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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. But I do have to say....wow....almost 1,500 views on this topic.... I guess "cabin fever" is really setting in.
  2. AGREED.....Thanks Pinch! P.S - I highly doubt that he has ever played hockey, with a comment like that. PLEASE tell me you are not comparing McMoron to Orr. Yes, I am not saying he is crap because he scored on his own net. He is crap because of all the stunts he pulls. (read above) There is no point in saying the same things over.
  3. Actually I am a forward, and I dont own a Lazy Boy.
  4. HAHAHAHAHAH, could you IMAGINE!!!! The name "Bobitt" pops into my head.
  5. Apparently that shows that your common sense skills arent up to par. Its a little thing called "sarcasm". As for my hockey insight...lol...i think I can hold my own. Wow, you really love McMoron eh. Look at those stats you pulled from a McCabe Fan Club page or something. That about shows how good your hockey insight is, if you think he is even in the top 20 defenseman in the league.
  6. Amen brother!
  7. HAHAHAHHAHA He didnt want to drop the gloves.....Chara did, and started pounding on him. The he had no choice considering Chara already had him in the air basically. Give me $5 million, and I would drop the gloves with anyone! And I sure as heck wouldnt slash a rookie in his first game, once the horn went. Nor would I score on my own net in OT. Nor would I run into my own net. Nor would I kick my feet like a little baby if I broke my pinky! You obviously dont know hockey. I guess you haven't played competitively before, or else you would know the type of player McMoron is. Waste of time, money and equipment!
  8. LOL Those two YouTube Clips sum it up pretty much!!! USELESS!! Pretty tough with the stick, on a rookie. Lets see him try that with Brasher. Or better yet, Chara...who literally threw him around like a rag doll, while he was turtling!!!!
  9. I have done that before on multiple occasions actually. Ah yes, the hand surgery thing. 1) He was screwing the pooch way before the hand thing. 2) He acted as though he got shot when he broke his hand...kicking his feet like a little kid. And your other comments.... - Top 50 defense man in the league....well there arent many more than 50 in the league, lol - Playoffs....well cant really comment on that one eh, LOL Pretty tough when you 2-hand a ROOKIE in his first game (and dont think he didnt know that). Funny though, whenever McMoron does drop the gloves, it always with a guy much smaller than him. You dont see him dropping them with any of the established tough guys. Pathetic. At least Tucker will fight whoever, whenever. He doesnt pick his spots so he has a better shot at winning. Gotta hand it to the rookie....he won that fight, hands down. OH YA....forgot about that "highlight" in his season!
  10. Anyone who likes McMoron must have rocks in their head. Unless of course you like: 1) Scoring goals on you own net 2) Taking multiple stupid penalties pretty much every game 3) Couldn't beat it out of his own underwear 4) Makes $5+ million and gets like 20 points. 5) Shakes his head every time he gets a penalty. (even if he shoots the puck over the glass AFTER the other team scores a goal). Hopefully he is a better golfer than he is a hockey player.
  11. Ya man, thats awesome!!!! Congrats to Alex, and the rest of the Caps! They deserve it.
  12. It was still pretty high in Pickering today. It should be a little better by the morning though. I was debating the same thing.
  13. See that CRAP McCabe just pulled at the end of the game???? Way to use your stick you USELESS piece of THEN he gets pounded by a rookie in his FIRST game. HAHAHAHAHA Looks good on that moron. Go back to NYI you fat idiot. OK....that feels better. WOW, I cant stand him. P.S - enjoy the golf season!
  14. I was also thinking about getting some gulp leeches, but at $20+ per bucket, I hope they are worth it!! Too bad they didnt make smaller "buckets".
  15. Just wanted to thank Cranks Bait (Scott) for purchasing an ice auger for me when he found out I couldnt get one in Pickering. And also Tinbanger (Dave) for picking up the auger in Brockville, and meeting up with me in Pickering to deliver it! Good to see that there are still people like you two around. I owe you both a big thanks. Much appreciated! Cheers, *Stoty
  16. C'mon Washington.........just need to win or tie to get in!!!!
  17. Maybe he should have approached it a little differently then, instead of saying I want to know the best spots to fish, asap. "Hey everyone, I am new to the fishing thing, and was hoping to get out this weekend and try for some steelhead. I have never fished for them before, so I would like some advice on where I am able to fish for them right now." Then maybe people would be a little more friendly.
  18. Last week my wife rented that movie, and she is trying it out. She was 15 pts behind in my hockey pool last week, now she is within 5. She kept saying "i am going to win the pool, I am going to win the pool".... I hope the attraction is enough for her to gain the 5 points needed! (Then she will LOVE hockey pools, and not mind if I continue to run them)
  19. LOL, it was a joke...... hence the "LOL" after it.
  20. HAHAHAH, yes, yes it was! Turtles for the first 10 seconds, then the refs jump in...and OH BOY..he wants to fight now. (Typical McCabe) I guess he didnt think the refs would let them go..but they did, and he got pounded, hahahaha. Hey look at the good side...he didnt run into the net, or score on his own net last night!
  21. Funny, cause under your picture it says "Newbie"...... LOL I just dont get why people cant just be happy for other fisherman. You're not in a tournament, nor are you losing any money. Step off the high horses that you think you're on, grow up, be a man and say "Wow, nice fish. Congrats" If you know the spot, then I suggest you get out there, catch some fish and post your reports. Until then, zip it!
  22. Aside from the comments based towards PuckHead, I do have to agree with him about the Leafs. They rely on Sundin way too much. As good of a player as he is, he is WAY past his prime, and they need some new (young) talent to step up. What they need to do: 1) Get rid of that useless twit Bryan McCabe. Talk about the biggest waste of money in the NHL. Not to mention the biggest panzy in the league as well. 2) Use their draft picks for once, instead of trading them away for goalies. 3) Choose a goalie, and get rid of the other to free up room for a young goalie to come up (Pogge), and free up salary cap space to sign someone decent up front. 4) Get rid of Kubina, unless you think taking 248 penalties per game is a good idea. 5) Sign some GOOD UFA's this summer. They missed out last year for Briere.
  23. Wow, thats cool. Thanks for the invite! I just wish I had an extra $3,100 sitting around. That would be a fantastic learning experience, thats for sure.
  24. I totally agree that Alfredsson cooked his own goose on that hit, and that it wasnt a dirty hit at all. I just think that being the meaningless game it was for the leafs, there was no need to purposely crank a guy like that. But being a marginal player, he obviously doesnt have the respect that he should towards a team that is entering the playoffs. I didnt mean for it to sound like special treatment for a certain player, because no I dont agree with that at all. I meant it on a team basis. The leafs know they arent going anywhere, so there is no need to play like that against a team that is going into the playoffs. If you want to hurt Ottawa, then beat them on the score board. Thats hitting them where it hurts. Especially with Ottawa being on the brink of elimination. Maybe jail will teach Bell some respect.
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