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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. Good points Mike. A few things I didnt know in there. I am not a Musky fisherman, so I wouldnt know if it effects them or not. I am speaking on my experience with almost everything but Musky. Bass, Pike, Walleye, Trout, Crappie, Perch. I would like to get into Musky fishing though. Especially since I spend so much time on Stoney Lake. Cheers, *Stoty
  2. WOW, nice fish Cliff and Bly, good job! I really enjoy your posts (as do most others on the forum), so continue to post, and keep up the great work! Milty...You dont use a net, good for you. Its not a crime to use one. Then again, by the looks of your avatar picture, there is no need to net a fish that small.
  3. Hey Dano.... I am following you, just to keep looking at your avatar pic! hahahaha
  4. I wouldn't base any fishing on the moon...its not a critical factor at all. Base it more on cold fronts, barometric pressure, season, body of water, wind, water clarity. Those are your main factors.
  5. Exactly!!! Clear as mud! LOOOOOL
  6. Ha ha ha I am not getting my hopes up, until I have the thing in my hand thats for sure. Cant depend on their system!
  7. Since there are so many entries (and a few duplicates), I think it should be turned into a poll, with the most popular winning.
  8. I believe those calendars are based on the moon phases. I dont pay too much attention to those though. ANY day could be the best day on the water you have ever had. You never know!
  9. Might have to get Cranks bait to pick one of those up for me too! (just kidding Scott)
  10. Yet again, it says in stock....but I guess I wont know until I actually get there!! Its pathetic that your computer system is not accurate, when you're a multi-billion dollar corporation! *Thinking before I speak* Ok, I'm good now. LOL
  11. Now, THATS the kinda talk that will start the rage!!!!!!! lol
  12. oh really? just happens that mine fell in the lake last fall (dont ask), so I am in need of a new one! Thanks for the post!
  13. OUCH! Maybe next time he should watch where he is walking!
  14. Hahaha, I totally agree with you. Well said.
  15. Agreed, a big thanks in advance to him for picking up an auger for me when my local stores (which are a complete joke), gave me the run-around on them! Cheers to Scott! *Stoty
  16. April 26 at 12:01 a.m
  17. I wasnt just talking about your post. There was another one that took a stab at the product. And your question was answered. Unless of course you dont think "Our website will cover all the methods of running as many lines as you wish without tangles" is answering your question about multiple lines.
  18. You know, I just dont understand people sometimes. Vanselena has offered prizes for a contest that has to do with his/her product. Yet people take it as an opportunity to: 1) Crack jokes 2) Bash their product. Vanselena has went out of his/her way to answer all the question they can about the product, and has been nothing but very professional and nice about everything. It really pisses me off to see some people disrespect their product and this thread. If you have nothing nice to say, or no input on the thread topic (CONTEST), then DONT say anything at all. Man oh man.
  19. I think that answered your question.....
  20. "When you need to sink to their level...." or "In order to catch fish, you need to sink to their level"
  21. I have a HUGE collection of Maps from Ontario. Over 400 to be exact. PM me with the lakes you are looking for, and hopefully I have it.
  22. What I meant was, most people probably know the spots already, so not much point in blurring the pictures. Not knocking your fish, because they are beauties, thats for sure. Good job. Cheers, *Stoty
  23. I would say he was accurate with the 17lb range. Tis a nice fish for sure.
  24. There are only so many spots that are land accessible....don't see much point in hiding the background in the pictures. Whats the point in posting a picture, when you ruin 75% of it?
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