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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. it just keeps on getting worse and worse, kind of embarrassing. kudos to the players for putting up with that Bull on a daily basis, they're under extreme scrutiny even during the summer it's crazy
  2. Matt has got to be the biggest in the closet leafs fan I've ever seen!
  3. beauty fish thanks for sharing! looks like you've had quite the year
  4. Yep she did just fine, brought her in he had a 6' in floor live well with recirc and a jet to add air to the water, had her in for probably 10 mins to revive and relax then off like a rocket it went
  5. When I was out on the charter over the weekend he was clearing weeds constantly, though he did have these round 3-4 oz weights tied on with some sort of light chain mail looking stuff so it caught the weeds before it made it to the lure which was probably 6' behind also it depends on the wind direction, according to the guide I was with if you have a nice east wind if I remember correctly (at least fishing from lighthouse cove area) it keeps the weeds away from the areas they want to fish
  6. Thanks it was a blast! now I just need to talk the girlfriends dad in to getting his boat out there lol, tough battle though with lake O and Erie on our doorstep!
  7. Excellent report thanks for sharing, long haul for you too 2600 miles one way is quite the undertaking even in a plane
  8. Happy to hear that, wish it happened more often actually, there's a lot of crap on the road that shouldn't be, and there's a bunch of vehicles that shouldn't pass a safety yet they are
  9. he was coming up from our rear left following us then decided to cut in for some unknown reason and actually a lot of the guys casting set up well apart from each other so a boat trolling could get in between them with no headaches, he pointed it out that those guys knew what was up and were either regulars or other guides and they'd developed an understanding, hell the one guide Jason even got us over the radio to let us know he was moving for us when we came back around which was about 10 minutes ahead of where we currently were! good guy.
  10. Ended up finally getting out to lake St Clair for the musky trip with my brother, girlfriends dad and uncle out significant others had gotten for us for our birthdays last year, two failed dates due to weather and this one was up in the air till the day before too! at the boat for 7:30am and off we went in a nice comfy 30' fiberglass. We got out to the mouth of the channel, and loads of floating debris was in the water, logs branches, a 40' tree haha so we took it slow till we got past all that and once we reached our location the captain Terry started rigging up, all 12 rods! It didn't take long before we were into some fish! My brother Girlfriends uncle Girlfriends dad with the double header if you look back to the previous photo And me! We ended up with those 4 by 10am so I was obviously optimistic for more, but things ended up slowing down and we still did end up with more but I could tell Terry was getting frustrated as he was swapping out lures on each planer board and trying to nail down a pattern that wasn't really existent that day but kudos to him for trying! Well we kept on at it and it paid off, not without some goof in a tinny almost driving into the planer board and telling us we were in the way when we were entering an area with a couple more boats on our right side, well Terry told him where to go and it was absolutely hilarious! not so much for the other boat LOL Not long after that we got into some more fish! I had 2 solid 40" fish and they were definitely close to the 20 pound mark, I thought I was gonna take home big fish of the day, but unfortunately for me the last one in the boat ended up being a brute at 48 3/4" and 32 pounds! The head on it was massive! http://s246.photobucket.com/user/leaf4IF/media/DSCF0272.jpg.html] All in all a very enjoyable day out on the water with rampage sports, 8 musky for a day is pretty good in my books, though Terry was a bit disappointed we didn't get more we all had a great time. On the way home I ended up checking out their Facebook page and I shouldn't of, we had an available date of August 24th, now everyone but my brother was available but he was in Boston, ok we'll take the one in September we say, now I go to that August date and my jaw hit the floor, they landed 33 of 45 musky they hooked up with! never in my wildest dreams would I have ever expected to see that and I'm now secretly kicking my brother every time I see him haha. Hope you enjoyed the read! Lucas
  11. well if you were a sens fan what would you have to look forward to? might as well spend your time on a team that's actually interesting!
  12. leaf4

    1st frost

    66 degrees here today.... the guides I'm with said it was 74 last tuesday
  13. Nice write up John and some beauty fish to boot! hopefully I'll have a report worth sharing as I'm out on LSC right now!
  14. Saw a pic of you with a musky on the musky hunter page on fb nice fish!
  15. leaf4

    1st frost

    light frost this morning in Chatham!
  16. So 55 points in a year and you're ready to plan the parade! setting the bar high!!! he's streaky all things aside, even when he wasn't in the dog house playing under Ron Wilson he still managed 62 points in a season then all down hill from there, you can keep him!
  17. Can't be any worse than being the one in the chair cheering for the senoritas! since when have they done antything worthwhile? other than signing MacArthur to a near 5 million a season contract!
  18. Hey all, heading out for a charter on LSC tomorrow and going to spend the night tonight so we'll have some time to kill this evening. just wondering if there's anywhere we can chuck some lures for fun, not looking for anything specific just something accessible! Any advice would be appreciated thanks! Lucas
  19. lol good one.... it could work to swap out beer for cigarettes too haha
  20. I'd be pissed if someone did the same with any other species of fish, musky are no exception, if I saw someone taking too many fish over the limit I'd speak up too, whether it be perch, crappie, pike, trout, salmon you get it
  21. Welcome to the board, lots of good info here. just starting into musky fishing myself working on gearing up and whatnot, got a bday present to cash in Sunday on lake St Clair from the girlfriend at rampage charters weather providing me and the rest will be able to go! I'll post pics if we get there haha. as for gear your setup really depends on what you're going to be doing; casting or trolling as certain setups would be more to your advantage in each use, where do you generally fish?
  22. I personally don't think so, the reason they aren't allowed in southern ontario is they tear up the road, with the volume of cars we have, being the most populous province and the highest density population in the GTA it would help, but I think "cold weather tires" so as to not say the W word would help out a great deal, also winter driving courses would too
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