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Everything posted by Basskicker

  1. I'm still going on the 24th.....it's been a long winter and we both need to get away for a couple of days
  2. I've convinced the wife to go ice fishing for the 3 days of Feb 14, 15, 16 and was wondering if anybody has any suggestions on where I could rent a cabin with ice fishing huts available within 4-5 HOURS of Oshawa. Not looking to spend a small fortune, and not interested in Lake Simcoe, or Nippissing. Just looking for nice accommodations with decent fishing....she gets bored sitting in a hut all day with no fish biting......don't we all. We both realized that we have the same 3 days off and looking to spend some quiet time together. Thanks for any suggestions Cheers Jason
  3. Thanks for that great report.....sure looks COLD!!! Cheers Jason
  4. Those are sure some nice lakers......one of these days I would love to get out on Simcoe to hook up for my first laker. Cheers Jason
  5. Looks like all that hard work paid off...congrats...nice fish!! Cheers Jason
  6. Looks like an awesome time Cliff .....I remember my first time on the ice in the van.....all the windows and doors wide open....just in case heheheh.... the wife my NOT impressed. Cheers Jason
  7. WTG Mike .....congrats on the nice fish. That's sure a long day....counting the days down!! Hmmmm....2 trips up north? hmmm LOL Cheers Jason
  8. Thanks guys for all the advice and links.....still not sure what I'm going to do yet. Probably going to get my buddy to try and reinforce my current camp stove with some 1/8" steel plate to help strengthen it up and keep the heat in longer. Cheers Jason
  9. If you don't mind driving to Courtice/Oshawa, I would be more than happy to let use use mine for a couple of days. Cheers Jason
  10. I would love to use propane, however we go for 7-10 days is the spring up north....we would need a 2nd boat just to bring in the propane!!!!! I think I'm gonna try to find someone to make a customized stove.....I can't justify spending $600-800 dollars on a camp stove that I use once or twice a year. If the wife ever finds out what I've spent on fishing/camping I'm going to be hung. Cheers
  11. Yes we are......from the back of the van to the boat . The older I get...the more comforts of home I need. Last year we ended up with 3-4" of snow at the end of May......real nice to be warm when your 18km by boat from the van and another 2 hours to the nearest town.
  12. It's been a while since I've posted anything....been busy with life and haven't wet a line in over 2 months. I've been looking online for a week or so for a camp stove (wood) for my tent. I've located a few online but ALL in the US and with the exchange rate and shipping cost (due to weight)....it's just not practical. I already have a small stove, but it does not hold the heat or burn long enough (1-2 hours). Does anyone know where I can purchase a HEAVY DUTY camp stove than would burn for 8-10 hours weighing around 60-80lbs in CANADA? Here's a link to the few I've found it the States. http://www.walltentshop.com/CatStoves.html Thanks Jason
  13. WTG Mike.....simply awesome once again.
  14. All I can say is wow...once again. Just curious Mike...you don't happen to have large hidden compartment in your truck that I can hide in? Ask Cliff he'll explain.. ...WTG guys looks like an awesome day for sure!!!! Jason
  15. Thanks Mike for making my day better. Jason
  16. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&id=0005884 May be overkill...but I love mine and so does everyone else that has stayed it in with the wood stove. Read the reviews on the Cabelas site. Jason
  17. Happy Birthday Cliff.....hope you enjoy you B-Day......what are you doing at work Your suppose to be All the best..... Jason
  18. Sounds pretty cool....but if you still have eggs left over from 18 YEARS......you need to go fishing more ...hehehehe Jason
  19. Right on Cliff..... Jason
  20. http://www.thefishingoddess.com/AngieEggCure_page.htm This is all that I have used for 3 years now.....no complaints...pretty awesome actually. A little time consuming but great results. Jason
  21. I thought that it was pretty nice of them as well....not to rub it in.....but it was 4 weeks....the last 3-4 days at a Minnesota/Ontario border lake that we portaged into that Solopaddler would be impressed when he here's the list of things we brought in.....and barely managed to bring back out. It was like 5 Star camping.....in the middle of nowhere.....probably lost 5 pounds in 4 hours hours trying to get all the stuff in there. Hard lesson learned.....I really need a portaging lesson (in-person) from Solopaddler I'll try to get the report up in the next couple of days. Jason
  22. I have to agree...some of the nicest photography I have seen in a while...thanks for taking the time to share your epic adventure with us. Jason
  23. Beautiful fish for sure...fish of a lifetime...but 2 in the same year....unbelievable!!! Jason
  24. Thanks guys for the kind replies.....we certainly had a honeymoon to remember. I am just so thankful that were awake.....I can only imagine waking up to a bear licking my face. This was our first fly-in ever....but certainly won't be our last. Andrea said that she would love to go every year...lucky me!!!!! Hey Cliff.....hopefully we can hook-up real soon. Jason
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