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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. http://www.thescore.com/news/637098 BOOOOM the big man goes down! I could watch that all day hahaha
  2. Now all those so called "fans" that threw their stuff on the ice I bet are all saying crap! I want my stuff back!!! great second period!
  3. Tough call, being a weekend fisherman and not having a whole lot to gain from it (I think?) I'd probably release it, with extensive pics and documentation of course so if someone called Bull I could shut them up haha
  4. Used to when I was younger with my parents bringing me but I haven't for the past 10 years at least, and haven't ever gotten anything more than a regular cold, the stuff they put in it is not for me lol
  5. glad to see nonis not making any rash decisions, there's still a lot of hockey left to be played and we could be in a worse position for sure, unless they're trying to join the Connor McDavid sweepstakes then we couldn't be doing much better hahaha just need to keep up the losing ways! lol all kidding aside I agree with what nonis has said, just a week ago we were 6-1-1 and layed a beating on the bruins and flying high I'm sure they can get back to the style of hockey they want to be playing also a trade wouldn't be a bad idea with all the NHL players they have on the marlies right now lol... frattin just sent down, petri kontiola, Orr, I'm sure they could do something with them to get a favorable return
  6. For what it's worth in Hamilton my house taxes are $3500 on the year, and my neighbor across the street has the identical house less the detached garage and our taxes are a shade under $400 more, mind you I have a bunch more concrete than they do my garage is 14'x25'
  7. LOL agreed Kypreos is definitely the last guy that should be talking, says some of the most ridiculous stuff, and if I'm not mistaken when discussing Gardiners recent contract he was praising it saying it was a win win especially for the leafs with the upside he has as a young defender with a high upside
  8. if they played how they did last night they'd be up a couple goals on buffalo, Reimer was weak tonight for sure
  9. I think I feel more lucky only having seen flurries today lol! All joking aside that's awesome!
  10. where did muddler go? he usually chimes in after a leafs bruins game lol!
  11. What a game!! hopefully a game like that carries forward into the next game against the booins and we can win some more points against them
  12. WOW Kessel makes it look just way too easy RIELLYYYYYY!!! What a way to start the second!!
  13. Definitely should've, if that were almost anyone else that's a sure goal, not sure why he would've skated by the net as he did, not a goal scorers play that's for sure lol
  14. The fools burger was awesome! just a little spice to it, the peameal was a bit crispy from being fried and the waffle buns texture was a fantastic addition to a burger (not to forget the rosemary infusion which was great too haha) but overall an excellent entry and I would go back for it if they ever had it on their menu again after the month is over
  15. I think they caught Matt on video! http://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/sports/brawl-between-fans-of-leafs-senators-fans-caught-on-video-1.2095646 I can't believe something elevated to that point lol some people are nutty
  16. Hey all, a bunch of restaurants in the Hamilton an area have all joined up in support of Movember in the form of all coming up with different burgers and donating a dollar from each to prostate cancer! I believe there are 30 restaurants involved, I've been to 3 thus far and will probably try out a couple more that interest me lol, when you rate the burgers you are also entered into a draw for a $250 gift card to the novemburger restaurant of your choice! the three I've had (and were all deliciously amazing) were from The brassie, the fool and flagon, and staxx all delicious though the stacks one hurt the wallet coming in at $18.50, but it was made with prime rib and had lobster tail on it so it was a guilty pleasure haha, share your thoughts if you've been to any! www.novemburger.ca to look at the offerings!
  17. I love Lehner! hahaha, but seriously he's a cool dude, on his current red mask he's got a tribute to my favorite and his favorite band In Flames, little art pieces all over from their album artwork
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