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Everything posted by Walleye72

  1. The Hip for sure!! As well I like Dire Straits. A couple of their studio albums and a live album hits the spot. Never get tired of it. As a matter of fact, I sort of save it for this time of year. Hitting the road Saturday morning for Sturgeon Falls.
  2. Depending on how the unit is shipped you would have to pay brokerage and GST. I'm not sure on duty, it might be duty free. As far as the brokerage charge, USPS is generally very low or non-existant. UPS is around $40 last time I used it, but if it is shipped expedited (blue) or higher then the brokerage is included in the shipping charge, which might be reasonable if it's only a couple of pounds. Warning about shipping as a gift: You're lying and you might get caught. They open random packages and a brand new graph is going to draw attention. I live in London, ON. I have things shipped ground to a facility in Port Huron who will sign for it for $5. Then I go pick it up and I only have to pay GST and Duty at customs if applicable. Often I am waved through. If you're far from a border, this isn't as convenient obviously.
  3. I was going to say the exact same thing. Those little air compressors are handy but don't always do it. I did exactly what Art said a couple of weeks ago with my wheelbarrow tire. Ratchet strap, air compressor and everything. Worked perfect. Took 2 minutes once I got the tire off.
  4. Very Nice. Original art is so nice to have vs mass produced prints and such. They have their place, but art created by someone you know is priceless.
  5. I would have to agree with the majority here. A 25 HP will likely disappoint. I used to rent a Legend 16' that looked almost exactly the same as that size and layout. It had a 25 HP 2 Stroke with no Tilt/Trim. The boat did plane but that's about it. My GPS reported that with 2 guys and a light load (a couple of tackle boxes) we managed about 22 MPH. It was uncomfortable at speed with any chop on the water, but that is also partly due to the style of boat. I recommend at least the 40.
  6. Mountain Equipment Coop has a nice selection of glasses under $60. I find the clarity and build quality very good for the price.
  7. I got a pair that I like at Mountain Equipment Co-op. They are Sun Cloud, and they are polarized. http://www.mec.ca/product/5028-295/suncloud-hook-polarized-sunglasses-unisex/?q=suncloud%2Bhook I like the amount of light that they block due to the style of the frames. They are similar to the cheaper ($20) pair of Rapala glasses that I previously owned. It seems to me after having worn both pairs, that the clarity of the lenses in the Sunclouds is better than the Rapalas. Down the road I might consider a more expensive pair, but right now I like these. And I don't have to worry about losing a $200 pair of glasses while I fish. One last thing. Be wary of buying online without having tried them on. It was amazing how important trying on all the different options at MEC was. Many of the glasses that I viewed on the website were not comfortable on me at all. I am grateful I didn't order the pair I thought "looked the best" on the site as they felt awful. Lesson learned.
  8. I was thinking maybe the trailer needed repairs and he's taking it to the shop. He's avoiding using a towing service to save some bucks. It's definitely an eyecatcher though.
  9. I'm trying to understand why anyone would keep a walleye this size? I would want pictures of course, but to take that fish out of the fishery. To eat??? Or even mount? Wow is all I can say.
  10. Well, from the info you've provided it could be either the charger or the battery. If you didn't top up your batteries over the winter seasons, they most certainly could have become sulphated, which greatly lowers the performance of your battery. I have an older model of that same charger, and presently the smart charger function is not working. If I select the 15 amp, or the 10 amp setting, it won't charge past about 60 %. It reports that it does. The display reads 100 % and Charge Complete, but after taking it off charge and leaving it for an hour, it drops back to 60%. I have to use the 2 amp setting, and then it does charge all the way to 100 %, albeit slowly. I intend to replace my charger next year with an onboard dual pro. You might consider trying the 2 amp setting and see if it charges properly. Having Canadian Tire perform a load test is also a good idea. They could also show you how to check the liquid levels. You might just get a new battery out of it. Comments already posted about the size of your battery are relevant. Pick a size that you don't discharge past 50 % and you will realize many many more cycles than running it nearly dead and then recharging. Edit: Sorry, I didn't see that the original thread started 3 months ago. I'm sure you've figured it out by now. I need to pay better attention.
  11. Wow, thanks so much. Those are great links. Now I can educate others.
  12. On my summer vacation this year I trapped most of the minnows that I needed for the 2 weeks I was there. In addition to the minnows, I trapped quite a few of these bugs as well. Does anyone know what type of bugs these are? Everyone was asking me, but I didn't know. Bug 1: Both the front and the backside Bug 2: Please note: Bug 2 is not a crawfish. I never tried fishing with them, maybe I should have. Bill
  13. Done! Good Luck
  14. Although it sounds like you've made up your mind, I'll throw this into the ring for consideration. When I replace the Nautilus Intelligent Battery Charger that I have now which only works on the 2 amp setting, I'll be getting this one: http://www.amazon.com/Dual-Bank-Sportsman-Series-Charger/dp/B000N9XOCE My Nautilus charger is a portable single output 15/10/2 amp charger which I have hardly used. I bought it 8 or 9 years ago, but I maybe charged a deep cycle battery 10 times over two years at the most and when I pulled it out this year to start using again it only charges on the 2 amp setting. What a waste. Never again with Nautilus. Junk! Now the charger I linked to is considerably more expensive than the BassPro unit you are looking at, but it is highly rated, and it can supposedly be fixed, which for me is a big plus as I hate the throw away premise. One guy reported on another site that his 6 year old unit failed, and when he called Dual Pro for parts, they shipped him a new unit at N/C. That's what I call customer service. Also, Guest does indeed make a 3 bank charger: http://www.batterystuff.com/battery-chargers/24-volt/marine/GU2623A.html Hope this helps.
  15. I see that newer South Bend lures were painted with that chevron pattern, but perhaps older versions were not. Jeeze, it was just a guess.
  16. That looks to be an old South Bend Pikeoreno.
  17. Awesome report guys! I'm not sure I could take a 24 hour drive towing my boat all that way. Maybe when the kids are all grown up and doing their teenage thing. I have a question for you: Andrew's boat has a 115 hp Mercury. Why is there a photo of you with a 150 HP Yamaha motor in the background mixed in with all the Merc pictures?
  18. Wow, what an awesome fish, and on your first day too. I hope you catch several more beauties like that. And... Kudos on snapping a nice photo by yourself.
  19. I recently purchased a Tracker boat on a Shorelander trailer. I recently read about needing the correct 4-way or wrench to remove the tire in case of a blowout. In preparation for an upcoming trip, I walked out to my trailer to investigate and found the lug bolts blocked by a cover of some kind. Is that simply more decorative hubcap or something with a purpose? And how do I get that cover off. I pulled on it and twisted it and it didn't seem like it wanted to come off. This is probably a very noob post to have to make, but this is all new to me. Thank you very much. Bill
  20. I haven't been catfishin' in years, but I recall that I used chicken liver from the grocery store. It was amazing. They went crazy for it. I/m sure any kind of liver would work okay. The chicken was the cheapest. I believe I used slip floats with little glo sticks mounted on top. Then you could cast the rig out 20 feet from the canoe and watch for the light to disappear. It was a ton of fun. I can't remember how far I rigged the bait from the bottom, but if I were to try again, I'd start with a few feet from the bottom and work my way up.
  21. You need to provide the following things: 1. The pleasurecraft license paper which can be used by the new owner for 90 days 2. Signed trailer ownership 3. A bill of sale. Some people choose to separate the items in the package. ie they buy the boat, motor and trailer separately. A Bill of Sale template can be found here: http://www.tc.gc.ca/media/documents/marinesafety/billofsale-actedevente-eng.pdf Don't forget to take your plate off the trailer before it drives away.
  22. Wow, scary stuff for sure! A few years ago my family and I were driving home from vacation on Highway 11 Southbound and an SUV about 50 yds ahead of us had their rear mounted bike rack come apart and all 4 bikes spilled onto the highway at 110 km/hr. I was able to dodge the missiles and get through it. Scared the life right out of me. I don't think anyone was involved in a collision from what I could see. White Knuckle Driving!!!!
  23. I'm also really interested in this info. I was so surprised to hear that perch are often found in 40 + feet of water. I would never have thought they were that deep. I'll be watching this thread for any info you guys can offer.
  24. Really great day on the water! Where are you fishing?
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