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Everything posted by Basskicker

  1. Happy Birthday Lew...don't be so serious....try smiling in some of those fish pictures lol
  2. I must be going through mid life crisis, already given notice to quit my job, already sold the house and moving north....way north to Manitouwadge, Ontario. My wife got a great job in town and her family lives up there. Leaving next weekend to buy a house and be mortgage free. Definitely a life changing event, I have no job lined up, but I know and believe everything happens for a reason and things will work out!! We have always wanted to live up north, so we are doing it, enough of this rat race!! I already have most of my toys, but I need a snowmobile....looking a getting a 2011 Yamaha Bravo 250.....looked at other new machines but cost WAY TOO MUCH-10-15 grand, the bravo I can probably get for 5000 cash. I just wanted some opinions on this machine, already have 2 feet of snow up there Cheers Jason
  3. That's awesome Mike!!!
  4. That's awesome Mike, some beauty specks!!! I can't believe it, but I've fished that lake with my buddy before we flew into Eddies...too cool. Thanks for sharing. Jason
  5. That's awesome!!
  6. Not sure how much ice fishing you do, but your more than welcome to join me anytime. I haven't been out fishing in a few weeks. Probably won't have anytime soon with building this hut, so much still left to do.
  7. ....not quite sure, but I took a measurement off my rod last night and it was conservatively about 22-23", how heavy not sure, but it was BIG. Wasn't too concerned about length/weight at the time, by myself in the boat, just wanted a quick picture and release her.
  8. Thanks, I work for a builder. The aluminum I have to pay unfortunately, $180 for a 24" wide x 30m roll, not cheap, but so far this hut has cost only $350 for the trailer, everything else was "Donated".
  9. Thanks for the insight, maybe I can jack it up remove tires, and then lower it closer to the ice on blocks
  10. Hey Terry, yes I plan to fish out of it and plan on using long 5 gallon buckets with bottom cut out as a sleeve that will extend down to ice, sealing off most of the draft from outside
  11. Yes it is permanently bolted to the trailer, plan on leaving it on the ice and towing it out with a Suzuki 4x4 once there is LOTS of ice.
  12. I'm thinking last weekend about how I've always wanted a sleeper hut, so after a couple of weekends I'm almost there. Just looking for some negative/positive feedback or further ideas, got some metal roofing for the top and plan on using 24" rolls of aluminum to wrap the exterior with, it's 8'x12'. Going to insulate and poly the inside, wondering about wood stove or propane. Trying to figure out what to finish the interior with....would like to use tongue and groove pine but worried about weight. Going to use 5 gallon buckets with the bottoms cut out for the holes to help minimize the draft, trailer is solid and I stain guarded the underside of plywood and bolted the wooden frame to trailer. The neighbors are wondering what the hell I'm building. Need to install license plate and wire the trailer lights...a little concerned about traveling down the highway and with any amount of snow on the ice. Oh and here's my personal best Brookie in Ontario.
  13. So sorry to hear about your lost Brian, been there twice in the last 3 years. It does get better with time. Jason
  14. Nice fish Bill....congrats on the laker. I ended up with 2 specs....and headed for that walleye lake. Nice meeting ya. Jason
  15. Don't know how I missed this report....wow Mike. Your kids must have had a blast....The wife and I stayed in that exact cabin when we were there last fall on O'Sullivans the first night....really nice people to deal with. Cheers Jason
  16. Really nice job.... appreciate all the time it took to put that together.
  17. Thanks so much for that.....you just made my day!!!
  18. My thoughts and prayers Wayne... Jason
  19. Nice walleye.....surprises are always good!!!
  20. Thanks Brian...much appreciated. I'll give them a call.
  21. Wow....the generosity of this place blows my mind sometimes ...I just might take you up on that offer sometime this summer and I would be honored to take you into the lake, but I'll warn you now....it involves a 5km paddle followed by a 1800 meter portage, 3Km paddle through another lake then another 300-400 meter bushwack into the lake I want to set up a basecamp and bury all my supplies in airtight 60L barrels for the winter ( I think/hoping this would work?). There is a ATV trail to the first lake, so an ATV-Trailer would help. Sounds crazy, but my wife and I have been searching for a couple of years now for the perfect spot to call our own so I hoping that this all works out. Just too much work to backpack with canoe and gear every weekend into this place....only taking canoe and some food would make things ALOT easier
  22. Does anyone know where I could rent/borrow (pay cash) for the use of an UTV (Side by Side) for 1 day to move some things I need relocated into a back lake I recently discovered. I found a little gem of a lake that has ATV access and would like to bring some camping supplies in for the summer. I can rent a ATV but that is no good, I need the cargo space. Any ideas? Thanks Jason
  23. Wow...nice fish!!!!
  24. Nice smallies...well done!!
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