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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. no way is that enough, put a tracking device on him that beeps within a radius of a body of water LOL, but 32 fish what is that $50 a fish hardly seems enough I wonder how many were out of the slot sizes, definitely a slap on the wrist should add a few zeros to that number
  2. it shouldn't be the UFC losing credibility for the decision, Dana white would've given the fight to Johny Hendricks, but alas he also expressed a flaw in his personal scoring system I believe he said something along the lines of "it's about damage" in which case no it is not unless you're talking strictly knockout wins then yes it is, but when they score the take downs the significant strikes the takedown stuffs and all the other things in play that's what a decision is based on. Although Dana white did express extreme disinterest in wanting do deal with the Nevada state athletic commission because he is afraid of the potential to lose credibility as boxing once did due to bad judges and it's too bad they aren't allowed to hire their own judging staff and it has to be a third party cause I'm sure Dana would find the best possible
  3. yeah it was definitely one of her friends that reported it but as far as the mark zuckerberg only eating what he kills himself that has nothing to do with the policy of who finds what offensive and in this case someone found a dead deer offensive, but 5 mins later she posted a different picture she took of her and her father with it hahaha
  4. Today a friend of mine posted a pic of herself on Facebook with a deer she took down with a crossbow, up for not even 10 minutes and someone reported it as inappropriate, man was she pissed haha some people! if you don't want to look at it don't click the picture!
  5. lol download AVG from download.com and do a scan, that site also has tons of other programs for malware removal, also registry cleaners they help big time for computer speed and restoring it by getting rid of extra files on the computer that are null due to the parent program being deleted etc cleans up partial files and corrupted files
  6. There was an attempt it seems but then I think his mind is changed once he starts getting back up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMCVSV4v7WA
  7. they boo'd Hendricks and cheered GSP at the decision, not sure how they boo'd it...
  8. go George! I wonder what he means by hanging up the gloves for a bit, in all honesty I'm not sure if he deserved to win but Hendricks didn't do quite enough apparently
  9. wow good fight so far, scared for George early on hopefully he can start out the 3rd a little better
  10. mostly good experiences in my time using it bought my car, canoe and bought and sold countless other things, some frustrating times though when people say one thing and do another, had some goalie pads lined up for a Saturday I had inquired about Tuesday he says I'll hold them for you if you don't try to haggle with me Thursday night he emails me and says sorry I sold the pads man was I pissed lol
  11. that is a huge population of deer being harvested in that area wow, I wonder how sustainable a hunt that size every year is
  12. yeah brutal just laying there then getting up on his own power although something must be nagging as he left a few mins later but still, does he think he's playing soccer?
  13. depending on where you're located this May be a better option for you www.dubzdip.com my buddy has a business and he does full cars you'll get a nicer finish than with a spray can and save yourself some hassle he's located in hamilton
  14. amazing report pictures hahahaha that was definitely good for a laugh, sweet catches!
  15. yes I agree he was by far the best player on the ice for the leafs for the full 60 mins imo
  16. I wouldn't say reimer stunk out the house if I'm reading that correctly I'm looking at it as a negative? he played phenomanal against the Canucks but there's only so much shelling you can take before the stronger team gets the pucks past you and in his case they were all tough saves no softies that night.
  17. It was tough listening to KK this morning, all of her memories and stories paired up with songs that held meaning to her and others of him made it very heavy especially while she's not even really able to keep it together. Sent a text into their station (977977) to offer my condolences, cancer takes another
  18. haha wow, 270,000 for three motors and a joystick, 700,000 for that boat outfitted with the three, those things sounded sick though!
  19. for working in the winter while running gas lines on roofs we use "Watson gloves" they're goat skin and waterproof very good and warm. http://www.watsongloves.com/products-single-item/?cat=at-work&sub=winter&pid=1124 Edit: if you have a local Emco (industrial equipment/plumbing supplier) they have them or at least that's where I got my last pair from
  20. yeah they really need to rally the momentum after that quick pp goal
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