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Everything posted by muddler

  1. Thanks , the canoe knot looks promising. muddler
  2. Yup, tell that to the 6 million Jews that got wiped out. Repeat that for the Yazidis Christians that ISIL is wiping out.
  3. I tried a uni knot, clinch knot (recommended on package) and perfection loop (also recommended on the package). They all failed to compact into a tight knot. I may just try some of that UV glue that's advertised on TV. I was looking for a very thin material as I be using it fishing for walleye in pike infested waters. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll research them.
  4. I can assure they are right. My knots look awful. What is "Bernards titanium Sur Lok"?
  5. Thank you! We finally agree on something.
  6. Anybody try this stuff. It's a nickel-titaniun wire with about 15% stretch that is supposed to be able to tie a knot with. I bought a 12lb package and I tried to tie a knot with it and It was almost impossible to work with. It's nice and thin, perfect for pike fishing but I'm having a lot of issues using knots with it. I fish a couple of bodies of water that have a lot of pike and I thought this stuff might be a perfect material to use with jigs. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. muddler
  7. And the difference is ISIL has publicly beheaded innocent people and kill indiscriminately. As for Westboro Baptist (the first I've hear of them) they have yet to kill anyone. Get off the soapbox Dutch. muddler
  8. Now that's funny! Reel on top reeling backwards. muddler
  9. The difference between then (when we were kids) and now is that there is a pile of information about drinking and driving now. Heck, remember when we all smoked because it was cool and wouldn't hurt ya. In the 60's Toronto stopped at Sheppard AVE. Newmarket was the boonies back then. And drinking and driving was considered 'fun', mostly because you could backroad it home and never see another car. Today there is so much traffic in and around the GTA that i is impossible to go anywhere any time and NOT run into traffic. With all the advertisements by MAAD and the senseless carnage caused by drunk drivers, I am still amazed that anyone would be that stupid. We should employ Swedish type laws for drunk driving. They are really strict, 0.02% (up to 6 months imprisonment), 0.10% (imprisonment, maximum 2 years). They also through in a fine. That's for the first offence, it gets worse after that. If you get into an accident or kill someone while driving drunk, well I am told that it's very severe punishment and none of that Bull that the driver is the sole provider/bread winner to lower the sentence. You are treated as a criminal. Why anyone would drive after drinking is beyond me. The consequences of their actions can NEVER be undone. Lock them up and throw away the key. muddler
  10. Yup Cosby(53 pts) is 6th in scoring and 'don't touch me ', Kessel(34 pts) is 89th. He's destined foe greatness all right.
  11. Where are all those "fans" that predicted he'd get 40-50 goals playing with Crosby? Yup, he's really standing out in Pittsburgh.
  12. Not as thick as his head.
  13. The Leafs will purge even more players. Count on it. They want lots of draft picks and a huge surplus in the salary cap. Once all the pieces are in place they will go after players to complete the puzzle to become a serious contender. I'll give it 2 years. That's how winning teams are made. They are on the right track. They're not ready for Stamkos yet. That would just be a waste of money and future picks. Grit your teeth Leaf fans and wait. muddler
  14. Sorry Manitou but, "I have guns too, and was within my rights to use them. " ,you don't have a "right" to use them at another person. Although I understand why one would and I could probably justify it, it is illegal. YOU DO NOT HAVE THAT RIGHT! This is NOT the USA. I agree with Fish Farmer 100%
  15. That's why they got assault rifles for the cops! Ya never know.
  16. All rods are parabolic when under a load, unless the the rod tube is uniform in diameter along its full length , ie: biult like a uniform wooden dowel, then it would have a circular action. BillM's diagram is the best way to visualize a rods parabolic action. By changing either the diameter or/and thickness of the wall of the tapered rod blank, the rod will bend less (faster) or more depending on the formula of the the manufacturer. Guide placement can affect this also. The best way is to test cast the rod to determine how it will behave under fishing conditions. This is rarely possible. The next best way is to physically load the rod by threading it with a line and loading the rod. I bring about 20 feet of 10lb test mono and string it through the guides. Wrap a bit of the line around the reel seat holdin it down with one hand and gently pulling the loose end from the tip top. You'll get a pretty good idea of the "action" of the rod under load. Flip the rod so that guides are on top of the rod and reload the rod. The line should not touch or go below the blank under a normal load. If the line stays above the blank then the guides are placed correctly for that rod. It's probably the one you want. All factory rods are NOT all the same. In a batch of 100 exactly the same make and model, some will perform better than others. That's why I recommend bringing 20 feet of mono to test them. Guides are important. Pick up a cheaper rod with heavier Haloy guides vs titanium single foot SIC guides and you immediately notice the difference. That's why two similar rods can vary in price by hundreds of dollars. Also check the reel seats. They should be comfortable and strong. My personal favourites are a fast action for casting artificials and a slow action for throwing live bait. If I can only take one rod and I'm not too sure what I'll be doing, I'll settle for a medium or medium fast action. Just my 3 cents (2 cents US)
  17. Gary Betman gets paid way too much to run the NHL like his personal fiefdom. He has the IQ of a clam. As for Scott, yup he should have never been voted into the All Star game, Not even a question, But he did. It doesn't matter that the clam is too stupid to prevent this from happening, Scott got in, fair and square. He should play. He got there, let him play. Maybe Betman will grow some stones and actually do something positive for a change. I apologize in advance to any clams that I have offended......muddler
  18. Who cares? Other than medicinal uses, this is a total waste of time. Read this in a paper, "We have more important issues in this country than wasting time pandering to the drug obsessed in our society. Sad and pathetic that so many people's lives revolve around getting their next fix.". Couldn't agree more. My 2 cents......muddler
  19. Wow, what a finish ( pun intended)! One of the best World Junior games I've seen. Awesome muddler.
  20. When the players are encouraged with the "New NHL" mentality where the hitting is almost gone. End to end shiny is what is left. The toughness of the game is becoming obsolete. So many penalties are "staged" and according to the rules the offence is called. My personal favourite is the "love tap" on the opponents stick and it gets dropped. ...... slashing penalty...HOLD THE FREAKIN STICK...... Slap the opponents stick and it breaks......OPPS PENALTY. A freaking $500 stick and it breaks like paper......gimme a break. Get a real piece of lumber. That didn't happen when the used wood sticks. The head shots had to go as that is very dangerous but holy cow there are way too many ticky tack penalties that decide the outcome of the games. When we see a real good body check now, it's a rare thing and the crowd goes nuts. 20 years ago it was the way everybody played. Hard hitting is a part of the game, and the NHL has changed that (call it European hockey if you like). Our Juniors turned to body checking in the first period againsh the Finns. The momentum changed in our favour, trouble was we couldn't keep that up. Time to get back to basics. Look who wins the Stanley cup...teams that get physical with a smattering of skill players. LA has won a few cups on pure toughness for example. The last thing I want to see is a team of Phil Kessels. And how's he doing ? My 2 cents ......muddler
  21. They done good. Played 110%. The last slashing penalty that the Finnish player's stick got knocked away was very iffy. I hate that whole dropping the stick thing on a love tap. Looks like a ringette ruie. Anyway we were right in it all the way. The boys done good. muddler
  22. It is foolhardy to compare just the scores of 2 teams against the same team. We see this all the time. Even the Leafs play like Stanley Cup champions once in a while. It all boils down to chemistry on this team. Some teams take a little longer to gel and produce, some just don't get there. Talent will only get you so far, the rest is chemistry. I like what I see our boys doing. Without the fluke third goal(yes, I know this happens all the time) against the USA and it would be a totally different game. It's not time to panic. All teams get UP for the Canadian teams. The oppositions usually play their best games against us. Our boys always leave it all in the ice, a 100% effort. Regardless of the outcome they have done us proud. They WILL continue to play at their peak. Remember every team is trying to do the same. The most dangerous team in a short series is the team that's NOT supposed to win. Right now that's us. Our boys will do us proud, Just my 2.8 Canadian cents or 2 cents American.....muddler
  23. Our political and justice system follows the golden rule. Those with the gold ....rule. Justice refers to "just -us" A total overhaul of the political system that makes the laws need to be done. It doesn't matter what party is elected, the results are the same.
  24. Orvis knot. Changed over to this knot about 25 years ago. Used a simple test (below) and it beat EVERY other knot hands down. And , yes I tried them all. Orvis tippet knot for joining leader to mainline. I now put the line through a piece of cardborad just in front of the leather work glove as the swivel shoots like a bullet if the wrong knot breaks. It is a very easy and simple knot to tie, great when your fingers are frozen.
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