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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. Ohhhh, ok. Its a dynamic page because of the & sign in the URL. You need to have a direct link to the picture eg (www.yourwebsite.com/images/Picture.jpg) The facebook URLS are all dynamic because Facebook is too large to have individual pages for every members pictures. Try uploading the picture to photo bucket or some location where you can give the direct link. (Hope this makes sense)
  2. Hey man, Use the "Insert Image" button that is just above the text box, where you enter your post. (to the left of the Smiley face) Then just copy and paste the image URL in there.
  3. Nice report. But why dont you include the pictures in the thread itself?
  4. Exactly Steve. Its a shame they are too irresponsible to realize that. On another note with the MNR, I was out fishing Saturday morning and came across a few different "setups" they had in the trib to help the new Atlantic salmon they stocked in the stream. Thats great, but the MESS they left on the shoreline was unbelievable. There were metal rods, wire, garbage, etc just left there sitting all over the shoreline. For people who are supposed to be so "pro-environment", that didnt seem very conservative to me. Just plain lazy.
  5. pffffffffff Typical....taking advantage of everything they can.
  6. Nice fish. Looks like a pretty good days fishin! NICE BOAT. I would kill for a Ranger!
  7. What "ain't" right? Nothing wrong with snapping a picture of an OOS fish, as long as the fish is released.
  8. There is nothing wrong with taking a picture of a fish you caught. If its OOS, throw it back. As far as I know, there isnt a law against taking a picture of an OOS fish. The rule says they "prefer if you didnt", they dont say "DONT post pictures". I am assuming that they "prefer if you didnt", because of the few people who get all worked up about it.
  9. Nice fish for sure! That must have put up a heck of a fight!! (But beware....a "few" people on here really get their underwear in a knot about taking time to snap a picture of an OOS fish.)
  10. I know where that is...........hahahahah (sorry, just wanted to be the first to say that, since a few people seem to know EVERY spot others post. Looks like you're in for a good morning! Good luck!
  11. hahahahah
  12. Dont start at 11:59 though......
  13. I cant wait! This will be my 1st playoff experience. My buddy and I are so pumped up! And they allow camera's too, which is wicked! Cant wait to get some get shots!
  14. HA HA HA x 2
  15. Looks pretty good to me. Might want to take more than 2 floats though...
  16. Ha ha ha, never though of that! Anyone have a Red Wings Jersey they want to get rid of?!?!
  17. What kind of knife should you get.......a sharp one! As long as you know what you're doing, doesnt matter what kind!
  18. I JUST GOT TICKETS TO WATCH THE RED WINGS TAKE ON THE AVALANCHE IN DETROIT NEXT SATURDAY IN DETROIT!!!!!!!!!! So pumped!!!!! $70/ticket. I couldnt believe how cheap they were as well! GO WINGS GO!
  19. I have a feeling tomorrow night will be a sleepless one for me!
  20. You will catch Pike a lot when your Bass fishing. They hang out in the same spots Largemouth do. (Weeds) Just make sure (if your targeting Pike), that you attach a wire leader to your line, so you dont lose all your good bass baits!!
  21. Hey Ben, I would say its around 6lbs or so. Definitely a nice fish!
  22. Same here...team name "Stoty" I could use $100,000 right about now!
  23. Ya I would love to be paying $0.97/liter right now! ($3.69/g)
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