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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. class act Colton Orr don't think he really wanted to drop them with Parros after what happened before subban is such a goof
  2. you should see what one of my buds brings up from South Carolina any type of moonshine you can think of haha all bootleg stuff so nothing's ever the same some of it goes down alright the other makes you never want to touch the stuff ever again haha
  3. should be 2-1, we'll see how it plays out nothing like a Habs fan who counts the game a W at the end of the 1st period, still plenty of hockey to be played yet
  4. wow, I can't believe they called that goal off, I really hope the NHL starts instant replay too many missed calls and or bad calls being made, case in point malkins game tying goal should've been disallowed, it would not only help the correct calls stay correct, it would correct the incorrect ones leafs also need to work on breaching the zone ONside too many times they're entering the zone with momentum and it's killed by an offside
  5. lol exactly, whenever the leafs lose the media and trolls act like it's the end of the world and it's the biggest deal, when in all reality the leafs are sitting pretty comfortably in a playoff position I can't even recall how many times I've seen people say "and so it begins" speaking of the leafs starting a losing streak, and then as soon as they win a couple then lose the first one apparently "and so it begins" begins once more it just makes me laugh and shake my head
  6. how's it looking in the 10 remaining minutes... can't watch the game the gfs house doesn't have leafs tv lol
  7. wow they need to pound a few shots at this goalie before the end of the period he's not very strong
  8. I wonder if fleury will start the 3rd because of that weak last goal
  9. hahaha holy crap, I bet that guy is counting his lucky stars that he didn't get a faceful of it
  10. pm'd ya, should work fine I've used those numbers in 5+ different households and systems without issues
  11. Do a little YouTube research, you have to change the DNS numbers in the internet settings, I'll see if I can track down the video and post it here in an edit watch this and it's easy as 123 to change it back and forth, I'll send you some DNS numbers via pm if you would like but sometimes I have to remove my American ones to get better connection while playing online with these ones, I'm not at home now but I've found better ones I can pm you later on when I get home if you have any issues with the first set
  12. If it were my money I'd be putting it into sony's pocket, I and so many others I know bought a ps3 on release and never had an issue, never looked back. now with 360 and the red ring of death, a widespread occurrence with the 360 where many of the people I knew had issues with their units and were without them for weeks. Also being a play station owner first I've had free online courtesy of play station since PS2 playing socom online 10 years ago so the $50 a year I'm giving to play station for online now I have no qualms with. also I'm able to watch netflix US an Canada with no issues.
  13. haha wow, is this a 5 year old video? I noticed the 60th anniversary which was 08
  14. what was that they're supposed to build off of the momentum from a penalty
  15. that is some serious old school innovation there, very cool lol
  16. Phew some tense moments after that goal, I'm surprised it even got reviewed but whatever notch another for clarky!!!
  17. this is why it's not worth having the debate, everything he says is shot down as government propaganda meanwhile he's the one that invested time & energy into the industry - as the saying goes you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't, I'm going to believe life experience over something someone read on the internet 100 times out of 100 times, that's life experience from the source, the best teacher.
  18. I think it would be a much more civil debate if the 2 anti gmo guys would show some credit where it's due, like come on I sure hope when I'm retired and know a thing about bending, shaping and forming metal at the very least when I chime in on something it's taken for what it is and what life has taught me and these guys are writing off his career as if it's been a waste of a life, completely rude and shows an utter lack of respect, as I've always been told respect your elders edit: he's also not shoving food down your throat, telling you to eat gmo foods or your life is over he's sending some information to you, that you're discounting because he's "old" would it change your mind if he were 30 and telling you the same things? not likely
  19. not to be rude but a career devoted to the study of agricultural science sounds a lot more prominent than being a butcher for 10 years, both of my uncles are butchers for 25+ years each and they both said I just cut the meat I could care less where it comes from, they are both hunters and fisherman and lead a similar life to many of the people on this board, but they are not impartial to organic or gmo when I asked the one if gmo beef was a thing or not he laughed and said no. all in all it's these people we depend on as a population not just you and your family but the millions of others out there, if they have the capability of increasing yield,resistances etc all the better to me and 36million other people, it's the closed minded attitude to scientific fact that the groups feed off of to send across a negative connotation to the GMO industry, and I'm not partial to any side, I'm a sheet metal worker before someone tells me the man is signing my pay LOL
  20. Just look at reimers game against Vancouver he was sensational but when your team doesn't do you any favors by scoring or playing stronger defence there's only so much you can do
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