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Everything posted by pigeonfisher

  1. that is ineresting. Some things make to much sense to put into practice.
  2. fantastic, Rob!!!!!
  3. I read in a book once "life balance is great, when times are great. When times aren't great then you need to work harder. Come in early, stay later, work harder do the things now that will once again give you life balance in the future" As Clampet stated. You can be fired at any time without reason, you may have to be compensated but you can be fired.
  4. I think I will wait to see this one on Monday.
  5. Nope, I like the Club. That is what I thought I meant the first time.
  6. I like the original one. Driftwood I guess. I notice no changes since the changeover.
  7. that sucks...it happened to me last year (sort of) I trained a guy for 8 years he was in my office for three of them. He left for a year then opened up a competitive business and is simply undercutting the market. DANG Sorry to hear, Cliff. If I hear of anything out your way I will certainly let you know. Do you know anything about steel?
  8. We did the same thing today...was good times.
  9. Everyone has stayed fair and even tempered on this thread. Great job. I have many thoughts on these issues and have enjoyed reading yours.
  10. Two cats...Smokey and Tucker...One pure bread Border named Mugz and One BorderXBermese named Leo. pictures on monday. here are the cats...dogs on monday
  11. Wall is the South East Wall...could certainly be sediment build up in the pipes. I need to flush them I think. I got some small to come over, he is going to help me put some insulation along the back wall. I also threw a thermometer in there and get the digital reading from the kitchen. it is cold down there but not to bad.
  12. You mean moran? So says the neck in the cardinals jersey
  13. Nicely put Rick
  14. Road Closures is a pretty good and quickly updated web-site. conditions in the area you are going Joey are bare and wet roads. That could turn icy. Drive Safe
  15. Well, Bad news. The pipe froze again overnight. Wasn't even that cold out. Now I am more than a little bit surprised that the heat added into the area didn't solve the problem. I am wondering if it might be freezing closer to the sink. almost as quickly as I found it was frozen it has unfrozn itelf. This can't happen all the time as at some point I am just tempting fate. I will have to call in some small today to get near those pipes. DANG
  16. I think that the duct from the basement should definitely do the trick. It had been closed off last year, now I have used flex-pipe to run the heat into the crawl space. Popped a hole every few feet in the piping and capped the end with a mesh vent. the furnace always comes on here in the night and during the day (even when we are heating with fire) it comes on every now and again. The house is kept at a fairly stable 20 degrees all winter. thanks for all the suggestions, I am sure glad this ended as positively as it did!!!
  17. hey Beans...if I can help you out with the "mesh" let me know. I happen to have an "in" to that industry. Check out www.buymesh.ca under the products link have a peak at stainless steel and look at the photos. I would suggest 18x18x.009 which is the stainless mesh most similar to window screening. We have done the in laws cottage with it also.
  18. Report back from the Ranch is that running the flex hose from the duct into the crawl space was enough to thaw out the pipe. So far no signs of leaking anywhere. When I get home I will work out a permanent fix for this problem. Thanks for all your help guys.
  19. hot water is fine in the rest of the house. thanks for the tips, I will let yall know the status later on.
  20. I won't fit into the crawl space, strangely. If I place heat into the crawl space it would certainly warm up eventually I guess. We are going to redirect a furnace duct into the crawl space that should give it a bunch necessary heat, do i need to worry about anything when redirecting the duct with flexible hose? All of this will be done by my wife for a while (after home hardware in town opens) until I get out of the job. Wife doesn't think that the problem is under the sink. Maybe this is a job for the Coop? Give him a blow torch and have atter.
  21. My house is about 100 years old, the hot water pipe running into the kitchen isn't putting out any water. (strangely the cold one is) The pipe runs under my kitchen through a crawl space that is VERY COLD. Temps overnite were probably around -22 or so. Any suggestions? Obviously waiting for warm weather won't help much. I don't want it bursting under the kitchen is all..
  22. Sure glad you took the time to post. hhahahaaaa
  23. how thick was the ice now?
  24. I got a Garmin Nuvi. All I can say abuot it is WOW. You can look up a place, it will pull up the phone number and address then allow you to make the call through the blue tooth enabled phone. it is a great unit.
  25. sounds GREAT Chuck!!!
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