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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. I have some on my PC upstairs somewhere....I will have a look-see.
  2. I watched it again and he's chine walking without any wake...too much money not enough brains is more like it.
  3. Wow...how luck is that guy! Well designed boat was the only reason it didn't topple over and kill him...and driving that speed through someone else's wake with no life jacket and your motor trimmed like that...classic stupid.
  4. Yeah..Kev, you dont look a day over 75...good stuff!
  5. check the Sunday Sun for some good deals...they are out there this year!
  6. My parents breed Pyrenees just for that problem, Jason. Most go to Colorado and Minnesota. They do quite well against wolves and none have been taken down by a wolf yet. They are quite a bit smarter than the wolves and make the target too much of a risk. Wolves are smart enough not to risk a dangerous take down. They need each member of the pack healthy. Without a full healthy pack their hunting ability is greatly diminished.
  7. A couple of Great Pyrenees takes care of that problem, Oxcowboy. Very effective.
  8. Looks like a Heddon design, but would be marked, I would think. Maybe Freddy Abrogast or Lucky Strike??
  9. Well I'm not much for the killing of top predators like musky or wolves, but if it is in season it is their right. It certainly is not a Canadian wolf..they don't get anywhere near that size. That things looks to weigh about 120 to 140 pounds. We have programs to compensate farmers for livestock lost to wolves. Used to to inspections for the MNR on wolf kills..very few, mostly young sheep and at the time the farmer got more for the compensation than he would have got at market....yet some of them still wanted the wolf shot... I think others left the lambs out on purpose. Coyote kills are more common and leave a much bigger mess behind...but by and large predator attacks on livestock are extremely rare. Animals like deer, birds, mice and gophers do much more damage to farmers pockets than the canines ever could.
  10. I do find it amusing that so many want newcomers to adapt to 'our culture' when our culture is a.) barely defined due to widespread regional variations b.) an amalgamation due to our efforts to be a cultural mosaic rather than the US style melting pot. Canada is a very secular nation and that has served us very well. Freedom of religion and freedom from religion is hard to accomplish. There is no prayer in public schools...nor should there be. Gay marriage is legal and the earth did not swallow us whole. We built this country on one principal...TOLERANCE. Practise it. Your forefathers had a hard time giving up what they were used to and it likely took generations to get to where you are now. We do not have huge demonstrations bordering on rebellion, we do not see (these days) parts of the country seriously wanting to leave....cause we all just go about our business and do not spend too much time wondering or worrying what everyone else is up to. Thats tolerance.
  11. Tell her that for each fish you eat, you save 1,000 others...cause thats how many other fish your fish would have eaten. Then ask her what she has done to protect those poor baby fish that you are protecting...lol.
  12. I'll call you next time I am flying out of Pearson so you can get my plane out first..lol.
  13. It is common for the boat manufacturers to get into agreements with the motor companies like this nowadays. They split advertising and promotional costs and the boat makers can sell package deals alot cheaper. Some of the contracts are exclusive...so you can only have a particular brand of motor. Seems to be primarily Mercury in these exclusive agreements.
  14. Uhh..you are looking at the wrong monitor AA!! Watch the planes!!
  15. Safety, safety, safety!!! Teach them young so we can make sure the next generation is better than ours... it is an opportunity to save a life by making them see the importance of life jackets, knowing whats behind you before you cast, having a good knowledge of the waters... and when shore fishing, having a solid place to stand! Touch on conservation..just a bit cause stuff like slot limits and that will likely go over their heads. good work helping the kids!
  16. Congrats Dave! I don't think beer is on the list of banned substances yet, but ya might wanna lay off for a few days just in case they ask for a sample
  17. Get over it Dr Its a put and take fishery with salmon and lakers and has been for two generations now. Until we find a way to repair the damage done to spawning areas it won't change. The salmon are fewer..but that is the biggest Laker I have seen out of Lake O. Monster fish...tail reminds me of a triploid almost.
  18. The young are absolutely harvested. The white coats are not..but a young pup sheds its white coat at about 2 to 3 weeks of age...usually within 48 hours. So over the weekend a seal pup goes from off limits to legal. Seals are still clubbed with the hackapic. Shooting often damages the pelt. The adults escape too quickly. Check the harvest numbers from the DFO...while only 50,000 seals were harvested this year, the vast majority are always young of the year. The cod demise was entirely of our making, however human induced imbalance in the hunter/prey population ALWAYS negatively affects the prey. Why would the DFO refuse to allow neutral third party observation and recording of the harvest if it had nothing to hide? Why have hundreds of charges been laid against these guys for illegal killings? I do not get any info from either the pro or anti side. They both have their own agenda. I have read the DFO reports and come to my own conclusions. I am against my tax dollars subsidizing an unsustainable practice...one that nearly the entire world is opposed to, costs us millions of dollars and which generates less than 6,000 temporary jobs. I'd much rather see my tax dollars be used to buy out the licenses and retrain and send these guys to school if they wish. It is no different than shark finning...an irresponsible waste of a natural resource. The harvest of any animal for only a minor portion of their carcass is not acceptable use in ANY resource plan. This is not what the Innuit do. They use as much of the seal as possible...inluding the pelt, flesh, tendons, and even the bones. They understand the balance far better than we do.
  19. I have nothing against the natives hunting and eating seals. But the Harp Seal clubbing being called a 'hunt' is ridiculous. If you walked around and mashed fish over the head you would not call it fishing. There is a giant difference between the seals the Innuit eat and the harp seals of the East Coast. One has nothing to do with the other. Killing Harp Seals is part of why our cod stocks disappeared. Harp seals eat predators of cod 10X more often than they eat cod, which if you know how to break it down, the Harp seals saved 30 cod for each one they ate. The EU did not 'get in our business'. They just said they were not buying the pelts anymore. It is their right. Good. I am tired of subsidizing idiotic harvest practices. It was costing Canadian tax payers millions of dollars each year to have our Coast Guard ice breakers help the 'hunters' get to their quarry. We have far more pressing economic concerns now. You would not support the Coast Guard doing it for commercial fishers would you?? Now the Gov Gen is the representative of the Queen. The Queen has made her opinion clear on the east coast Harp Seals. However, the GG's timing on the matter served to appear acceptance on the harp seal harvest, when in fact it was not the intention. She will likely be answering to the Queen for her poor timing. The Harp Seal pups were not harvested for their meat, but for their pelts...the flesh was left to waste.
  20. Look..there is one thing plain and simple that stands out to me. The idiot involved was in violation of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act as noted in this link. It was also likely a violation of the Federal Shipping Act. This person is in for a world of punishment if the police catch up to them. If we simply blow this off, when does it end? Was is racial? I don't know, but I would lay 3 to 1 that yes it was. We are ALL ANGLERS. No matter where we are or where we are from. It is our right to fish in full compliance and protection of the law. My experience as a Guardian with the MNR is that nothing makes an idiot stop doing stupid things faster than a camera. The uniform always made them curious... the camera made them run. If you are being harassed or witness another angler being harassed...take pictures! Lots of them. It does not even matter who is in the right...take a bunch of pictures. If words are loud enough to be heard, switch your camera to movie mode and get some of that too. Many of you may remember about a year and a half back when a member had taken a pic of a musky poacher and posted it here. It was not long before the MNR and OPP were calling. They do read this board every day. I do not in any way suggest confrontation for those not experienced or comfortable with it. My job puts me in that position every day so I am pretty handy at settling issues quickly. The police are obligated to answer calls.This was a physical and dangerous altercation and was indeed worthy of a 911 call.
  21. We have fried memory on the server...I don't know if it is RAM or not...I don't think so by the sounds of the email I got. But they have to replace some parts and we are sharing resources with another website's server until they get under the hood to make the repair (no idea who, but a big thanks to whoever they are). The only problem with being on the 'cutting edge' of new technology is that few people know how to fix it. Memory problems are really hard to pinpoint sometimes...I know my old personal server had a pagefile error I never found.
  22. TJ announced a few days ago the host would be doing server work over the next little bit.
  23. Impellors should be replaced every 3 to 5 years...sounds like yours may be done.
  24. Read Terry's latest post...he seems to communicate it better than I. It was definitely improper for me to question your comprehension. My sincerest apologies. It should have been directed at those who clearly did not read it all or made suppositions not supported by fact.
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