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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. There's a video going around the interwebs today and it's brought a lot of praise to the Hamilton police service, I agree fully with every bit of praise they get from this video, it's absolutely hilarious though how meniacal the girl being arrested gets. It's about on par with an 8 year old throwing a temper tantrum, anyway here's the link! here's the CBC story on it too. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/news/hamilton-police-arrest-video-goes-viral-1.2461046 The guy who takes the video makes himself look like an absolute knob too which is also really funny.
  2. agreed with all of that, the luck wasn't on their side kessel had a few real nice chances but couldn't buy a goal, great effort without Dion in there too
  3. Decent game but a role reversal on the shot count and it worked against them lol
  4. pretty well everywhere in hamilton, sans new builds has door to door I wouldn't care either way
  5. LMAO I thought you were being serious until I looked at my tsn app and saw it was 6-0 before the second period was over! hahaha
  6. Probably something I'm going to explore in a year or so, If they have available sheet metal jobs that is I would love to be earning that kind of dough for a couple years to come back here with when I'm 25 or 26 and buy another house, all for me and not have to rent out rooms to people lol, used to working 60-90 hour weeks so I don't think I'd be out of place lol
  7. edited $5 for a lifetime membership is pretty good imo
  8. get Firefox or chrome, both free and excellent browsers also a lot less of a security risk IMO than IE, and faster
  9. well there's yer problem! ie is the worst
  10. look on the other side of the coin, less people out there with you!!! also less likely someone's going to go out alone and not come back if they're new, unless they're just clueless which in that case its considered population control to me haha
  11. wow that's wicked! they got the same tv I have haha it was like $700
  12. ouuuuchhhh that first one where he takes it to the nuts wow that's brutal lol
  13. well at least kessel is still in! he's been playing through a few injuries for the last little bit says the rumour mill so I'm hoping the Olympics isn't too hard on him so after then he can be better if he isn't already by then
  14. That is pretty wicked, the guy I work with said it was definitely a video to be watched when under the influence lol I agree it would be pretty funny to show it to someone who doesn't know what's going on in the video haha
  15. Gave them a run for their money, not bad for playing a team like San Jose, I wouldn't of minded if they at least got a single point out of it though haha
  16. weak call on Raymond, that was insane how little contact was made, I've seen intentional swatting that's made more contact to hands/forearms and no call, also look to that play where JVR got hauled down on a breakaway no call
  17. gotta keep the pedal to the metal if they want to win this they gotta sustain this pressure and pot a few more, that Clarkson one how do you even do that!!! lol
  18. lol, we do a lot of industrial work as well as the majority of our work is from a customer base of 40 years, although when Siemens left hamilton that took a bunch of overtime off of our pays especially this time of year with them doing Christmas shutdowns while they have a lesser staff on, my boss said with them gone it left with about a half a million dollars of work a year, for this reason and many other businesses leaving for the states I hate the Obama us stimulus
  19. ^^^ agreed, I'm an apprentice sheet metal worker I'm looking at $38 an hour once I'm licensed if I'm with my current company still when I become licensed, I won't complain about that, the guy I work with clears 90 - 100k a year because of a profit sharing program with our company I can warm up to that in a second lol
  20. they will pay it but there is a repayment on your taxes a friend did it for his g3/g2 gas licensing the 8 month course was 10,000 and change he had to pay 3400 or so the following year on his taxes
  21. just remember not to lick your fingers and all is well LOL my dad would always tell me that if I was ever helping him out he's also a plumber haha
  22. and that's gross... you'd be looking at like 30 or less after taxes lol
  23. as of 10am you won good job dude! haha all for a picture lol
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