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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. You didn't hear this from me, Bruce, but you can load a portable version of Firefox onto a flash drive and plug it into your work computer. It doesn't install, it runs off the flash drive. This may help you at work....or get your IT guy a few beers and get him to put IE8 on your computer. It runs fine in that.
  2. I added a member map, and a hook called "similar topics" and soemthing else i can't remember. Anyway the map works. The "similar topics" shows ..well.. similar topics at the bottom of the thread. I am not all that keen on it..didn't seem to skin correctly...but I will leave it to you guys. It is collapsible anyway if you dont like it, just click ont he arrow in the header bar for it.
  3. Well, you said 'are unprofessional' which is the present tense. That is where the confusion came, since they were removed. BTW, what defines a 'professional' site? I am interested.
  4. I am going to say it is a cookie issue. An older browser or extremely tight security setting will do that. There are lots of links to bring you back which also reloads the page instead of using cache.
  5. Confirmed bug and I have a fix for that Art. Thanks for reminding me.
  6. How about this... We will not ask members to donate just to be here. We turn the Ad Bot on JUST FOR LURKERS, and we set up a donation button that, if you sell something in the classifieds, we ask for a VOLUNTARY donation. The amount would be up to you. If you look at the bigger sites, their classifieds are pay-to-play. Walleye Central charges about $100 bucks and they have pretty much the same traffic as us. The classifieds are actually the number one landing spot for lurkers and I see lots gets sold through it. Throwing a few bucks in after selling some stuff isn't bad. I did look at Kijiji style systems, where all ads are free but you pay to be pinned, etc , but I think this would be better. We could also use the Donate button for our fundraisers that we do for those in need...
  7. Yes I liked that too. Will add it to my list.
  8. I haven't looked at that stuff yet. I would unsubrcribe, then resubscribe and see if that helps or gives you more options.
  9. walleyejigger... I'm not allowed to say. This becomes a type of classic kase of information sharing that is not permitted by the terms of service.
  10. You can change the font from within your browser. I view all sites with the same font...Georgia. This is a Clear Type font, so make sure you have clear type enabled on your computer. It will be fuzzy if you don't. I think all Vista and Win7 systems come with clear type enabled by default. If you are running XP click this link for more info on Clear Type.
  11. Your profile says you are 101! Happy Birthday!
  12. Sorry you feel this way Bruce. But would you rather we had the site hacked and lost completely? Each time we upgrade people dont like it, but each time people get used to it. Eventually everyone wonders how they lived without the new version. We could get rid of the ads completely by charging a membership fee if that is more palatable. As has been explained MANY time, the avatar block can be changed by altering the page size (CTRL and mouse wheel scroll). As far as the blogs go, it was a two part problem. One...it was not being used enough to warrant the licensing fee. Two, it had been attacked dozens of times, once resulting in us getting kicked off a server. I have an option for those who do want to blog that will be coming soon. The initial page does not look much different than the old one...but it does looks much cleaner to me. And I guess anyone who disagrees with you is an ass kisser? Here's a hint..if no one else has the same problem as you.. IT IS NOT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE SITE. I can log in and run the whole site without issue using IE8, Firefox, Opera and Chrome.
  13. We call that a 'user interface error'.
  14. They are compatible within the major group. But once you go up especially from 2.x.x to 3.x.x they usually change the rendering engine to stay W3C compliant. Now that we are running 100% dynamic pages, the skins are completely different. The skin maker obviously had to start from scratch so the updates were not free. I know that we are now running version 3.0.4 and that version 3.1.0 is coming soon. The existing skins SHOULD be good through that.
  15. Lol... you have no idea!! The site is all coded in pagination now and I don't understand half of it so some things are 'click and hope'.
  16. Each skin addition takes several hours. Edits take about 20 minutes. So for now, we are only using these ones. We may add more at some point.
  17. I fish from a pier..I use a rubber net AND a glove. I net the fish, leave them in the water for a few minutes, bring them ashore, handle with glove (cause big walleye are hard to hang on to) remove the hook, picture, back into the net, back into the water, let them recover and swim out. So far it is the best way to reduce injury that I have found for what I do.
  18. The core and skins are installed. I have several new compnents to ad and am looking at different ones. Some may be good, others may suck. We shall see. Upgrade core Install skin Advertising banners Advertising bot Chat Mobile Skin Mobile Touch Software Update emoticons Social Network Bookmarking Module Member Maps Related Topics Contact Page About Page Stat tracker Don. Sidebar Try to fetch users location back to avatar box Install PM download feature Repair CSS in Members list Any questions or issues let us know in this thread.
  19. We were actually going to make them an avatar and pic. I think the slap Chop guy (you're gonna love my nuts) and Billy Mays are registered trade marks, tho
  20. The crawlers take awhile to index the content on the site. We then get assessed by keywords. Sponsors then bid on those keywords. Until the new crawl is done, you get ads from sponsors who will take anything. The fact that many people appear to be blocking ads here is exactly why it had to be done. Some ads are per click, some by impression. By blocking we lose impression counts. It is not a huge inconvenience to disable Ad Block for OFC in order to keep this thing afloat. The ad bot will continue in other forum areas for now.
  21. Its just like having Clampett back on the site...insert random image here....
  22. Just get a Caravan. They are so cheap now that if it breaks or you crash it you won't care.
  23. Wow... This may be the most epic fail ever on how to win over public opinion to support a tenuous cause. I don't know if you even know what the basis of your argument is. Since you have more money than you need, do yourself a favour and hire a professional lobbyist next time. They are very good.
  24. I know everyone rags on Legend cause of the package advertising (but seriously, have you ever tried to buy the car they advertise on TV starting at 19,999? Ohhh...you wanted seats?? Thats extra!) But my Legend was awesome. I sold it to TNT, don't know what he did with it. When I had it I had what I thought was a hull leak. I took it in and there was a leak...but from the new bilge pump fitting I put in. They fixed it free.
  25. Just some software we're testing out.
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