find ways to host some of the files off server, but I don't want to ahve to do that if I can avaoid it. We are currently holding 500Gb of information on this site....some of it even pertains to fishing.
  17. Mine is okay, but I will check to see the default setting later. May be that the script for the time was set prior to the new DST rules, but generally those scripts are set to read the time at the server so it may be on the server that the time script is incorrect.
  18. looking to make a big purchase soon? Interest should be coming down quite soon. Infaltion has been localized to the west and once current stocks of US imports clear there are expected to be big drops in prices. In spite of record oil prices, gas has remained stable. I just had a huge argument with my realtor about this,,,he said they were going up..I said no way..dollar is way over valued. Todays Star indicates government in now pressing BofC to loswer rates by 1/2 pt or so. This should drop mortgage rates in the next few weeks since they tend to move before the Feds do. The three things that affect interest rates are inflation, economic growth and gov't debt (ties back into the dollar). As long as inflation remains @ 2.5 to 2.7% they can drop rates. Buy that boat this spring!!
  19. Huh? Bracketing? I don't know how to alter the shutter speed at all, but will play with it. Got my GF to agree to some pics so I want them to turn out perfect. I have a tripod and some extra huge flood lighting. Looking for a slave flash next. May move up tp the S5 once the prices come down.
  20. I just added the software Dan. Having a few issues but I can shoot raw now. The images come out ghosted right now, but I just started. The firmware hack gives lots of extras like continuous live histogram, etc. Canon saves the RAW ability for other cameras and isn't even on the new S5. So far there's been no issues other than I have no idea what to do with the RAW images... The files are huge for sure. Also trying to add the ability to shoot three images at once with three different exposure/ISO settings..so far no luck there. I know Kodak can do it. The images actually look fine out of the camera but photoshop mangles them a bit but there are so many settings when saving to raw from crw I am likely messing something up. The firmware upgrade stays on the SD card and doesn't overwrite the original...it just boots the extra stuff from the card when you start up the camera. Take out the card or wipe it clean and you are back at factory settings.
  21. Can you add stabil right into the carb instead/also?
  22. You can also use the photo gallery here. Everyone has their own gallery. Use it..we pay for it!
  23. Generally, when the posts are of an obvious ( to the reasonable person) violation, no notice is given. It is our common policy to inform people why posts are deleted when possible. The last post I can see that was deleted belonging to Johnny was one complaining about threads getting locked. It is the basic rule here and on 99% of all internet forums that such complaints be done privately. It is in the rules agreed to by all members when they joined. This one too shall be locked and perhaps deleted. The reasons, by now, should be obvious.
  24. It requires a bit of computer knowledge but now thankfully you can have RAW support in your S-series Canon (S2 through to S5). http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ
  25. Agreed fisherman. The two dogs were shot as a result of bad judgment on the part of humans. Most golden retriever owners are far more careful of their pets, but accidents happen. Keep a close eye on yours.
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