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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. KOMAROVVVVVVV!!!!!!! wide open game tonight I'm glad the boys have finally solved Cam Talbot for more than a goal for once!
  2. Ouch that was a definitely awkward fall, feet flew out from under him as the momentum stayed forward hopefully he's ok and a speedy recovery
  3. Taking a cue from the euro leagues, sad to see I just hope it's not gaudy and detracts from the actual jersey. and I really hope they keep any and all winter classic jerseys free of them, being a vintage look there should be none
  4. I watch it, hard merch always seems like he's behind or playing the underdog card, that's just the shadow that is cast on him for some reason, I actually like Tyler and Paul together, they seem to work well together and Tyler is pretty impressive and his ambition is second to no one IMO
  5. Beauty game from the boys Reimer stood tall and kept them in there, adding to another solid start for him, doing much better this year than last
  6. stepped on a stick yesterday in practice and went down hard on his hand, thought he'd be playing today but when he got to Columbus it was too swollen and required an X-ray and they discovered a fracture, crap luck he has lol
  7. wow that's sweet, can't believe how little of the hull is actually on the water thanks for shariing
  8. feels like ages since the last game jeez! hopefully they continue the trend of winning more on the road! What did your friends tickets run them over there?
  9. well that World Series game 7 went quick, was pulling for the royals, oh well next year
  10. hahaha that's hilarious! looks like a familiar intersection in brantford, though it could be anywhere haha
  11. +1! we'll hear another article of Ted Nolan ripping his team a new one tomorrow! what did they have 10-11 shots?
  12. My dad works if and loves it, days off has all the time to do what he wants to when he wants to
  13. as bill said make a photo bucket account, upload picture and post the link into the thread bingo bango done
  14. Crazy to hear of this happening, especially on the heels of that guy running down the military member in the streets yesterday, as to "why" it could be ISIS should be blatantly clear lol http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/23/islamic-state-followers-urged-to-launch-attacks-against-australians Quote from the article If you can kill a disbelieving American or European especially the spiteful and filthy French or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be, said al-Adnani. Do not ask for anyones advice and do not seek anyones verdict. Kill the disbeliever whether he is civilian or military, for they have the same ruling. Both of them are disbelievers.
  15. lol so did you end up getting it in?
  16. wooop wooop great game! was a little anxious of berniers play early on but he pulled it together thankfully
  17. Not me, but my dad will be in your shoes soon and to be honest I don't really see him actually retiring when he hits 65 like he talks about. he currently works for fallsview casino maintenance,makes good money and isn't really strenuous work, great for a 62 year old but if and when he retires, my mom will still be working 11 years till she's 65. so your point about not being counted on and having too much time on your hands essentially is what I'm thinking is going to happen to my dad, he likes to keep busy with side jobs being a licensed plumber, but why give up the benefits and all the perks he gets with the casino when he has 3 and 4 days off every other week due to his 12 hour shifts? who knows, when 65 comes maybe he'll realize that he still needs something to do. Though I have been pushing the idea of a cottage and he's been mulling it over haha
  18. Nice, something I may do once I'm licensed, head out west to a camp and make some good loot to save up for a house here, congrats and good to hear you're enjoying so far
  19. Wow what a trip, every report I read of yours adds another to the bucket list, thanks for sharing!
  20. Yeah that definitely didn't look good, seen a lot of bad hits from too far off the board early into the season so far and they all hurt pretty bad I bet
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