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Everything posted by addict

  1. spend the extra dough and get a minnkota.ive heard alot of bad things about motorguide.most of the pro run minnkota,the way i see it if your gonna spend 500 why not 800 and get something thats gonna last.my friend basskickers runnin a 55lb minnkota maxum and its a sweet motor powerful and durable.after fishing with him all last year it sold me to get the 70lb maxum had her out fri and today just out for a boat ride man this motors got balls cant wait till bass season.
  2. recieved one of thier rods free with a reel purchase slapped a pfluger presidend baitcaster on it and i love it.sweet setup the rod isnt very pricey but its im7 graphite has great action and it was free.bought a couple of thier soft tackle bags and im very happy with them.as for thier prices i would rather go to lebarons.
  3. buy one learn to cast and youll be sold.personally i hated them at first why mess around with something that can potentially screw up and backlash,when i can use a good ol spinnin setup and not have to worry.but once you figure them out they rock like the other guys say they handle bigger baits far better like half ounce spinner just feels so much better on a casting setup.they can manage heavier line better as well thus giving u more torque to haul em out of thier holes.spinning reels are better for finesse style light baits and lines dont limit yourself to one or the other expand your selection.
  4. like they said no crappie till next wkend.i was out yesterday and it was nice to give the boat a good rip and blow the cobwebs out of her tested all gear including new bowmount.unfortunatley no docks in yet but launch was pretty easy even solo.
  5. addict

    UFC 83

    love to see gsp smoke serra and would love to see bisbing eat a few knuckles
  6. your posts convince that its worth a little drive and a temporary license once again nice job.
  7. trust me if u got the marlin on the inside of your arm u would feel it the top outside of the arm is quite pleasaurable compared to the backside.
  8. well the boat is finally done built the casting deck last fall and added a bicycle seat rewired lights and bilge put on a colour depth finder.slapped a minnkota 70lb on the nose threw in a second battery and guest charger.packed the bearings changed the plugs and oil.surprisingly all trailer lights working from last yr(guess the trailer phantom didnt visit)filled the tires with air filled the 5gal tank with fuel 27.00 bucks ouch.took er up to the bog today no dock in the water yet.everthing ran sweet trolling motor is super strong didnt see any deadheads or debris.ready to fish.anyone else ready?
  9. nice tats so far would love to see more.everbody says the outline hurts the most but i found the shading a little rough especially near the armpit going over the same spot again and again.the outline is fast run the neddle over it once.
  10. thats my handle fishtat2 got more photos but my computer is way to slow to transfer to photo bucket its a freshwater sleeve smallmouth,largemouth,musky,walleye perch sunfish and a pile of structure
  11. opener always sucks.river is to small up north loaded with snags and a million yahoos.go crappie fishin instead.
  12. secret creeks lets see theres dirty duffins,lynde creek,oshawa,farewell,bowmanville,wilmont,gages,graham,ganaraska,courborg,let me now if there are any other secret creeks.
  13. very nice,like new.i just open em up wipe out most of the crud with q tips and paper towel regrease and oil.nice point about the grease one year i put to much in my baitcaster and it felt stiff.
  14. rootbeer
  15. just came back from cabelas with basskicker,cool store.got a minnkota maxum 70 bowmount not sure how to hook this baby up got 2 wires coming out of the foot control one black one red and black.im assuming ill need to get extra wire solder together and run them to the back of the boat and connect them in series not sure what gauge of wire to use and do i need an inline fuse the instructions are vauge can any of u guys share some input it would be greatly apprecieated.
  16. too much money will be lost no way this piece o crap will fly.
  17. nice fish to bad u ruined the photo
  18. never weighed the buckshot pig just wanted her to live another day.but i would say shes well over 20,the buckshot i think was from spawning.all the blood u see is from my well lacerated fingers,caught a few rakers trying to get her in.going up north soon to moosebunks back yard to try for another pig.watch for the post.
  19. nice gator if that fish really is 19lbs what do u figure this one weighs
  20. boggie bait chatter bait knock off worked great for bass and pike
  21. spinners work great when the water is warmer i would go with x-raps,bomber long a,and my favorite spring lure cotton cordell riplin redfin slow stop and go retrieve will surly get crushed.if u get a sunny day try a silver williams wabler and start snapping it real hard they go crazy for the erratic retrieve.dont forget the jaw spreaders super long pliers or hemostats and if your like me some band aids.a towel wouldnt be a bad idea either to wipe the dirty slime off yer hands good luck with them gators cheers.
  22. the pink and purple worm catches the wife every time.
  23. 16ft crestliner 45 johnson all i need now is a 70lb maxum and this dang ice to melt
  24. hardcore i love it havent tried it for carp but ive fished for steel well below zero
  25. lol.when i read this i find i dont miss drinking as i think i do.
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