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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. my camp is up the vermillion river, i have mostly only fished vermillion lake/river in the last 10-15yrs , thats the only place i go every long wk-end, as walleyjigger said already loads of pike , big ones are hard to get tho. pic in my avatar is vermillion lake labour day wk-end 7am cant see a darn thing just hear the boats buzzing around!! lol a longtime friend of mine and our family placed fifth last year at vermillion, i wouldn want to go up against him he knows the lake and gear , there was 97 teams in 08
  2. ahhh soooo true, i gave up tring to load the maps not enough patience. still have the maps and the hand held gps sitting in the box's anyone want it! lol
  3. I feel for ya, animal lover myself, chocolate labs my fishing partner.
  4. LOL the wife walks in today, hi hun just got back from crappytire and i tried this sample of coffee wow was it good! ...she plop's down the little flyer/coupon on my desk...guess what the make and model was.. needless to say after she said you have to use bottle water or buy a water softner i kicked her out of my office...enough needless spending already.gawd dont you know we are in a recession! besides i gots to buy me a new moose gun and more fishing gear martha...gheese
  5. mine opens to google. but now that you said that beans, i think ill switch! thanks...
  6. Rampage and Rashad evans will be a good one
  7. nice job! so when you got home did you insert sign and tape into vest? lol
  8. OK time for you to quit and hand the key to the fishing room over to me ill make sure all your stuff wont miss you
  9. great report, wish i had time to get out for lakers
  10. I think that this topic would be great , anything on flowing water and how to read and use eddies,touch on fast current and where the flow slow's down also would be great..... your secret baits, tips and tricks wont hurt! cant wait .. i'd be more interested in eyes than SMB
  11. BINGO Iam class A mechanic only worked at small shops never worked at a dealer but you can tell a dealer only mechanic from a small shop mechanic anyday my older brother truck coach mechanic only worked at a dealer-has the change that broken part attitude my father is heavy equipment mechanic worked everywhere and on just about everything, that guy can FIX the root problem and it wont happen again me i break everything i touch it seems
  12. we did a group test at the cottage, the guy showed up we all sat around the fire while he walked around and behind us pointing at the wrong questions over our shoulder,lol............ then is was an open test read-a-long to see if anyone wasnt clear on any questions (cough-cough). the older chap hopped into his boat and off he went to another cottage! got the card in the mail at a later date so did my wife i heard we all passed nobody failed.15-20 of us...but thats just what i heard , this was in summer of 2002 . cant recall the cost...or the test.?
  13. is that where the term stealership came from?
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