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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. very nice report, i have a lot -1 acre in prov, and cant wait to get back in early aug. , great info and tips
  2. lol iam sure it'll go faster than 50mph wayne! but once you add all your gear and danno plus yourself its a different story!
  3. oh and polish up your drinking skills you'll need that for cambrian college thru a sudbury winter!
  4. yes , yes and yes bring your gear and buy some new gear to try out on one of the 300 lakes that are larger than 10 hecters within the sudbury region and many many many more smaller lakes.. i just got back to guelph this morn from a wk-end up there and i cant wait till may long wk-end to go back and hit the water! feel free to send me a PM for any more info.. cheers
  5. ya, and iam going to start a petition to take the gst away like they said they would..... like that'll ever happen they said after brian malrony leaves we will abolish the gst.....no petition? iam also thinking of starting a petition for metallica to take back jason newstead the bass player...
  6. story.. i woke up one morn around 4am , all i can smell is crappo.. iam sitting up in bed saying to my self that cant be.... head down the hall, look down stairs and the dog had about 6-8 loads of the run's...ahhhhhh 405am wife at top of stairs what the hell are you doing? she said i gave her a look that made here not ask and she went off to bed, what was i doing you ask, ya thats right 4am buster with a razor blade cutting the carpet out of the living room, i went around all the furniture and cut it out, it was soooooo runny it soaked into the plywood underlay! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh needless to say after much investigation, i figured it out the KIDS fed the the dog tooo much leftovers from the night before ya thats right it was thanksgiving the day before and he had his helping of turkey and ham..... dog for sale! i think i walked around saying that for a mth or so! lol
  7. well iam not selling my extra 4 tickets now untill i know who's opening,i heard alice in chains? just a rumor tho as of now some said maryln manson others say mastrodom? so who knows.. i check metallica forum often waiting for confirmation, loads of guessing out there
  8. sirius boom box here also, runs on 4 'D' batteries and works better on the lake with no houses or trees to block the signal!
  9. lol give me fuel ,give me fire , give me that which i desire? fuel by metallica?
  10. lol , yes its neat cliff and yes scares the crap of me too, all my stuff is in my common law wife's name , including house phone,internet,sat-tv etc , i try to keep it that way i hate the thought of big brother having a data bank with all our info and I always shy from giving info to anyone including bell!
  11. way to go bell! they gave over 1000 jobs to sitel, india for technical and customer service? i called about the wireless internet , the girl was in india when i asked ,she said it was 130am , then she took complete control of my computer from india? thats was neat i guess,watching someone else open screens and your mouse moving all over the screen and your not touching it.
  12. it was 70 bucks for 2 guys in a car...we just showed up , took a chance and it was full but they have an overload area to park and see if they can sqeeze you in, and we got shoved in the back, well it was a honda crv not very big, but we just fit and a couple other cars too, usually they have room for 4-5 more cars', and sometimes reservations dont show, but DONT rely on it. sooo true for the bikers, thats a ride i want to take on the bike. first on first off the boat,nice tour that would be.
  13. dinner! yep cant say i went outside for long today
  14. thats fat, i cant recall but how much bigger is it ,cmpared to the old record?
  15. oh and i have 8 tickets mike!!! you in?
  16. oh boy , mike no stories on jump in the fire and pit parties!!!
  17. Tickets for oct 29th show in toronto go on sale to the general public this morn at 10am ticketmaster , you can buy some upped price tickets on kijiji. they'll be in montreal and ottawa also this fall.. cheers
  18. well i must say ,great tips... thanks RAF and ill try the alberto knot too fishheadric cheers
  19. hello.. my name is brad and i have a problem ummm ummm well its this fishing site i..... i...... .... \\\\..\\ JUST CANT GET ENOUGH
  20. photo shop! lol ever read your own signature?
  22. AHHHHHH HAH HA HA HA HAH HA ........ ..... me too!
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