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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Google(GMail) has the largest database of spammers on earth. If something gets through once, click the spam button and never get anything from them again. These companies do not do their own emailing,,they hire it out
  2. Unfortunately, we all better get used to it. Any animals outside are at risk now. Lots of pets here killed or 'missing'. I will be out Monday Roy...once the snow stops...they don't move much or far during storms.
  3. Not necessarily sold out. Could have been harvested. In either case, use GMail and don't worry about it.
  4. Gobies are an invasive species and you are supposed to kill them and leave them on shore. Twocoda was yanking your chain...
  5. Use a canadian proxy...lots of them around
  6. If I knew where it was streamed I'd post a link for you....
  7. Takes me less time to put someone on ModQ...wanna see?
  8. The IOC says they are not going to investigate the matter any further, I guess they could hear the fingers pointing at them
  9. Been snowing for 24 hours straight now...super heavy, heart attack snow. Got about 20 or more cm so far. No plows in site, of course!! Still coming down good!
  10. Lots of wing dams on the Credit River...but if you can find a place 12 Mile Creek in St Catharines would be perfect..right along the 406 beside the place where they light that building on fire to train firemen...stupendous spot.
  11. I wonder if they are going to pull mens hockey out of the Olympics now too.
  12. If the Fins score a goal, he will. Have to give him a chance at building towards a record for most shut-outs.
  13. Maybe all the guys from Team Canada will buy Miller several Millers to celebrate .. just enough for a three day hangover..lol.
  14. No disrespect, Johhny, but there is no way in hell the limit is in any way the reason there are less travellers. The US is in a recession, their dollar has plummeted and most do not have passports. I would have to go with the MNR's view of the population and sustainability over yours, sir.
  15. 4-0 halfway through the first period. With Miller in net, this one can be put to bed. Impressive!!
  16. We are currently pushing the municipalities in this direction, but the resources are scarce. It really hit fast and hard and caught them off guard. With all the new green spaces (usually connected by brown fields) and urban sprawl and the unexpected nearly exponential population changes, it is all very new. We still do not have Forestry Management Plans so it is tough sledding to get them to see the need for Wildlife Management Plans. The MNR, to date, has no real new ideas though their approach at educating urban dwellers is good, its just not being embraced by the towns. The municipal gov'ts are afraid to wade into it hoping the MNR will take control...which isn't going to happen. We've not had a confirmed case of rabies here in nearly 20 years. I know in Texas their big problem is the number of bites to children mistaking them for dogs. Chicago has an extensive urban coyote program as does Vancouver. I have been reading their stuff and it all points to one common theme...they are here and are going to stay, so get used to it. Our biggest problem so far is people. They are inadvertently feeding them (loose pets, outdoor dog/cat food, unsecured garbage) so we are now seen as a food source.
  17. Seriously..I want someone to tell me to my face that 300 fish just isn't enough,.... Some serious stupidity going on up there. The fish do not belong to the resort operators. They belong to everyone. The MNR doesn't just pick limits out of thin air. I guess long term sustainability takes a back seat to a quick buck, huh?
  18. I do not think the same applies for coyotes..especially now with the prey levels still very high in this area because of the successive wet summers. Managing numbers via hunts or culls during high prey pop'n cycles is like peeing into the wind. It is like the urban beaver and the futile efforts we saw here to control the numbers. Trapping resulted in killing dominant females which sent all the females into estrus. This pushed the litters way up since the food source was still far ahead of demand. There are remarkable and concerning differences in the urban versus rural canid behaviours that are starting to surface. The coyotes are pushing the red foxes out in Niagara on the Lake and I am hearing more and more reports of foxes taking up residence in peoples yards. The yotes have been forming loose pack affiliations. The sheer numbers are staggering and I can PM you some farmer cull numbers. Interestingly I think the answer is opening more areas to deer hunting. This may push the coyote litters down.
  19. Well it started out kinda silly with the opening ceremonies equipment malfunction, but as someone said to me, there is nothing more Canadian than having something like that happen But the one thing that has impressed me has been the people. The crowds cheering not only the home town players, but all great performances. The ovations given to the pairs figure skaters from China, the ovation given to that poor guy from Japan whose laces broke half way through his routine and the display of appreciation last night when the silver and bronze womens medals were given out was incredible. I watched all the crazy skiers and snowboarders. Every successful jump, no matter who did it, got a thunderous applause. I was very moved by Joannie Rochette's commitment and courage...skating to a medal within hours of her mother dying right in the Olympic village. I cannot imagine the internal fortitude it must have taken to remain graceful while carrying that grief. Respect... I actually saw, on many occasions the athletes walking down the street in Whistler with their medals, taking pics with people, signing autographs and sharing a few pints and laughs. Where else would you see that?? John Montgomery actually had a pitcher of beer as he walked down the road and was topping up other peoples cups to share in a cheer. Vancouver's funeral for the Georgian athlete and police escorted trip for his casket to the airport was a huge show of respect. It was a touching moment. Now I can finally say that our press coverage...primarily CTV's TV coverage has been simply amazing. Interviewing not only Canadians but athletes from around the world. They have managed to keep it all very light-hearted but entertaining and not giving it too much of a 'homer' sound. I can think of a few TV networks that could learn from that. Some of the morning stuff they have is quite hilarious....well except for anything Ben Mulroney is in. Truly the Winter Olympics kicks the summer olympics ass. The new sports like snowboard cross were really cool to watch and I would bet opens up a whole new window to people who would have never thought of the Olympics before. Summer olympians get busted for using steroids and HGH and blood doping. Winter athletes get busted for using Robitussin and pot. I hope some time soon Quebec City gets the Winter Olympics. It is a beautiful area and would be an amazing venue. Vancouver has been criticised for some stuff, but I am truly impressed by everything I have seen and I think we have set the bar pretty high for making it much more than just a bunch of people hurling themselves down the side of the mountain...although that is cool to watch!!! PS.. If they pull womens hockey out of the Olympics, I say we boycott and stay home. They have never eliminated any mens sport because of domination. Considering how much lame crap there is in the summer Olympics, I think they can suck it up. Yeah, I am talking to you Europe. We're good at something, get over it.
  20. In the midst of all this I will say we all are entitled to opinions. No one is right or wrong. There is much to be said about trophy hunting and much to be said about trying to maintain the balance of a top level predator population. I will say that trying to control coyotes via hunting is a waste of time and bullets. Much studying shows it is a futile effort. Their population levels are only determined by food source. Only in a full scale organized extirpation would have an impact. However we need to coyotes to control mouse, rabbit and other prey levels. I would not shoot a wolf, but that's just me. I used to think I would not shoot a coyote either, but after having one attack my dogs last summer, I would not hesitate should one come looking again...except I can't shoot in city limits so a good old fashioned beat-down will have to suffice. Hunting and fishing are forever intertwined and we do have to show support for the hunters otherwise fishing is threatened as well. The unfortunate thing about hunting is that catch and release has not really been shown to be effective ... This summer will be Ontario's first glimpse by urban dwellers of the coyote problem. The numbers indicate that problems are inevitable. There will be dogs taken, cats missing and kids bitten. The density is at a critical point. But study after study has shown that hunting won't fix it. We have to change our behaviour. We have to stop being a food source and they will retreat from the cities. Thank the MNR for their massive rabies immunization programs over the last several years. Had it not been for that we would have already had BIG problems.
  21. This will blow over and be forgotten. Who cares if they had some beer afterwards?? I would expect no different. If there was ever a well deserved brew, that was definitely it. I would have bought them all one myself if I'd been there!!!
  22. Thanks Pete..PM sent. I'll check Kijiji and Ebay for those, Dave. Once we find the dens we will be setting up trail cams. I have a feeling we found something we were not expecting, so it may be cool and I promise it will be here first if it turns out to be confirmed.
  23. I am amazed at what we are doing so far this year. The way that it is going is impressive. One more medal from womens hockey to come. The 'overall winner' is decided by number of golds so we actually have a shot. That would be something Maybe we can get the government to see that spending money on our Olympic athletes is worth more than a lot of the other crap we spend it on.
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