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Everything posted by ADC

  1. Well, Any direction within 2 - 3hrs is perfect as long as there are plenty of bass at the destination Ive been searching and searching already to try and find old posts that will help but, its just too hard to find anything. So I made my own post cause I gave up. Ive been searching the net as well and its just so populated I keep going in circles. I was hoping someone could mention a place they have been to that has the bass, cabin and boat rental for a fair price. This way, I get a first hand review and will know what to expect. This is what I love about this forum, you get honest first hand info. cheers
  2. Im looking for new place to go fishing with my girlfriend next week. We want to stay in a cabin/cottage (1 bdrm) rent a boat and go bass fishing. We are sick of the same old and want to try a new place. Does anyone know of any good lodges etc that have good rates, are pretty close to Toronto, offer great bass fishing and have boat rentals? Somewhere a little quiet and not too populated would be best. Thanks guys
  3. Boys boys boys, Im a little shocked at some of the posts. I thought this was a place of cool and non-violent folk. However, I forgive you.... I understand that you are all grumpy and need some form of action while awaiting the summer months. Let me clarify the reason for my questions as for some reason I feel the need to defend myself. I like to fish, I want to fish, I want to fish as soon as it is warm enough to fish. I dont have a cottage, I dont have a boat. The places I have access and know of to fish at are all places that have Bass, Pike, Perch, Rock Bass. Ive never been ice fishing, I have no idea what kind of fish are legal to ice fish for. So what I really wanted to know was if it was legal or not to fish catch and release bass out of season. To which I received a clear answer. "NO". I also wanted to know that if I fish for something IN season and caught a Bass. Would I be screwed. EVEN THOUGH I WAS NOT TARGETING THE BASS (just to clarify for those with vivid imaginations) Let me try asking again What type of fish I AM LEGALLY ALLOWED to fish for that may inhabit the same waters I currently fish as those are the only places I know of to fish. So if lets say "Perch" are in season.... I want to fish for for them if I can. I just want to fish and do it legally Remember, before you label me some type of criminal, please make sure you know exactly what is going on before you let me have it. I came hear for strait answers out of respect so I could follow the rules. I am just asking questions and if you look at my original post... I already had claimed ignorance. Im just too lazy to go and read this stuff myself and figured it was something to talk about.
  4. are there any fish that are in season all year round? and are there any fish in season right now that would be found around the same places bass would normally be in the summer? thnx
  5. that was great. I needed a good laugh
  6. This may be an ignorant question but I figure this is the best place for a good answer. Can u still fish (catch&release only) for Bass when its not bass season ?? I know you cant keep any but is catch and release out of bass season legal ?? any insight would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Nice! Save me a Moose burger for when I come up to Eugenia! cheers
  8. Hey, Ive seen Zepplica. Its awsome! you will enjoy! However, HummingBird Centre? Not my first choice for a concert like that but, better than nothing. Congrats on the tickets..... If I were you, I would probably sell them and buy a boat as you will get top $$ for them. Ebay all the way!
  9. If those first 2 pics are of your Dad...... I dont think Ive seen anyone look that happy in a long time. The power of fishing!
  10. as a Cat owner myself I know its not easy. He was a real cute cat ! Im going to give my cat extra play time tonight in memory of Magic
  11. Trust me on this. Go to your local health food store and pick up some OIL OF OREGANO It kills all bacteria and virus and 101 other things. As for brands, the best are HeddWyn and the P73 oreganol I suggest you google "oil of oregano" to see just how many things this cures. I discovered this stuff because I had a soar throat that just wouldnt go away. 5 trips to the doctor and all the antibiotics did nothing. When I took this stuff, I was cured 75% overnight and 100% after 3 days of use. I now live by this and have passed it on to many people who all went from sceptics to confident users. Here is a site for the HeddWyn brand: http://www.wildoiloforegano.com/ THis is just a small list of what Oil of Oregano can cure: Acne, Animal bites, Arthritis, Asthma, Athlete's foot, Bad breath, Bed sores and Ulcerations, Bladder Infections, Bromidosis (foul odor associated with excessive sweating), Boils, Bruises, Burns, Bursitis, Candidiasis, Canker sores, Cellulitis, Cold sores, Colds/Flu, Cough, Cryptosporidium, Dandruff and Seborrhea, Diaper rash, Diarrhea, Ear infections, Ebola and Dengue Fever, Eczema, Fingernail fungus, Frostbite and frostburn, Giardiasis, Gum Disease, Food poisoning, Head lice, Headaches, Hepatitis, Herpes, Impetigo, Irritable Bowel syndrome, Leg cramps, Nail fungus, Paronychia, Peptic ulcer, Pneumonia, Psoriasis, Prostate disorders, Pruritis, Radiation injury/burns, Ringworm, Rosacea, Scabies, Shingles, Sinusitis, Sore throat, Sports injuries, Tick borne illnesses, Thrush, Toothache, Tuberculosis, Varicose veins, Venomous bites, Warts and Wounds. Many other conditions are also treatable. It really is a miracle and I hope you give it a try.
  12. Nice ! Sounds like it was a great time!
  13. I think I know what you are getting at but, there are ways around it and the situation must be looked at on a case by case basis... such as. "Im going to ask you to park your car, have a taxi pick you up and let you off with a warning. If you come back and try to drive within 2 hours, you will be arrested." Not too mention that the breath-alizers can be off by a point or so. There is no reason that the guy should be fined $180 for a quater of an inch. That is rediculous. Im 6foot but if Im on my tippy toes, Im 6'1. So, should I be fined for fraud because my driver lic. says 6ft but its really 6'1 ???? At most, it should have been a warning and a request to surrender the fish. or maybe just kick the guy off the lake for the day. He will learn his lesson and seems like the exact type of person who deserves a warning and not a fine. He was not abusing anything. I think that the laws apply more for poachers and idiots and from the sound of it. A guy who obides by the laws and was over by a quarter inch doesnt deserve a $180 fine. As for the poachers, thats a totally different ball game and they deserve the maximum fines etc. Just remember guys, practice what you preach and the next time you J-walk, litter, swear, drink too much, spit, pee in the bush, let your car idol yada yada yada.... expect a ticket because the law is the law and there are no excuses right? I think these types of things need to be handled on a case by case basis and it really bothers me that this guy got the $180 fine for a quater of an inch. Really, what was gained by the $180 fine? Maybe there is a quota someone needed to fill? Everyone needs a bit of slack once and a while. thats just my 2 cents
  14. Count me in or out... meaning... I wont fish there for trout!
  15. Well, I was at my friends cottage this weekend from Friday-Sunday on Lac St. Germain in Quebec just outside of Ottawa. Its a smaller lake with many other lakes around it. Pretty private and didnt see any other fishermen. The weather was pretty bad except for Sunday. It was very cold, rainy and windy. However, that didnt stop the bass action. Fishing was done from his dock and by boat when the weather was calm enough. Most action was from along the shore lines. All I can say is that this lake is a Bass Factory. Even with the bad weather I landed 22 nice sm bass and lost at least a dozen to bad hook sets. I used and caught fish with pretty much everything I had. Spinners, cranks, top water, real worms, plastic worms but, the best action was with the Tubes as they always worked when the others didnt. It was great to because there are pretty much no weeds... just lots of rocks and logs etc. Of the 22 fish about 6 of them were in the 3lbs range. Nice fat, big gut smallies! Also, they were the healthiest looking fish Ive ever seen with some of the best fighters Ive ever felt. It was just awsome. I also got a couple of the smallest sm bass Ive ever seen. We are talkin the size of my middle finger. They would have made great fish sticks! All I can say is this lake was the best Ive ever been to and I could only imagine how great it would be if the weather was a bit better. Even still, I couldnt have asked for anything more. If you ever get the chance to go to Lac St. Germain (5hour drive from Toronto) I would take it. Good Times! cheers
  16. Ive never had this happen to me nor have I seen it happen to others. Whenever I leave my rod, I always make sure that it is propt on something or something is holding it in place so that it cant move. Plus, I lower the drag right down so nothing gets broken if the fish happened to be a bruiser. I remember one time I left my rod (wedged into the rocks) to eat my sandwich and when I got back I looked at my reel and noticed that 90% of my line was missing. I didnt hear the drag at all. Turns out a little rock bass took off with my worm and just kept going and going..... From that day on I remember thinking how important it is to make sure your rod is secured. I would never want to lose a $200 rod to a little fish like a rock bass. I could only imagine if that would happen to someone at the start of their fishing trip and that being the only rod they had with them. Better safe than sorry I say
  17. Nice, 2 for 1 special just about. I saw the same thing on one of the Canadian Fishing shows. I think it was Fishin Canada. I hope that happens to me in this life time!
  18. yep, as soon as I start the bottom of the 6 all hell breaks loose. Doesnt work with 9 either
  19. Hey, No more sneaking in those Food pics without a warning! My boss just caught me licking the computer screen
  20. you know, Service all over the place "in store" or over the phone/net etc. is just horrid these days in most industries. I find that when I get someone who gives me good service I usually try to say something to a manager to let them know that this is the case. Glad to hear about this type of thing because good service seems to be a thing of the past these days.
  21. Sounds like it was bitter sweet! I guess your topic title says it all huh. You know how those crocodile hunters like to stick their head inside the croc's mouth. It looks like that bass mouth may just be big enough to fit a human head in it! hahahaha cheers
  22. smokin, Run while you still can. You dont want to go down this road of fishing mumbo jumbo. You think we are happy? Its all an act. The only thing you get is... -a daily dose of anxiety for the need to fish -not being able to sleep cause all you want to do is fish -not being able to work cause all you want to do is fish -spending all your money on fishing stuff -go into deep depression when you have a bad fishing day -go into deep depression when you have a good fishing day cause you know the day is over heck what am I saying... ITS ALL WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!
  23. Well you know what they say. "The longer you wait, the better the bait" If this holds true, get the mount ready for your trophy fish! oh wait, I think that saying was for women, not fish.
  24. You go ahead and prance around in your sweet boat while the rest of us stand at shore and drool! hahahaha After I win Super 7 tomorrow I will post a pic of my new boat... I mean Yacht
  25. Im not sure where I saw it but.... I read an article about Beaver river from July of this year and they were talking about how bad the bite has been. Ive never fished it myself and follow the rule of "believe nothing of what you hear and half of what you see" so I hope it isnt as bad as they made it out to be. good luck
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