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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. Good call on that fender rub....missed that at first glance....first pic yes last pix yes...LOL
  2. first pic no, last pic yes
  3. Great report! nice fishing
  4. Belwood is 70 for 4hrs and 115 for 8hrs 14ft tin and yammy 8hp 4stroke , pike,bass,perch,catfish... Guelph lake has a few area's you can launch a tin or canoe but no gas motors.
  5. Good luck!
  6. I watched it last night for the first time, I must say I thought about it all day today..man if I only had work ethic like that.
  7. Can the stage be anymore 70's looking?
  8. Soft spot for nice wood grain
  9. Are you sure you want it on the bow seat?, The smell of the food cooking could cause your boat to flood and sink.......Just think of the Puddles of Drool from you friends.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nba3Tr_GLZU&feature=related
  11. BUSTER


    I have no problem taking them , just no vehicle to pic them up...wont fit in the BMW dude...feel free to put them in my driveway if you want them gone that bad
  12. Worst is I did have the wheels cranked to the right to try and change lanes but the wheels were locked up and I just slammed into him,black ice, that was dec 15th and rain/-1 C. This guy was in the right hand lane cut me off and hammered the brakes to make a left turn, the officer know's I drive everyday min 40hrs a wk for the last 10 yrs clean record and wouldn;'t cut me a break.
  13. BINGO , CARELESS I got one for rear ender, then fought to get it dropped to follow to close, no charge in between the 2
  14. They Do, for real. Watch the video
  15. Hugs and kisses every day. Otherwise they make tears. I called the 800 number some guy named peggy answered.
  16. I soooo want one,,,no no two.
  17. It's not complaining it's an Opinion that a member had the balls to post , many other dont have the cahonies to post in fear of the bashing band wagon that comes around so quickly.. I guess the response that comes to mind is........if ya don't like it don't read it..
  18. Looks like a steal to me!
  19. awesome Mike, good for you bud, keep up the great work..
  20. Met you at the picton merlin park one year roy. My work is summer related 8ths on 4 mths off. but would have liked to come with my wife and kids , just haven't been able to Yet.
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