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Everything posted by ADC

  1. You arent the only one who has had bad luck. Ive been down there many times and caught nothing. Does anyone ever fish the spot under the Train Tracks in Port Credit ? I heard it was good but have never had any luck. Here is a tip.... Go to Park Lawn and Lakeshore. (Park Lawn is East of Royal York and West of the Kingsway) Park at the West park and than walk to the East side until you hit the water that seperates the East/West Park. There are great rocks there to fish from at the corner and sides. You can also park on the East side but, the rocks are better on the West side. Ive seen MONSTER fish jumping there (no idea what they were but I know they werent carp), cat fish, pike, carp and some other Mutant fish. The only problem is.... they dont want to bite! Ive never tried worms there though so it may be the trick! I think they have been spoiled by people feeding them left over BBQ! hahaha there is tons of room and different spots around there.
  2. Its actually not that bad considering the location. 2 hours for 2 people is $15 each. the 2 man paddle boats are actually pretty good to fish in as well. The weeds are taking over on all the good shore spots on the island so the boat is a good idea. I landed a few nice Pike from shore but many nicer ones with the paddle boat. I just called the boat rental place caper mentioned and get this.... for the little aluminium boat its $75+tax per HOUR! You can get a boat all day for that up north. I bet the $15 p/hr for the paddle boat doesnt sound so bad now does it! hahahaha P.S. I dont think they paddle boat rentals are open during the week as I went last Monday and it was closed. I think its just a weekend thing until summer hours start. cheers
  3. I have the Shimano Solstace w/rear drag and trigger. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...t=SearchResults I couldnt be happier for the $$. It has great reviews. Combined with my Shimano Compre rod its perfect. cheers
  4. thanks Keram and FishnFiend, I wasnt sure and was a little scared. Last weekend I went fishing and I hooked a bass (well 11 of them) but not on purpose. And one of them just got hooked too deep and didnt make it and was left on top of the water dead. I felt really bad about it and wasnt sure if I would be in trouble. And no, I didnt keep any of the bass and all but the one went back in the water safe and sound. Thanks again for the clarification... I feel much better.
  5. Maybe they just didnt know? Not everyone is versed with all the fishing rules/reg's. However, Ignorance is no excuse. I hear they can take your car as well as the hefty fines? What would happen if you hooked a fish out of season(by accident), went to put it back but, because of bad luck the fish got hooked in a bad way and didnt survive and lay dead on top of the water. Can they get you for that even though all intentions were good?
  6. Im going to the Trent River in Campbellford and am camping at the (Catch-More Cottages Lodge). Just wondering if anyone has been there before and can let me know what to expect? cheers
  7. ***If you can make it to Centre Island, I would check it out. You would have to take the ferry over though $5. There are Pike gallore in there. The best spot is in front of the Restaurant closest to the boat rentals where the kiddy rides are. You should see a small set of rafters right in front of the water close to the small bridge/fountain. Fish right in front of the rafters and you will get lots of hits. You can even rent a small peddle boat (kinda pricey though) and get out into the middle. ***If you want Carp/Pike, you can go to the Ontario Place Theatre and fish right in front/sides (until security kicks you out) and along the water. You will find your way . ***You can try the Humber River/Stream right below the Old Mill Subway Station at Bloor/Old Mill. But, you would want to either fly fish, use worms or jig's cause lures arent the best but can be used. ***There is also ParkLawn Park @ Park Lawn & Lakeshore. Just look for the rock beds on the West Side Park and you will see fish as big as Dolphins jumping. PS - Can I get a PM too for the Carp Adventure? Good Luck
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