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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. IMO there should be a level of respect amongst players. I for one, would never lay a hit of that magnitude against a player whos team is starting playoffs in a week, and mine was already eliminated. Also, found it funny that he "couldnt" fight and was wearing a cage. Actually...not funny...gutless. If your able to compete at the NHL level, then you better be ready to answer the bell (no pun intended) when it rings. If you are going to lay a hit like that (clean or not), then you better be ready to defend yourself.
  2. If he had the slightest knowledge of steelhead, and regs, he would know that all the main tribs are about the only place you can fish. So posting asking for the best spots....its asking people where they are catching fish. (aka - asking for their spots).
  3. That is very true. If they dont get beat up too much, and depending who they get in RD 1, they could have a shot at moving on. But I think that PITs speed/skill out matches theirs. That would be a damn good series though. Two young goalies battling head to head. TOTALLY agree. I have played a lot of hockey (AAA, Jr.C, Jr. A, OHL equivalent in Europe), and even though that wasnt a "dirty" hit, thats the type of hit that is frowned upon in hockey. He totally blind-sided him, and it was a direct shot to the head. Especially being the second-last game to Ottawa before the playoffs, and the game is meaningless for the Leafs.
  4. I highly doubt that Heatley dragged him into the car with him that night. Just as much his fault. Plus...Heatley will suffer enough for the rest of his life, having that in the back of his mind. Ana is the team to watch in the West. As much as I would like to see a Canadian team make the cup finals this year it wont be MTL....they arent tough enough for the playoff style of play.
  5. I think that was his whole point. Thats what you get for asking for people's spots.
  6. As long as SJ doesnt meet CGY in the first round. If so, SJ is done. Very classy.
  7. If its for 1st round only, go with DET. For the whole playoffs.....then it gets interesting. East: Pits vs Ottawa/NJ (yes, Ottawa will turn it up a notch and make it as long as fisher & alfredsson come back) West: Det vs Ana/SJ/Cgy The west is a war, so its a toss up as to who will prevail. Sorry, but WSH has 1 player....not going to take you far in the post-season. I love Alex dont get me wrong, but you need more than 1 player to win the Cup.
  8. hahahahah, i love it. whenever politics are invloved...... the RAGE starts!! I think I shall sit back, and enjoy the show!!!
  9. Nice fish!! Who was your guide? Looks like the same boat I am in in my avatar picture.
  10. The only reason they were thrown out was because they had leaf jersey's on. But, like others have said, they wont do anything for you. Which really sucks for your friend(s). I hope your friend at least got a couple good shots in on the Sens fan!!
  11. I am hoping to get out to that. Also, I am supposed to be re-designing the Perch Festival website. Trying to get that organized right now! Might not be until next years site though.
  12. I am hoping to get out for the opening tournament. Have to play it by ear though.
  13. Lowrance for sure. I have a 522iGPS unit, and its great. No problems at all with it. When it comes to high-end electronics like this, always stick with the name brands.
  14. Sure they do.
  15. LOL
  16. Should I ask how you managed to lose not 1, but 3 cameras in one summer?!?!
  17. I am not on a team...even though I signed up....
  18. Thanks for the input everyone. The website TOMC is talking about is Animated Knots by Grog
  19. Thanks Cliff. Do you use Floro for the steelhead you have been catching? Is Floro really THAT good?
  20. Hey guys, I have 2 really simple questions...... 1) What advantages does a centerpin reel have over a high-end spinning reel? 2) I see everyone is on this Flourocarbon kick....how do you go about making the Flourocarbon leader? Do you attach the fluoro right to your main line? Or use a swivel? Whats this about steel clamps? Cheers, *Stoty
  21. same thing for me. Broken link
  22. I think he is asking about a generic chip, that can go into any unit.
  23. Actually it was a blue suit....but then again...who cares what colour it was....LOL
  24. LOL. Glad I could help bring some clarity to ya! And by clarity I mean a shimmery silver suit, with a nice
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