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Everything posted by aznphil

  1. i'll take u guys out if you rent a pontoon from a cottage, i know a spot or two on rice.
  2. wow...really puts things into perspective... how we push ourselves as boaters/fisherpeople the day of, maybe its an exciting day and you're taking guests/family for a cruise, or your're a hardcore fiend (like me) sacrificing sleep and food to fish. When one is not 100%, one small subconscious slip or mistake can quickly escalate into a critical situation. Really important to take a step back and review what's important...and that's SAFETY FIRST
  3. this was at cooks bay lake simcoe. One female rushed to hospital life threatening injuries. http://www.680news.com/2015/06/21/5-injure...rn-lake-simcoe/ this is exactly what i'm saying folks... BOATING SAFETY FIRST - BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS
  4. Summers weathers here, bass opening, cottagers about, ahh... please PLEASE set a good example for SAFE BOATING OFC folks. I know you guys already do. As a reminder here is my story 2 years ago: just want to share my experience to everyone here, while summer is in full swing and everyone is out enjoying the lake. PLEASE be ATTENTIVE and SAFE when on the water. Yesterday while out on a Kawartha lake 3 of us rented a 14ft boat and were fishing outside the channel, some 200m away from the channel marker. We were stationary, motor off, standing up fishing. At the last second my friend, who was on the bow, spotted a 18ft Bayliner speeding at 45km/h in a direct collision course to our stern, where I was. We were jumping and waving and at the last second I realized he wasn't stopping so I jumped. When I surfaced there was chaos as the bow of their boat breached up on to our stern, sinking our boat. We bailed and towed the boat back and that's when I saw how their bow dented the INSIDE of our boat, and their hull which destroyed the bench where I was sitting. We escaped with minor injuries. If there was ever a miracle this is it. I'm going to be the advocate every year around this time..lol
  5. they should put a +12" slot for craps, being cold water fish they dont grow as fast as people think they do... but ya tough last weekend on rice for eyes saw the bug hatch, crappies however have been consistent and yes not in the "usual" spots
  6. Hi, does anyone know if the Bridgenorth launch is open for use, and if the water is even high enough to launch by next weekend? thanks in advance guys
  7. anyone hear any recent reports, like where is biting?
  8. in my limited exp. sunline ssx doesnt fade nearly as much as pp or suffix...but hard to find. Does anyone kjnow where i can get spools of less thatn 16lb test?
  9. could it be that the past several years the flooding has been excessive, and the water engineers think they can be smart by pulling the plug earlier this year to prevent flooding?
  10. now theres an actual idea that can actually boost the economy...one more idea than all the other parties
  11. hey OFC, the spotlock on the ipilot doesn't work, any ideas? Where would be the best place to get it checked out? thanks fin
  12. kinda off track but i had a 5lb out of slot eye swallow an xrap whole, you coudlnt see the bait outside the mouth. That was an operation i tell ya and hope it lived...
  13. are they on top of sand flat humps with scattered weeds?
  14. wow...look at that prop...u guys r NUTS!! =)
  15. 2 years ago nov. i went to their inshore tarpon trip...skunked...
  16. i'm paronoid about 55lb when i fish detroit river and niagara...in 30km winds...lol...but in any other situation i get 90-95% remaining battery with 2 X group 27's after a normal days use (around 2-3 speed level all day). Hence I would think a step down/smaller batteries should still suffice...unless i'm wrong?
  17. for 24v bow mount TM users, has anyone gone less than group 27 and notice any issues with battery capacity and performance?? Reason being for my 70lb MK I got two group 27 on my bow and its really weighing down my 16' tinny (tiller). Anyone advise against downsizing batteries?
  18. Hi, I'm a newbie thinking of hitting the lower niagara on the weekend. How's the water clarity been, any ice chunks/slush/debris to be of concern, and will there be alot of people down there i assume?
  19. bronte outdoors new location right near port Credit
  20. some pictures of the water https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154819730145363&set=a.112988370362.201950.736525362&type=1&theater
  21. thats just an amazing piece of creation...wonderful. Why do people dream of going to space where theress aboslutely nothing for light years i dunno... when there are so many wonderful creations waiting to be discovered literally right beneath us
  22. oh my....i don't feel as crazy anymore
  23. i'm almost literally in the same boat...one last go windsor or niagara? I hear there is ice at some of the launches in Windsor but hard to say after the weather this week
  24. seen some late runs this year in Lake O can anyone concur/
  25. did u try Tom at Ang Spec?
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