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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. YA HABS!!! I am by NO MEANS a habs fan, but they won me $37.50 tonight!!!
  2. LOL, thanks. She definitely isnt hard to look at!
  3. Here are my 3 best friends (wife is in the first picture): Jasmine - teacup Maltese Tyson - Chiwawa/Mini-Pin
  4. HAHAHA Fannies!! That brings back memories of my college days.....had a buddy who lived in NB, we went to visit him a few times, and somehow always ended up there.
  5. Sounds like the condition all married men have!!
  6. I dont really like the Red Wings, but they will score tons, and go far. (At least I hope so!!! )
  7. HAHAHAHAHA Dont be an internet Hero though......
  8. LOL *insert joke here* To be honest, the first thing that came to mind when I read that was a guy they call the "milfhunter".
  9. I would assume that the sponser of the banner would have tracking on it, to tell where the user clicked from. And if they see that a lot of traffic is coming from the OFC site, they are more likely to keep paying OFC to advertise here.
  10. HAHAHA Ya, they might be 12 inches by the 2018 tourny!!
  11. Are there any hatcheries around the GTA that sell Bass/Walleye fry to raise in an aquarium? Is that even legal?? I would love to raise a few buckets or eyes in my house. *Stoty
  12. When in doubt... SET THE HOOK!! Ya, spinners, tiny crankbaits, PINK POWER (trout) WORMS, hair jigs all seem to work. I am whites/finch area.
  13. Nope, dont see that team. I see a "Mavrick" though. You sure that isnt your team? Maybe Mavrick0140 is the username for the website you typed, and "Mavrick" is your team name.
  14. Hey Pachone, You want to keep your presentation as "natural" looking as possible. Which means keep the roe sack as close to bottom as you can. Trout will inhale the sack, not nibble. They dont have time to nibble on the bait, when its floating downstream. Most times the inhale is enough to pull the float under, but sometimes the float wont go under but just slowdown/stop mid-drift. Try not to move the bait at all during the drift. Again, natual-looking is the key. Let the river/current move the bait as it may. Hope this helps. *Stoty P.S - I live in Pickering, maybe I will see you on the river one day!
  15. Totally agreed. Its nothing against your work at all. Mother nature is powerful, and sometimes no matter how "well built" something it, it doesnt stand a chance against her! Believe me, your customer will appreciate it, and will go out of his way to generate more business for you. "You have to spend money, to make money"
  16. Ha ha ha, naw. The Sens wont make it past round 1. Probably next year's regular season pool though!
  17. I'm in. STOTY I really wanted McMoron, but wasnt available. Oh wait, this isnt PGA.com's pool!
  18. Sure, they might say they will match the prices.....but I wouldnt get your hopes up of CT actually having the item(s) in stock though, even though their computer system says so!! (Waiting on Irishfields comment)
  19. LOL, I cant say that I have heard that one before!!! But I have a funny feeling this thread is about to come to an end! It had a good run though. BY FAR my most successful thread. All in all, its going to be a heck of a playoffs. Toss up in both conferences, with no real favorites! Good luck to all teams. Cheers, *Stoty
  20. Ha ha ha, right on! Moving up, is always a good thing.
  21. Hahahah
  22. LOOOOOL Since when am I a Habs fan???????? I think you should take some of your own advice...
  23. Another humourous remark!
  24. Hey Ron, Thanks for posting that! I have also volunteered a few years doing that. I will save you the time of writing directions. Cobourg Creek Golf Course On the corner of Elgin St. and Ontario St. From the 401 - Take the Burnham St. Exit, head south. At the lights at Elgin street (Best Western on the corner), take a left. 2nd set of lights is Ontario. Golf course is right on the corner.
  25. HA HA HA
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