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Everything posted by keram

  1. Good one How did they manage to lure any politician in to the jungle??
  2. I do not know who he is, but can we vote him next PM of Canada
  3. Little bit late , but I still have managed weekly report. The weather was nice, little bit "crispy" in the morning (4ºC), but manageable due to lack of wind. On the way to the lake I've seen nice colors of the sunrise Sunrise from the boat launch Fishing was tough I've managed to land only 2 pikes (worst performance this season ), lost one on the "long distance release" No pictures of pikes due to a fact that...........Oh forget it ( I was on the party on Saturday night) Anyway, cedar planks pike is very tasty
  4. Some time ago I've posted, that we have new family member . She was 8 weeks old then, but now almost 4 months. It is time to learn something. I like her attention to details First "kill" Are you talking to me Why this stick is sooooo heavy In winter time she will "attend" two courses: safe boating course and net attendant Level 1 Will keep you posted
  5. See here: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...p;hl=speedtroll
  6. She is turning ???. I only see her jumping every couple seconds LOL
  7. I'm with JA on this 100%. You did your part If I see something like this, I will do exactly same thing, regardles of the opinion of armchair "experts" (lawyers, attorneys, COs and others)
  8. You will find a lot of info here: http://www.walleyecentral.com/winterize2001.shtml http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/Winter_boat.html
  9. I've seen him posting few days ago
  10. I think BPSBassman
  11. Went with my son this time . In his busy schedule he’s managed to get full day of fishing with me. The weather on Sunday was so-so. Windy, low clouds and a drizzle from time to time. Easterly wind ( 15-20 km/h) and cold front condition, it did not look promising . Anyway we were on the water by 7:30 am. First two hrs not even a sniff, all my go to lures did not produce anything. I was “little” bit disappointed , because I have only handful of chances to fish with my son ( about 3 times a year ). After two unproductive hrs we’ve moved to different part of the lake and I’ve decided to completely change pattern. Well, it worked. In next couple of hrs we’ve hooked 9 pikes and a nice bass . Landed 7 pikes and bass ( on the first fish I’ve realised that the landing net is still in the garage) . Some of the pikes This is the first ever bass for my son ( not a “shaker” at all) Usually on the successful outing I was “inviting” couple of pikes for fish fry contest, and did the same on Sunday, but on the way home I’ve realised that fish fry every weekend become a “boring” event , so this time I’ve decided to try something new Here it is before and after
  12. It was a pleasure Brian, but next year you have to do muuuuuuuch better
  13. You are very lucky. One of the BEST band ever. I say "One Of" because there are few more I wish I could see again ( Procol Harum, Pink Floyd, Black Sabath, Deep Purple and my favorite Uriah Heep. Enjoy it.
  14. Priceless
  15. My deepest sympathy to you and your family in this difficult time.
  16. You got that right. . I have two.
  17. Another good day on the water. Left home about 5:30. Just north of Port Perry thick fog started rolling in. In some spots I had to slow down to about 65 km/h I was afraid that we will have very nasty conditions on the lake, but it was not as bad I as I’ve thought Lake was almost clear As soon as sun showed up thick fog patches started rolling in from the north Even after 8 am some sometimes the lake looked like this But couple hrs later Still we’ve managed to hook few fish ( 4 pikes ,1 LMB, 1walleye ) My friend lost at the boat side fish of the day ( LMB in 5lb range ) Highlights of the day Walleye 4 lb Pike – 31” 5lb 13 oz
  18. You did what should be done, and for this I
  19. cheque is in the mail
  20. WOW, I learn something new here every day For sure I will try this new " attractant"
  21. Yup, you got that right. It is even difficult to keep beer cold enough
  22. Do not worry fish cannot read , just use them.
  23. It will be unfair for me to complain about "open water" fishing this year. It was ( I should say still IS) very good season for me , but from time to time I'm thinking about "hard water". I need to beat my two PB this Ice season ( 15" jumbo and 30"/12lb walleye). I won't even mention IPFF ( ice perch fish fry), which keeps me going
  24. Congrats, and the release photo deservws front page
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