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Everything posted by addict

  1. if your creek fishing and get it other than the mouth let it go.if your fishing 30 or more ft for whities near the mouth is close enough they obviosly took a stab at it.
  2. to lazy to read but the pics speak for themselves nice trip great scenery.
  3. if it leaks bad then fix it if its minor live with it most older aluminum boats will start to leak eventually.when i bought mine i repaced reivets and used jb weld she stayed dry for many yrs now she gets about a litre in the bottom after a full day out i can live with that i just pop the drain on the ride home.
  4. pike then bass and bass and more bass.once im done with the bass then its dirty chinooks then trout then pike then bass and more bass dont care much for the other ones did i mention i like to bass fish.
  5. nice work on the eyes .mec tents are the cats arse.
  6. wait till the fall.go catch some eyes and gators.
  7. just got off work to lazy to go get the boat and put it in.tommorrows mothers day so thats out of the question.next weekend cant fish either but leaving for a solid week of pike and walleye in the great north im itchin.
  8. chochrane is gator country some great eyes as well, will be headin up before the end of the month trying to avoid the hatch its a trade off cool weather or black flys.if you go early june the black flys will be in full swing and its hardcore thick black clouds.last year we left on the day they hatched they were still a little lethargic and not full bore but was still bad.bring a bug suit and lots of deet.on the plus side its beautiful and the fishing is world class huge numbers and quite a few monsters.as for gear personally ill be using mostly baitcast setups with 14lb-17lb test and wire leaders.rods are medium heavy action xraps and cotton cordell riplin redfin were the go to lures.williams wabler spoons while twitched were deadly pretty much any floating stick bait works great.if the water is warm enough pike cant resit spinners good luck.
  9. to bad a moped wont tow my boat.refuse to fill er up put 60 and only get about a half tank 88 gmc with a 350 shes old and shes a pig.
  10. canada is loaded with oil,alberta tar sands.apparently there is enough to sustain canadas needs for a very long time.so why do we buy oil from other countries.i believe its all a huge conspiracy keep the rich gaining and the poor right were we are.10% of the global population owns 80% of the money.
  11. i was there a few weeks ago just to burn the cobwebs out uf the motor there was no dock in portperry.but the launch is paved and it was easy enough to launch without one.but that was about 3 weeks ago they may have it in now.
  12. that toronto smog sure is getting bad lol.
  13. heres another tip tie all your landing gear,pliers, jaw spreaders to the boat pike have a tendency to go for round 2 once u try to unhook them lost a few sets of pliers and spreaders due to thrashing.if your like me and dont use nets watch your fingers on the gill rakers.this year we are bringing a cradle with us on our trip to use on the big girls.good luck hope ya get slimed.
  14. mouth of nottawasga river now would be a good time for huge channel cats and carp,in the fall for salmon and rainbows.
  15. nantucket sleigh ride, sweet catch
  16. if u get your limit of eyes,instead of "loading up"on crappie why not try some catch and release.the new walleye limit is more than enough for a feed.
  17. nice work.cant wait to get a crack at some gators
  18. cant go wrong with the xraps used them last yr on the annual far north pike and they rock gators cant resist .cotton cordell riplin redfin is also deadly.
  19. thats an elvis impersonator sunfish note the sideburns
  20. got the same one and no complaints although i only got to use it for 2mths then i put the boat in a storage unit.
  21. far norh for another epic pike adventure with basskicker stay tuned for pics will be headin out soon the ice is startin to break up.
  22. that sucks but remember nothing is wasted in the wild.
  23. marshmellows
  24. its a joke,give cujo some treats it will shut the bugger up
  25. basspro sells a soft binder for plastics keeps em neat compct and easy to grab.those blue senkos will work they are my second favorte color.
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